Chapter 829 Giant Python
"Everyone, be careful, the saliva in this giant python's mouth is very corrosive, as long as it gets on a little bit, it will be very troublesome!"

The people at Nangong Xingchen roared, watching the giant python slowly slid towards them, his whole body tensed up.

The giant python stood up abruptly, spraying the saliva from its mouth like someone coming.

It's like being able to understand what the other party just said.

The more they are afraid of something, the more the python will do it!
Nangong Yuehua and the others dodged the giant python's saliva, but looked embarrassed.

In order to avoid the saliva, she rolled on the ground before hiding.

And where she was hiding, the saliva of the giant python directly corrupted the grass on the ground.

Seeing Nangong Yuehua, her face turned pale. If she got this saliva on her just now, she might be disfigured.

The current situation does not allow her to think too much, Nangong Yuehua got up very quickly, but the python seemed to like teasing Nangong Yuehua very much, others ignored it, and rushed towards Nangong Yuehua directly.

Nangong Yuehua hadn't stood still yet, seeing the python rushing over, she could only dodge to the other side in a hurry, who knew that that was where Mo Qingcheng was.

Nangong Yuehua's expression turned a little ugly, but she quickly pulled Mo Qingcheng aside.

"Are you looking for death!"

"Get out of the way."

Nangong Yuehua knew that Mo Qingcheng did not know martial arts, although she felt that it was Mo Qingcheng who caused her to fall to this point.

But he will not be malicious, wanting to hurt Mo Qingcheng.

Nangong Yuehua pushed Mo Qingcheng away with a bad expression, and when she turned her mouth, she saw that the python had rushed over. When Nangong Yuehua didn't pay attention, its tail swept over.

Nangong Yuehua was directly swept to the ground, making a loud noise.

The boa constrictor has a huge body, Nangong Xingchen was about to step forward when he saw his sister lying on the ground.

The boa constrictor threw its tail directly!

The python's tail is very flexible, Nangong Xingchen exhausted all his skills, but he couldn't rush forward.

Nangong Yuehua raised her head, and saw the python's head was close in front of her eyes.

The fishy smell in her mouth made Nangong Yuehua feel nauseous.

The boa constrictor raised its head, opened its mouth wide, and exposed its fangs.

Nangong Xingchen's eyes were red with anxiety, his eyes were about to pop out, and his hands were getting harder.

But it was all in vain, the long sword slashed on the giant python, leaving only a white mark, not even breaking the skin.

Their behavior, to the python, is like scratching an itch!
"Little sister, don't"

Nangong Xingchen's eyes were about to split, and when he saw that the giant python was about to bite down, he yelled in despair.

At this moment, Mo Qingcheng directly blocked Nangong Yuehua's reluctance, and the body that was bitten off by the giant python rolled out without knowing what happened.

It hit the tree trunk on the side and directly overwhelmed the tree trunk.

Time seems to stand still at this moment.

Everyone turned their heads stiffly and looked at Mo Qingcheng.

There was no bloody scene, but the scene in front of me was even more shocking than watching a person being eaten by a python.

"what's going on?"

"Is your wife a master of martial arts?"

With the revolutionary friendship of fighting the python together, Nangong Xingchen's subordinates looked at Chang Tian in surprise and asked!
Chang Tian stiffly shook his head, as far as he knew, the young lady only knows a little bit about three-legged cats!

How did the boa constrictor fly?

yes fly!

(End of this chapter)

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