Chapter 585
"You bitch, what are you calling, when did I get sick?"

After the man finished speaking, he looked at the boy and asked with a cold face: "You quack doctor, I don't have any disease, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Men don’t care about memorizing, but how can they not care about this matter? He still suffers from a disease of willows. It’s not wrong for him to go to the brothel often. He doesn’t want to touch his wife because his wife is hot and ugly. Where are the girls in the brothel? Charming and beautiful!

The woman didn't believe it, she was slapped on the face, and even lost the slightest sense of reason.

"Will the doctor tell you about the disease that doesn't exist? Tell me, you bastard, you got in touch with some little bastard, and that's why you have this disease."

The man pushed the woman aside impatiently: "Anyone is better than you, you don't look at yourself, you are ugly, and you don't have any women to support you, why did I go blind at the beginning and marry a woman?" A daughter-in-law like you."

The man looked disgusted, and with a strong body, he pushed the woman to the ground.

The woman was not willing to give up, she stepped forward and wrestled with the man, but the woman was no match for the man, with an unattractive face, she was beaten into a pig's head and kicked several times on her body, As for the man, there were several Wuzhishan blood marks on his face, neck, and body.

Everyone hid aside, watching the two fight, but no one came forward to pull.

In the end, the woman was knocked to the ground, and the man looked triumphant.

But the little guy stepped forward with a cold face: "Has everyone seen it clearly? This is a fake at all. These two people are liars, and they just want to cheat us of money."

There is nothing that everyone doesn't understand. The man is good, and even his wife can beat him. If he is said to be in a coma, no one will believe it.

The body of the man and the woman froze suddenly, and the dozen or so big men who followed were all disheveled. They had come to smash the shop, but they didn't expect the shop to be smashed, and a fight broke out among themselves.

Seeing a dozen or so tall and burly people coming out from behind Jishitang, the man immediately became a little scared and was about to sneak away. At this moment, a small group of officers and soldiers came over and said in a cold voice: "Just now someone said that there are people cheating here." .”

The young man immediately said, "Master, these are the people who pretend to be sick and cheat money. All the people here can testify."

When the officials heard the words and looked over, all the people nodded and spoke in a hurry.

The official came forward and waved his hand directly: "Take all the liars away, and your people will follow me too. We will investigate this matter clearly."

"Officer, you are wronged! Xiaomin is wronged. What Xiaomin said is false, but someone gave Xiaomin money to make Xiaomin say so. Xiaomin knows his mistake. Please don't take me away .”

There is no one who is not afraid of official posts when doing bad things. Men have a guilty conscience.

Officials don't like this: "Stop talking nonsense, what is said in the yamen."

After finishing speaking, he took the person away, and a dozen other big men also left together.

The shopkeeper of Jishitang went with his staff, and enthusiastic people also followed to help testify.

Bao Chuntang, Mo Tianlan was waiting to see a good show, but she didn't expect that she didn't see it as a good show, but let others watch a good show.

 The sixth shift in the evening is over, and we will see you at the eighth shift every day
(End of this chapter)

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