Chapter 749 Challenge 4
Di Zihang looked at Di Jiuyang, with a faint bitter smile on his lips.

"Okay, since you all agree to compete, let's compete!"

After Di Zihang finished speaking, the game continued.

The first to start is the second-rank imperial doctor, the question has already come out, a stick of incense has been lit, and everyone has already started to answer the question.

At the same time as the second-rank imperial doctor competition, the assessment of third-rank imperial doctor and fourth-rank imperial doctor also started at the same time.

Because the grades are different, everyone's assessment questions are different. The third-rank imperial doctor gave each person a poison, not only to decompose the poison's medicinal materials, but also to write down the detoxification prescription.

But Mo Qingcheng's side is a little simpler, all you need to do is decompose all the ingredients of a pill, and then write it on a white paper.

Chinese medicine pays attention to looking, smelling, asking, and feeling.

Everyone first puts the pills under their noses and smells them, and removes whatever herbs they smell.

Then it is to crush the pills to check the ratio of the powder and the degree of fusion.

When it comes to Mo Qingcheng, it is even easier. Mo Qingcheng can directly throw a part of the pill into the space, and the space only needs to check what ingredients are in it, and it will come out immediately.

[-]% correct, can't go wrong.

But for these things, Mo Qingcheng can do it without relying on the medical space.

She directly brought the pill close, and could smell it, what kind of medicinal material was inside, and then directly smashed the pill, looked at the color and texture, and looked at the effect of the medicine, so she knew what kind of pill it was.

The composition of the pill is not very complicated, and there are only more than [-] medicinal materials in it, but these medicinal materials are not so common and relatively unorthodox.

After Mo Qingcheng finished writing, he checked it and handed in the answer.

Among the imperial doctors assessed at this time, those who checked were relatively slow, but only wrote down five or six herbs, and those who were fast, only wrote down a dozen herbs.

Seeing that Mo Qingcheng handed over the answers so quickly, they immediately felt that Mo Qingcheng must be bragging just now. In such a short period of time, it is already very good to be able to write half of them correctly. As for writing them all down, it is almost impossible.

Mo Qingcheng is now a fourth-rank imperial doctor, so they naturally regard Mo Qingcheng as a fourth-rank imperial doctor.

Even if it is a little bit better, it is only at the level of a third-rank imperial doctor, how can it be so good.

Everyone thought disdainfully in their hearts.

As for the imperial physicians of other ranks, they couldn't help paying attention to Mo Qingcheng. After all, it was Mu Xi who Mo Qingcheng was going to challenge, and Mu Xi was the best among the second rank imperial physicians.

This time, No.1 was born between Shi Shi and Mu Xi.

Mo Qingcheng dared to challenge Mu Xi, this courage is really great, they pay attention to Mo Qingcheng, naturally they want to see if Mo Qingcheng has such a level.

But when they saw that Mo Qingcheng handed in the answer so quickly, they were immediately disappointed.

At first I thought it was really capable, but now it seems that it is just talking big.

This Mo Qingcheng doesn't think that there are twelve princes among the judges this time, as long as there are twelve princes protecting him, he can win the chatting competition!
If that's the case, it's really ridiculous.

Although there are several judges today, His Royal Highness and the Twelve Princes don't know anything about medicine at all. They say they are judges, but they are here to supervise and evaluate.

And the one who really has the final say is Mei Baicao.

(End of this chapter)

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