Chapter 571

When An Yi knew that he was going to follow the princess, he didn't have much emotional fluctuations, but just responded lightly.

The prince's guess was right, the concubine would not use disobedient people at all.

Mo Qingcheng lay on the bed, fell into a deep sleep, and took out all the things he needed in advance. He thought he could catch the murderer before he could cultivate in space, but now it seems that there is no way.

Without martial arts, Mo Qingcheng naturally had to properly arrange his equipment.

On the second night, everyone's body was tense, because everyone knew that today was the time for the murderer to act. If there was no action yesterday, there must be one today.

When Mo Qingcheng left, Zuo Shuangshuang and Zuo Jiaojiao stood at the gate of the yard and kept wandering. What happened yesterday was their fault. Regarding Mo Qingcheng's decision, the two of them would not say much, but they still hoped that they could have a Chance to apologize.

Mo Qingcheng walked out and left without even looking at the two of them.

Zuo Jiaojiao watched Mo Qingcheng leave, and immediately stomped her feet: "Sister, why do we have to ask her to apologize, you see, she doesn't pay attention to us at all!"

Zuo Jiaojiao bit her lip, and it took her a whole night to convince herself that she came to apologize to Mo Qingcheng. Although Zuo Jiaojiao was arrogant, she couldn't deny that what Mo Qingcheng said last night was quite correct.

But Mo Qingcheng's cold face today made Zuo Jiaojiao's heart unbalanced. After all, they didn't want to catch the murderer, otherwise she would not suffer such a big loss.

Zuo Shuangshuang glanced at Zuo Jiaojiao, her eyes were sharp: "Jiaojiao, Miss Seven is a princess, you are just a servant girl, you must not be big or small in the future."

After finishing speaking, Zuo Shuangshuang plucked up her courage and ran in front of Mo Qingcheng, blocking Mo Qingcheng's way. Mo Qingcheng raised a pair of cold water eyes, and the momentum on her body made Zuo Shuangshuang a little hard to breathe.

He glanced secretly at Zuo Shuangshuang and Zuo Jiaojiao behind him, and followed Mo Qingcheng, secretly startled by Mo Qingcheng's aura.

When Mo Qingcheng was angry, it was really similar to the aura exuded from their prince, which made people suffocate with tension.

The palms of the left and right hands were full of sweat. Facing Mo Qingcheng's eyes, they were a little apprehensive, but they still said seriously: "Princess, what happened yesterday was our fault. I'm sorry, we are willing to accept any punishment."

Zuo Shuangshuang and Zuo Jiaojiao always compare Mo Qingcheng with Miss Zuo, but the two of them forgot, what qualifications do they have to compare two people? It's all a qualitative thing.

Mo Qingcheng glanced at Zuo Shuangshuang indifferently, Zuo Shuangshuang couldn't help but take two steps back and get out of the way.

Mo Qingcheng passed by Zuo Shuangshuang directly, and the moment they passed by, Mo Qingcheng's cold voice sounded: "The person you are going to apologize to should be for the person who worked so hard yesterday for so many sleepless days, to catch The murderer is willing to apply the ointment that stings the skin, and tonight, the murderer's target."

An Yi looked back at Zuo Shuangshuang, and said with a cold face: "Have you forgotten all the rules of the house? Don't appear in front of the princess in the future. As for how to deal with you, it depends on the prince's will!"

Zuo Shuangshuang lowered his head respectfully, An Yi's status is extraordinary, he is higher than her by an unknown number of levels.

(End of this chapter)

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