Chapter 741
When Mu Xi saw Mo Qingcheng, his expression was arrogant, and he didn't put Mo Qingcheng in his eyes at all.

In Mu Xi's view, Mo Qingcheng is nothing but bragging and empty talk. Although he has a few tricks, he is not comparable to the Mu family.

When Mu Xi took the initiative to compete with Mo Qingcheng, Mo Qingcheng directly refused and even conceded.

If you admit defeat, you will admit defeat, and you still say that medical skills are used to save people, and they should be used where they should be used, on patients. A boring game is just to satisfy a kind of vanity. Such a game what sense.

Dare not to compare means not to compare, what a big talk.

Mu Xi's eyes fell on Mo Qingcheng, and a sneer suddenly appeared on his originally calm face.

"I thought it was someone! It turned out to be you."

"Hehe, I remember that you didn't keep saying that medical skills are used to save people, and they should be used where they should be used, and used on patients. Why are you here to participate in the assessment today?"

Mu Xi still clearly remembers that sentence.

She swore at that time that as long as she had the chance, she would trample Mo Qingcheng under her feet, and let Mo Qingcheng know how ridiculous the words she said were.

The corner of Mo Qingcheng's mouth curled up slightly, and he smiled lightly at Mu Xi's resentful eyes.

"I just said something casually at the beginning, but you actually remember it so clearly, word for word."

"Could it be that I am so important in your heart?"

Hearing this, Mu Xi immediately raised her hand angrily, pointing at Mo Qingcheng, blushing.

She, she can say such shameless words.

At this time, Mo Qingcheng saw a familiar figure again, and before Mo Qingcheng could speak, he happily spoke to Convenience.

"Pretty sister, I knew you would come."

Shi Shi happily thought of Mo Qingcheng walking over, with a happy expression on his face, it could be seen that Shi Shi was very happy to meet Mo Qingcheng here.

Mu Xi stared at Mo Qingcheng bitterly as if she was looking at a stone.

I really don't know what's so good about this woman, so many people are willing to surround her.

Shi Shi didn't even look at Mu Xi, and walked directly past Mu Xi without looking sideways, and went straight to Mo Qingcheng's side.

Mu Xi bit her lip. Last time because of Shi Shi's age, she didn't take Shi Shi into her heart, and lost to Shi Shi. Today, she will not underestimate the enemy.

Mu Xi is four or five years older than Shi Shi.

Having lost to someone so much younger than herself, Mu Xi has been retreating with her master for a while, just to get rid of the shame.

Today is the time to show her training results during this period of time.

Shi Shi didn't know what was going on in Mu Xi's heart. He and Mo Qingcheng were holding posts in the Imperial Hospital, and the assessment was also necessary. As for the other guests in the palace, they no longer had to participate in the assessment.

They have already passed the assessment to the first-rank imperial doctor, and if they go up, they will be medical administrators and deputy medical administrators.

Shi Shi happily looked at Mo Qingcheng, with a rare smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Beautiful sister, I have encountered a difficult problem recently, and I haven't quite understood it. After the assessment is over, can you teach me?"

It takes a long time to discuss a question, especially an intractable disease, but the assessment is about to begin, and Stone can only ask after the assessment is over.

(End of this chapter)

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