Chapter 758 Challenge 13
Chapter 761: Challenge 13
Mo Qingcheng's needle was very fast, so it didn't take much time.

Everyone waited for a while, seeing that there was no change in the assassin, they couldn't help becoming suspicious.

It looks mysterious, but it seems to be of no use.

They said, how these colorful silver needles can cure diseases and save lives is really ridiculous.

Mo Tianlan saw that the assassin's face remained unchanged, and looked as if he was dead, so she immediately taunted.

"Fifth Sister, although I really want to help you, there is nothing I can do now. It seems that you have not saved this assassin."

"If that's the case, then don't waste any more time, how about announcing Mu Xi's victory directly."

Although there is still a lot of time, Mo Qingcheng himself has stopped, and the assassin has not shown any signs of improvement. It seems that the result cannot be changed.

Everyone has no objection to this result.

In the crowd, a few people who had a good relationship with Mu Xi couldn't help but speak.

"Before some people were still talking big here, didn't they think their medical skills were amazing, now it seems that they are really good, and they directly stabbed people to death."

"This man is a spy. If he is rescued, he might be able to ask some questions. It is really a pity that he is put to death by you right now."

"That's right, some people just don't know how much they weigh. They were fools before, but after learning medical skills for a few days, they feel that they are amazing. They want to compete with Miss Mu, so they don't even look at it. What is your level?"

"Miss Mu's show just now is really powerful. It made us gain knowledge. Speaking of people, we really can't compare with each other. Some people let us gain knowledge, but some people let us see it as a joke. .”



Some cynical sarcasm and relentless ridicule all came out of these people's mouths.

At this moment, as if the assassin in the local area had been stimulated by something, he suddenly raised half of his body, spit out a mouthful of black blood, not only that, but also opened his eyes.

The assassin didn't know what happened, but after vomiting a mouthful of blood, he fell down again, looking at the people around him with a bewildered expression on his face.

Looking at the people gathered around him, he couldn't help shouting.

"What do you want to do, what do you want to do to me."

After all, his identity as an assassin has been discovered, and now he is lying on the ground inexplicably, surrounded by people from the Beisheng Kingdom. Could it be a new torture method developed by the Beisheng Kingdom recently?
The assassin was full of energy at the moment, and he didn't look poisoned at all. Apart from being a little weak, he looked like a whole person.

Everyone was silent, shocked, unable to recover for a long time, the entire venue of the competition was silent.

At this moment, Mei Baicao came down from the judges' seat, came in front of the assassin, and put her hand on the assassin's wrist.

Then he looked at Mo Qingcheng in shock.

"The poison has been completely cured, and the body is no longer in serious trouble."

There is no serious problem, which means that the assassin is a normal person now, without the slightest weakness of walking through the gate of hell.

"How on earth did you do it?"

The Xuansi needle can also do this, but only if Mu Xi's father can do it. Mu Xi doesn't have this ability yet, but Mo Qingcheng has such superb medical skills at such a young age, it has to be amazed up.

(End of this chapter)

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