Chapter 757 Challenge 12
Mu Xi rescued the spies, but the time had not yet come. Seeing the poison that sealed the throat with blood, the time for a stick of incense was not long, and Mu Xi actually completed the task ahead of schedule.

The eunuch at the side wrote down the results and immediately lit another stick of incense. At this time, a spy who was poisoned in the same way was brought up. Even the degree of poisoning was the same as Mu Xi's.

Everyone looked at it and couldn't help admiring, this is not fake at all.

Mo Qingcheng had been prepared for a long time, and took out a set of silver needles from his arms, actually from the space.

Everyone looked at Mo Qingcheng at this time, but he was still worrying about the game. This kind of character had to be admired.

In fact, as early as after Mu Xi made a move, they felt that Mo Qingcheng was doomed today.

After all, Mu Xi has already cultivated the Xuansi Magic Needle to the fifth level. Everyone has seen the excellence of the Xuansi Magic Needle. How could Mo Qingcheng compare to it.

Shi Shi was so anxious that he couldn't help looking at Di Jiuyang, wanting to see if the prince had any good ways to save the situation.

After all, if it continues, maybe Mo Qingcheng is really going to lose. If he loses what he said before, it will definitely be very embarrassing.

But Di Jiuyang didn't look at the stone, his eyes were fixed on Mo Qingcheng who was in the square with a calm expression.

The current Mo Qingcheng is like a green lotus sprouting from the mud, even in the face of disdainful eyes and all kinds of unpleasant comments around her, she can still keep her face unchanged.

This kind of character is something that Mo Qingcheng has experienced on the battlefield, and it is incomparable to everyone.

On the battlefield, bullets fly by before our eyes, but the patients in our hands still need to be treated. Not far away, there may be bombs flying over. If we don’t have a strong heart, we can’t do it at all.

Every military doctor on the battlefield is good. Di Jiuyang couldn't help but curl his mouth when he thought of those days when he was able to get along with Mo Qingcheng day and night.

What attracted him was never Mo Qingcheng's alluring appearance, but his disposition and indifference.

Standing in the world, he turned a deaf ear to the comments and ridicule around him.

Mo Qingcheng took out her own silver needles and began to treat them. Mo Qingcheng's silver needles are not silver, but colorful. They look very beautiful. All kinds of bright colors reflect beautiful light in the sun, like Pretty as a rainbow.

Everyone had never seen such a silver needle before, and someone opened their mouth suspiciously.

"Is this a silver needle?"

"Does she really know acupuncture? How come the silver needles she took out are different from those used by others?"

"It can't be that I know I'm going to fail, so I plan to smash the can!"

A voice sounded, and everyone began to discuss. Gong Xizhi at the side also felt extremely curious, and couldn't help asking.

"Miss Fifth, I don't know what is going on with these silver needles?"

When Mo Qingcheng heard the words, he opened his mouth casually.

"These are medicine needles."

medicine needle?

What is that, they have never heard of it!

Gong Xizhi wanted to continue asking, but Mo Qingcheng had already started to give needles. Even though Gong Xizhi wanted to know very much, he couldn't help swallowing all the questions at this moment.

The most taboo thing in practicing medicine is to be interrupted when performing acupuncture.

Mo Qingcheng took silver needles of various colors in an orderly manner, and directly stuck them on the assassin's body. When Mo Qingcheng stopped moving, the assassin had turned into a hedgehog.

It's just that the assassin's face didn't change at all, and he still looked poisoned.

(End of this chapter)

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