Chapter 830 Strike
The giant python that chased them all over the mountain was now sent flying by a woman.

The body has already flown 30 meters away, it is a giant python tens of meters long and thicker than the mouth of the water tank, at least it weighs several thousand catties!

Just flew out!
Mo Qingcheng coughed, turned around, and pulled Nangong Yuehua up.

Nangong Yuehua's legs were so weak that she couldn't stand at all and could only lean on Mo Qingcheng.

When Shui Xiu saw him, he hurried to his young wife and took Nangong Yuehua over.

Nangong Yuehua's face was still pale, obviously frightened by the big mouth just now.

"You, you know martial arts?"

Mo Qingcheng shook his head, then a stiff smile appeared on his face.

"I know the secret method."

"It only takes one slap to send it flying."

"This is much more powerful than martial arts."

Mo Qingcheng raised his sleeves to cover up Xiao Qinglong.

Just now, Xiao Qinglong's kick directly sent the python flying.

The boa constrictor fell to the ground, its head was staring at gold stars, it was about to enjoy the delicious food, when a black shadow flashed in front of its eyes, it took off.

Standing up unsteadily, the boa constrictor stared at Mo Qingcheng urgently.

No one noticed that deep in the python's eyes, there was a touch of fear.

The boa constrictor retreated a few steps subconsciously, vomited the message, but did not dare to move forward.

Nangong Yuehua stood for a while, then recovered, seeing the fearful expression of the boa constrictor, her courage returned immediately.

Holding his long sword directly, he opened his mouth extremely arrogantly.

"You bastard, you actually want to eat this princess, come here!"

"See if this princess doesn't kill you."

Nangong Yuehua raised her long sword and swiped it twice in the air with a look of disdain.

The boa constrictor looked at Nangong Yuehua twice, then stretched its head towards Nangong Yuehua.

The boa constrictor was three to forty meters long, and it was more than ten meters high when standing up. When it lay down, its head was almost in front of Nangong Yuehua.

When Nangong Yuehua saw the python coming for real, she hid behind Mo Qingcheng with a "shua".

That's it, don't forget to shout.

"Come here if you have the ability!"

Mo Qingcheng: .
The boa constrictor was quite afraid of Mo Qingcheng. Everyone saw this scene, although it was bizarre, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as the boa constrictor dare not come forward, they will be safe for the time being.

Seeing that the python was still unwilling to leave, Mo Qingcheng asked Xiao Qinglong to tell the python to leave.

Of course, Mo Qingcheng couldn't speak anymore, and had been using his energy to communicate with Xiao Qinglong.

Xiao Qinglong talks directly to the boa constrictor.

Dragon, for snake, has absolute suppression.

What's more, Xiao Qinglong is a dragon with noble blood, which is not comparable to ordinary dragons.

For snakes, it is even more frightening.

Xiao Qinglong's voice came out, the suppression from the soul made the boa constrictor lie on the ground directly, with an appearance of submission.

Xiao Qinglong let the boa constrictor go away.

The boa constrictor looked terrified, and let out a low growl from its mouth.

Xiao Qinglong told Mo Qingcheng what the python meant.

"Ask them if they have taken something from others, and hand it over quickly."

"Otherwise it won't leave."

Mo Qingcheng turned his head and looked at Nangong Xingchen.

"Did you take something from the python?"

"Hand over the thing, or it won't let it go."

Nangong Xingchen looked directly at his subordinate, a man, took out an egg from his bosom.

Huge eggs.

This is a snake egg!

No wonder the python chased after them!

(End of this chapter)

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