Chapter 742 Ridiculous
Mu Xi walked beside Mo Qingcheng and Shitou, heard Shitou's words completely, then gave Mo Qingcheng a mocking look, and walked forward first.

With Mo Qingcheng's level, Shitou went to ask Mo Qingcheng for advice, he must be out of his mind!

Mo Tianlan came with Mu Xi, and His Royal Highness, the eldest grandson, had greeted her in advance, even the soldiers at the gate would not stop her.

So Mo Tianlan, like all the contestants, walked in openly.

Mu Xi and Mo Tianlan walked in front, and when they got close to the soldiers, their faces turned pale. The murderous intent permeated from these people was unexpectedly so strong.

The battlefield is cruel, and it is no ordinary person who can survive from the battlefield.

Now that there are so many people gathered together, their aura is not suppressed at all, how can a rich lady like Mu Xi and Mo Tianlan bear it.

The commander of the soldiers saw the expressions of the two people in his eyes, and his eyes were calm. They were not the first to enter with such expressions, nor would they be the last.

Immediately behind were Shi Shi and Mo Qingcheng.

Regardless of Shitou's young age, he has practiced martial arts since childhood. Although his face is a little ugly, it is not so obvious.

As for Mo Qingcheng, it's like walking in the back garden of his own house, just strolling in the courtyard, his expression has not changed at all, and there is still a sense of nostalgia in his eyes.

What is this ghost?

The soldier commander couldn't help but rubbed his eyes, and finally realized that he was right, so he couldn't help but slander in his heart.

"As expected of a woman of the Twelve Princes, this calmness alone is remarkable."

Mo Qingcheng didn't know what the soldier commander was thinking, so he walked over calmly.

The short distance of more than ten meters, for Mu Xi and Mo Tianlan, was like going through an extreme exercise, and their legs were a little soft.

The stone was better, but some sweat came out of his forehead.

On the other hand, Mo Qingcheng was like a normal person. The road just now had no effect on Mo Qingcheng.

"Beautiful sister, are you not feeling well?"

When Shi Shi walked among the soldiers, he felt extremely uncomfortable. The deep and oppressive feeling made people extremely uncomfortable.

He seemed to see the bones and the blood-stained land. Just thinking about that feeling made him feel depressed.

Mo Qingcheng patted Shi Shi on the shoulder.

"They are the cutest people and deserve our respect. If you can, you might as well go to the battlefield to experience it. There will let you grow quickly."

Upon hearing this, Shi Shi couldn't help but yearn for it.

"If there is a chance, I must try it."

Mo Qingcheng and Shitou talked, and then they walked to the Imperial Hospital. There are already many people in the Imperial Hospital. After all, there are many royal doctors who are named by the princes and relatives of the emperor, so there are naturally many people who come for the assessment.

There are five judges, apart from Xizhi, the deputy medical officer, and Zhu Zheng, the medical officer, the other three are the Twelve Princes Di Jiuyang, His Highness the Emperor's Grandson, Di Zihang, and one is a medical expert, known as the sage doctor Mei Baicao .

Mei Baicao is already 70 years old, and her hair has more silver strands, but her eyes are bright, and she looks like a fairy.

It is said that the elder Wuwei, Sun Wudao, should also salute respectfully in front of Mei Baicao.

It was the first time Mo Qingcheng saw Mei Baicao, and now few people mentioned Mei Baicao. Everyone called him a master doctor, but as long as he was mentioned, everyone would praise him.

(End of this chapter)

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