Chapter 807 Dinner
Shu Rong didn't understand, what's so good about Mo Qingcheng to make Chang Tian obey like this.

Chang Tian's personality looks indifferent, but in fact he is extremely arrogant in his heart. If he hadn't had real ability, Chang Tian would only take it as an order and would not obey like this.

Chang Tian's obedience to Mo Qingcheng is because of Mo Qingcheng's status in Di Jiuyang's heart.

The prince has ordered.

"You take care of her."

"It's more important than staying with me and protecting me."

When Wang Ye said this sentence, Chang Tian understood it.

In the heart of the prince, the life of the princess is more important than his own. If something happens to the princess, the prince will be the one who will be hurt the most.

It was also from that time that Chang Tiancai decided that no matter what happened, he would protect the princess comprehensively.

Naturally, Chang Tian would not explain these words to Shu Rong.

"I know what I want to do."

After finishing speaking, Chang Tian mercilessly walked past Shu Rong and returned to his room.

Shu Rong came here today because he wanted to inquire about Mo Qingcheng from Chang Tian, ​​but in the end he saw Chang Tian respectful to Mo Qingcheng.

She couldn't bear it immediately, and when she came to the door of Chang Tian's room, she just wanted to argue with Chang Tian.

It turned out that Chang Tian had this attitude.

Was he also fascinated by Mo Qingcheng's beauty?

He even forgot his duty to protect the prince, and followed a woman's ass every day, obedient to orders.

Chang Tian, ​​how did you become like this now.

In the room, Di Jiuyang was sitting on a soft couch beside him, holding a book in his hand.

The food is on the table.

When Mo Qingcheng walked in, he saw such a scene.

"When did you come back?"

Seeing Mo Qingcheng walk in, Di Jiuyang put down the books in his hand and waved to Mo Qingcheng.

Mo Qingcheng chuckled, and walked over, the two squeezed on the soft couch, Di Jiuyang hugged Mo Qingcheng, smelling the smell of Mo Qingcheng.

"It's been a long time since I came back. I knew you were in the laboratory, so I read the meeting memorial."

"I didn't eat at noon, you must be hungry!"

After speaking, he let go of Mo Qingcheng, took Mo Qingcheng's hand and came to the table.

On the table, the maid has already arranged the meals, and each dish is still steaming.

Di Jiuyang pulled Mo Qingcheng to sit down, and the table was all Mo Qingcheng's favorite food.

In the palace, there are standards for eating, but Di Jiuyang never cared about these, and only follow Mo Qingcheng's preferences, but he is also afraid that Mo Qingcheng will get tired of eating, so there will be changes every day, but the taste is all biased towards Mo Qingcheng's liking of.

Mo Qingcheng looked at it, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

"Let's eat!"

It's obviously something that needs to be done every day, it's such a simple and incredible thing, but Mo Qingcheng feels sweet in her heart.

Di Jiuyang helped Mo Qingcheng pick out the fishbone, and put the fish meat in Mo Qingcheng's bowl.

Mo Qingcheng likes to eat fish, but he is not very good at picking fish bones, so he only eats two bites every time, so let it go!
Mo Qingcheng followed suit, picked up a chopstick of beef and put it in Di Jiuyang's bowl.

This beef dish is really delicious and delicious. Di Jiuyang likes to eat beef, but there are some condiments in it. Di Jiuyang doesn't like to eat it. Mo Qingcheng peels those things carefully.

Di Jiuyang smiled, sitting and eating with her every day was a very happy thing.

Seeing Mo Qingcheng's satisfied face and his squirrel-like cheeks, Di Jiuyang felt his heart soften.

(End of this chapter)

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