Chapter 617 Are You Sick?

"Is this person sick? He actually doesn't want to leave."

Mo Qingcheng was anxious, if Mo Chengguang stayed here all the time, then he wouldn't have to wait all the time, it doesn't matter if Mo Qingcheng waits here, but what about the palace.

It might be strange if the servant girl didn't see her all morning.

However, Mo Chengguang slowly burned things, and then put them in the brazier at the side. There were also some burned things. Normally, if Mo Chengguang had any waste paper or other things, they would be burned immediately to prevent them from flowing out. .

Mo Chengguang looked at those ashes, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "It seems that I am really overwhelmed."

Because Mo Chengguang was fined and confinement, he was always worried that if the emperor investigated him, would he find anything. Although Mo Chengguang had wiped out all the traces, he was still worried.

After all, none of the subordinates he sent out investigated the identity of the person who wanted to get news of the treasure, whether it was the emperor's person, or someone hiding in the dark.

Maybe it won't be so scary if you know it, but the real scary thing is not knowing it.

When Mo Chengguang left, he glanced at his bookcase before leaving.

Mo Qingcheng came out of the space, glanced at the bookcase, always felt that when Mo Chengguang left, he looked at the bookcase with something deep in his eyes, Mo Qingcheng couldn't help but walked forward.

There was nothing complicated on the bookcase, just some books and vases, which were arranged normally. Mo Qingcheng moved up and down, and found that other things were relatively clean, but there was a vase, which was covered with dust, which was the same as the surrounding ones. The unstained books seemed a little out of place.

Mo Qingcheng stepped forward to pick up the vase, but found that there was no way to pick up the vase. Mo Qingcheng couldn't help turning around, but the bookcase suddenly opened, and there was a one-person-high entrance behind.

A flash of curiosity flashed in Mo Qingcheng's eyes, and he walked in directly. Just as he entered, the cabinet behind him closed by himself. Mo Qingcheng ignored it, and continued to walk inside, walking through the long passage. In order to see clearly what was inside, Mo Qingcheng Qingcheng directly took out a headlamp, put it on her head, and then took out a headlamp to illuminate the front.

The passage is not far away, and it has reached a wide place. In front of it are two forks in opposite directions. Mo Qingcheng has to choose one to go in, but what will be on the other side?

For this matter, Mo Qingcheng arranged for Xiao Snake to bring a camera, and the two of them walked in one direction, one at a time.

Mo Qingcheng was afraid that there would be a mechanism in front of him, so he took out a space suit from the space and put it on his body. The inside was inflated with hot air, and the hot air could be controlled by himself. Using the principle of a hot air balloon, Mo Qingcheng's feet moved away from the opposite side. And the height of Mo Qingcheng from the ground is controlled by the pump filled with hot air at his waist.

Mo Qingcheng was about half a foot away from the ground, that is, about [-] centimeters to [-] centimeters, and it floated away all the way.

What Mo Qingcheng didn't know was that not long after Mo Qingcheng left, Mo Chengguang came back. He always felt that there was someone in the room, but he couldn't find it, which was really strange.

But before Mo Chengguang left, he glanced at the cabinet, and that hint was enough to make a curious person enter the secret room.

(End of this chapter)

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