Chapter 616

In the dead of night, the moon is dark and the wind is high.

A petite shadow shuttled between the streets, and came to the Prime Minister's Mansion at an incomparably fast speed.

Mo Qingcheng looked left and right, and with a flash, he was three behind the wall in the backyard. Originally, Mo Qingcheng wanted to go out from the dog cave that he went out to sign up for before, but the dog cave had been sealed.

It is estimated that after Mo Qingcheng went out from here last time, he was discovered by someone later, so he was blocked.

Coming down from the wall, Mo Qingcheng rolled on the ground, and quickly reached the shadow. In this way, even if someone came, they wouldn't be able to find her immediately.

For the prime minister's mansion, Mo Qingcheng is still very familiar with it. This is the preparation that Mo Qingcheng has to make when he arrives at a place. For the prime minister's mansion, Mo Qingcheng has already drawn a map and memorized it in his mind by the way.

Along the way, Mo Qingcheng neatly avoided the eyes of the patrolling soldiers, and then came to the study room, but the study room was not so easy to enter, and there were guards behind him patrolling 24 hours a day.

It seems that the study room is really the most important place in the Prime Minister's Mansion, otherwise there would be no guards patrolling 24 hours a day.

Mo Qingcheng reached out and tapped his chin, then pulled the little snake out of the space, whispered a few words in the little snake's ear, and the little snake reluctantly left.

At a different time, there was a shocking noise from the back mountain, and when the guards on patrol heard it, they immediately ran towards the back mountain.

It's now!

Mo Qingcheng thought about it, rolled over, and immediately entered the study through the window.

Mo Qingcheng flew onto the beam, and installed the cameras in his hand on the four corners of the beam. Cameras were installed on all four corners of the beam. In this way, there would be no dead spots in the entire study.

Mo Qingcheng had just installed it, and before he left, he heard footsteps coming from outside. Mo Qingcheng's eyes suddenly became sharp, and then he flashed his body and entered the space.

The moment Mo Qingcheng entered, Mo Chengguang pushed the door open and came in, his eyes fell on the room, his eyes were deep and terrifying, and his body carried a terrifying aura. He walked in step by step, as if beating on someone's heart.

Mo Qingcheng dropped the camera out of the space, and then he could clearly see every corner of the four screens. Mo Qingcheng saw Mo Chengguang walking to the bookcase, but no one was found, and then continued to walk inside.

Mo Chengguang's study room is very large, with many cabinets, but the place where people can hide is very small. At a certain moment, Mo Chengguang suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction, but he saw nothing. The beams of the house were clean Yes, nothing.

At this time, Mo Chengguang returned to his chair, glanced at the things on the table, and there was no sign of being moved.

Mo Chengguang withdrew a letter from the file and put it in front of the candle, ready to burn it.

There was a strange symbol on the paper. The moment the camera captured it, Mo Qingcheng took a screenshot of the letter paper. Mo Qingcheng looked at the letter paper. There was nothing complicated on it. There was only one sentence, which was to find the treasure map, and then There is also a symbol on it.

Mo Qingcheng had just seen this symbol on the man he caught in the ruined temple before. Could it be that Mo Qingcheng has any connection with this matter?

Mo Qingcheng put away the picture, and then looked at Mo Chengguang. After Mo Chengguang sat on the seat, after burning all the letters, he was not ready to leave by then.

(End of this chapter)

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