Chapter 584
"Okay, if I don't take your husband seriously, it will prove that we are liars, and our Jishitang will be closed in the future, but if your husband wakes up, everything will be self-evident."

The young man spoke plausibly, and the shopkeeper was taken aback for a while.

When the shopkeeper heard the boy's promise, his face immediately turned pale, and he was about to scold him, but when he saw Mo Qingcheng behind the boy, a look of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

Where does the boy have the guts to say such a thing, it seems that Miss Seven agrees.

Miss Seven is the boss of Jishitang, but she thought Miss Seven was relatively low-key, so no one knew about it.

The shopkeeper shook his head, Miss Qi was very capable, and with Miss Qi behind her asking for it, he didn't say anything more.

The people were carried into the Jishi Hall, which was still very spacious inside. Dozens of people stood in, and the door was crowded with people, and there was still a place in the middle.

In front of the left and right people, it is necessary to prove whether the pill is a fake medicine or a real medicine.

The woman looked sad, but the corners of her mouth showed a curve. She wasn't afraid at all if the boy wanted to prove that it was the real medicine. Anyway, no matter what they said, she just pretended to be unconscious.

So let's see what they have to say.

The young man looked at the man, pretended to step forward to feel his pulse, then frowned, his face a little solemn: "It's terrible, your disease is not easy to cure."

The woman was taken aback for a moment, then raised her head blankly: "Sick? What kind of sickness?"

The little man looked at the woman and said sympathetically: "Madam, don't worry, don't worry, even if the disease is not curable, I will treat it for you, but I still want to advise Madam, don't let yourself be married too much in the future." Drinking flower wine."

The woman became angry when she heard it: "What, drinking flower wine, you are shameless."

As soon as the woman said a word, she received glaring glances from the strong man beside her, and the woman immediately became sad: "Don't talk nonsense, the head of my family has always kept himself clean, there will be no such thing."

The little guy suddenly said strangely: "If your husband didn't drink flower wine, how could he have Chunliu disease?"

Chunliu disease!
Although everyone was unfamiliar with this word, they all knew what was going on. Hearing that the man on the ground had the Spring Willow Disease, he was so frightened that he took a lot of steps back, and the woman was also startled.

"You, you are talking nonsense, no, it's impossible, absolutely impossible."

How could her man get the disease, no, no.

The little guy was a little frightened by the yelling, shrank his body, but still said cautiously: "You, haven't you two had sex for a long time? Isn't it because of Hualiu disease?"

After the boy finished speaking, he blushed, but the crowd immediately started talking about it because of the boy's words.

When the woman heard this, she was furious, got up from the ground, came directly to the man, stretched out her hand and grabbed the man's body, leaving five blood marks on the man's face immediately: "Well, you shameless, my old lady said Why don't you want to touch me? Feelings are sick, you are shameless, you say, do you do these things, do you feel sorry for me? "

The man who was lying down well at first became angry when he heard the boy's words, but he endured it all the time. Now when he heard the woman scratching him indiscriminately, the man stood up directly from the stretcher and slapped him hard. woman's face.

(End of this chapter)

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