Chapter 123 Breakthrough!A pool full of water!
【Contestant: Ye Feng】

【No.: B16】

[Points earned: 4852]

After bidding farewell to the group of Northern University alumni, Ye Feng led all the ghosts and swept towards other areas in a mighty manner.

Originally, there were only more than 3000 points, but now it has reached nearly [-].

Of course, this included the weapons sold to those alumni. Although it was only the points of Mosquito Legs, Ye Feng thought it was worth it.

Up to now, Ye Feng already thinks that it is not important whether the game is played or not.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the ultimate goal is to develop the Broken Soul Society in one fell swoop!

After all, a person is only one person, and the only way to bring all the people from the Broken Soul Society is to go there.

Only in this way, after entering the space crack, he will stand on a higher starting line!
At this moment, there are less than five hours before the end of the natural disaster.

And Ye Feng's points ranking has jumped from more than 400 to the top [-].

Those who are above Ye Feng are the real geniuses.

Even if these people are placed in the North Dali, there is a high probability that they will be among the top geniuses.

Still, the truth is a bit weird.

Just like a barrage in Ye Feng's live broadcast room said.

"Others have so many points because they are trying to earn points."

"Ye Feng has such a high score because Ye Feng is not serious at all!"

And just when other players desperately wanted to take advantage of the natural disaster stage and the sudden increase in the number of monsters to get a lot of points.

Ye Feng directed the fifty ghosts to hunt and kill monsters freely, but he sat down leisurely.

Holding the soul stone in his hand, he started his cultivation journey happily.

Now Ye Feng's cultivation base is D-level 9-star, which is only one step away from B-level.

Although there is only one level difference between D-level 9-star and B-level 1-star, the real difference is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Without the intervention of any external conditions, a B-level 1-star can stably beat two or more D-level 9-stars.

And the dozens of people whose points are higher than Ye Feng's are all B-level players without exception, and there are even players who are at the peak level of B-level players.

If there is a conflict with these people next, Ye Feng is really not sure that he can eat each other.

After all, he has a lot of cards, but it doesn't mean that others have no cards.

If there is a fight, it is really not sure who wins and who loses.

If you want to win this league championship, you must step into the B level to have an absolute possibility!

The points on the identity card are increasing steadily, and the prayer power in Ye Feng's body is also increasing steadily.

On the other side of the screen, Mu Susu looked at the calm Ye Feng, and couldn't help feeling a little shocked.

Could it be that Ye Feng is planning to break through the B level in one fell swoop?

You must know that if you break through in this environment, if you encounter some accidents, you will really regret it for life.

But no matter what Mu Susu thinks, Ye Feng is now holding the posture of not breaking through and not stopping, frantically absorbing the prayer power in the soul stone.

The blood rain falling from the sky is getting smaller and smaller, and the mist has begun to shrink.

The roar of monsters on the ground also gradually subsided,
As if there was a progress bar, Ye Feng could clearly feel that the prayer power in his body was slowly climbing towards perfection.

But when the prayer power in his body was completely reached, Ye Feng couldn't help being stunned.

Now the prayer power in his body has reached the highest limit that can be achieved by a D-level 9-star, and there is no way to increase the prayer power.

The body is like a pool filled with water, and even if you add more water to it, it will eventually just let some more water overflow the pool.

Only by making the pool deeper and bigger can more water be stored.

But Ye Feng has no idea how to make this "pool" bigger.

"It should be the bottleneck..." Ye Feng frowned, thinking about how to break the bottleneck.

The last time it broke through from C-level to D-level, it seemed that it simply absorbed the source fragments.

Although there seemed to be a slight illusion of hitting a bottleneck at the time, it disappeared in an instant.

Ye Feng carefully recalled the scene of the last breakthrough, thinking about all the feelings at that time.

After thinking for a long time, Ye Feng rubbed his chin and murmured: "Could it be that the absorption speed of a soul stone is too slow to keep up with the speed of loss?"

This guess made Ye Feng a little suspicious, but he couldn't think of other reasons for a while.

But he can hold two soul stones to practice, and if he adds forty times the crit, he can practice his guess.

But now there is a drone following behind him, if he really took out two soul stones to practice, it might attract unnecessary attention.

Sure enough...the drone still needs to be shot down...

Ye Feng turned around and looked up at the drone in the sky, thinking about how to make the drone not follow him temporarily.

As for the people in the live broadcast room, when they saw Ye Feng turning around, they suddenly had a bad premonition in their hearts.

"Fuck, he doesn't really want to shoot down the drone, does he?"

"This look is definitely about to shoot a drone, the look is full of malice!"

"But what about Ye Fengtu, there is nothing wrong with breaking through!"

While the audience was shocked, Ye Feng finally moved.

Judge Wu Qingwu added a "speed" character to himself, and was lucky enough to get forty times the crit gain.

Immediately, Ye Feng's body turned into a streamer of light, and before the drone could react, Ye Feng had already stepped on the crown of the tree and soared into the sky.

When the audience in the live broadcast room reacted, all they could see was the palm with slender fingers.

Then the picture on the screen went black, and with the change of the picture, there were a few chuckles from Ye Feng.

"I'm sorry, let's take a rest for a while, it's better not to take pictures of some things."

"You stay here quietly, and I will let you restart soon."

Ye Feng handed the drone to a ghost and asked him to hold down the camera of the drone.

Then he ordered the five ghosts to surround him to prevent the drone from taking a picture.

After doing all this, Ye Feng sat down again contentedly.

Another soul stone was drawn from the system space, and together with the soul stone in his hand, Ye Feng started his practice with the two soul stones in his arms.

"Ding, it has been detected that the host is absorbing the soul stone, and it has triggered a [-] times critical strike, and your absorption efficiency will be forty times the critical strike!"

"Ding, it has been detected that the host is cultivating, and it has triggered [-] to [-] times the critical strike, and your cultivation speed will be forty times the critical strike!"

"Ding, it is detected that the host is breaking through, and it has triggered forty times the critical strike. If the breakthrough is successful, it will be forty times the critical strike of the breakthrough effect!"

The system was extraordinarily generous, and there were three warning sounds of critical strikes in succession!
(End of this chapter)

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