Chapter 750 Challenge 5
Who is Mei Baicao? She is notoriously unselfish. Good is good, and bad is bad. There will never be any favoritism or fraud.

Moreover, Mei Baicao's own identity is also very noble, and her temperament is uncertain. No matter what the other party's identity is, she will never succumb to power.

Therefore, even if the Twelve Princes want to protect Mo Qingcheng and threaten Mei Baicao, Mei Baicao will not tell lies.

Moreover, there are so many people here today, and everyone has eyes. It is impossible to protect Mo Qingcheng in front of so many people's bread.

The time for a stick of incense has passed.

Mo Qingcheng fell asleep on his desk, and the first round of assessment was over.

Next came the second round of assessment. Compared with the first round, the second round of assessment was a bit more difficult. They received a copy of poison materials, and based on the given herbs, they wrote down the detoxification prescription.

As for the ingredients of the poison, there are poisons that are compatible with each other. In this way, the production of the poison will fail.

And there are many places that are unreasonable.

Everyone looked at the prescription in their hands, and couldn't help feeling distressed. They seemed to have never heard of this kind of poison. Since they haven't heard of it, how can they write a prescription for detoxification! !

Mo Qingcheng didn't understand it at first, but after thinking twice, Mo Qingcheng found out.

It turned out that the poison prescription was not complete at all, but an incomplete prescription. Since it was incomplete, the poison prescription had to be completed first.

All the most important herbs in it have been written down, and it is not difficult to complete the prescription.

Mo Qingcheng thought about it for a while, and then began to perfect the poison prescription. After the poison prescription was perfected, he began to write the detoxification prescription.

These things are nothing to Mo Qingcheng.

Soon, Mo Qingcheng was completed.

This time, the time is still a stick of incense, and after a stick of incense passes, some people have not written out the detoxification prescription at all, and these people do not need to participate in the next round of assessment, and are directly eliminated.

The number of people decreased all of a sudden. Not only did the assessment of the fourth-rank imperial doctor eliminate some admit defeats, but even one person was eliminated in the assessment of the second-rank imperial physician. There were originally only five people, but now there are only four left. .

After the assessment fails, the rank of imperial physician will not change.

The third round of assessment was performed on real patients, and an old lady came out. Everyone could determine the other person's condition in their own way, and then write down the prescription.

After three rounds of competition, according to the results of the three rounds, the person with the first overall score is the winner of this competition.

Sitting next to Di Zihang, Mo Tianlan stared at Mo Qingcheng for a moment. Seeing that Mo Qingcheng wrote quickly, she felt a little disapproving.

"It seems that what Fifth Younger Sister said just now is a bit too big. She is the first to submit the answer every time, and it is so fast. Others have only finished half of it, and she has finished it."

"I don't know how many times the answer can be correct."

Mo Tianlan's words were meant for Dizihang. Mo Tianlan wanted to test Mo Qingcheng's position in Dizihang's heart, and at the same time let Dizihang understand.

Mo Qingcheng is a waste who knows nothing at all, and he is not worthy of Zihang, the only person who is worthy of him is her, Mo Tianlan.

(End of this chapter)

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