The black-bellied emperor: the only enchanting princess

Chapter 808 Departure the day after tomorrow

Chapter 808 Departure the day after tomorrow
After a meal, Mo Qingcheng nestled in Di Jiuyang's arms contentedly and read a book.

Two people, each holding a book, huddled together, reading, no one bothered the other, but there was a feeling of quiet time.

Mo Qingcheng turned two pages and spoke slowly.

"Are we leaving the day after tomorrow?"

Di Jiuyang responded.

"Depart early in the morning the day after tomorrow. It will take five or six days to travel to Xidu Kingdom. Let's start early. On the way, you can still enjoy the scenery of Xidu Kingdom."

When Mo Qingcheng heard the words, he said "um", and then stopped talking.

The next day, Chang Tian brought three bottles to the black market.

Usually in the black market, a bottle of Huiqi Pill would be snatched up, but is the liquid Huiqi Pill refined by the princess useful?

Chang Tian was somewhat skeptical. After all, the value of Huiqi Pill was really amazing. There were only three people who could refine it. This thing was priceless, and it was rare to find it in the black market.

My own concubine seemed to refine it too easily, so she casually refined three bottles.

You know, it takes several days for Master Mei to refine the Qi Hui Pill once.

Returning Qi Pill, this is a life-saving elixir, and the Returning Qi Pill in Master Mei's hands is even more difficult to find.

Not only because there are too many precious medicinal materials in Huiqi Pill, but even Master Mei and the others have a chance of failure when they refine it themselves, so Master Mei rarely refines Huiqi Pill because the medicinal materials are too difficult to find .

Chang Tian is no stranger to the black market, so he went directly to the appraisal room of the black market and found the person in charge.

The person in charge was a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties. When he saw Chang Tian walking in, a smile appeared on his face immediately.

"Chang Tian, ​​why are you here at this time? Did the master have some orders?"

Chang Tian handed the medicine in the technique to the man.

"Identify this bottle of potion and auction it."

The man saw that the potion was handed over to the people around him, so he brought Chang Tian to the backyard. There were only the two of them here, so they spoke without any scruples.

"Is something wrong?"

Chang Tian shook his head.

"No, I'm here to auction things."

The man nodded.

It's nothing unusual to come here to auction things every day, and there have been such things before.

"People from the ghost clan have been active recently, so they probably haven't given up on the blood lotus."

"We don't care about people from the ghost clan going to other places, but if they want to come to the capital, we have to take care of them."

Chang Tian nodded.

"The ghost clan has never participated in the battles between several countries, and they are not under our control. They are like living in seclusion in a paradise, and they will not easily do anything impulsive."

The middle-aged man nodded.

"There is one more thing. People who know about Qilin are now playing with the West Poison Country. They just heard that the West Poison Patriarch of the West Poison Country, his apprentice was killed, and the West Poison Patriarch has already spoken out cruelly. , For those who killed his apprentice, he must find out and tear his body into pieces."

"I don't know who it is, but dare to attack the apprentice of Patriarch Xidu, it's amazing."

Chang Tian sneered.

"If I find this person, I should thank him well. The Patriarch Xidu killed so many people in our Beisheng Kingdom back then. Now killing one of his apprentices will make him cheaper."

However, this person is really a little bolder, even the ancestor of Xidu dared to offend.

(End of this chapter)

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