Awakening on the Mid-Autumn Festival, starting with a hundred times the crit!

Chapter 124 Invincible at the same level, No. 1 person below A level!

Chapter 124 Invincible at the same level, No.1 under A level!
Under the triple crit boost, the prayer power in the soul stone gushed out like a dam breaking.

The overflowing prayer power turned into dots of starlight, adorning Ye Feng's side.

Ye Feng's body is like a huge whirlpool, greedily and arbitrarily sucking the prayer power from the soul stone.

The storm turned into Qili hung up the undried soil on the ground, and it was drawn into the air and made a crackling sound.

And the group of viewers guarding Ye Feng's live broadcast room heard the voice coming from the screen at this moment, but they couldn't see a trace of the situation, and they scratched their heads anxiously.

It's really that Ye Feng made too much noise, making people wonder what Ye Feng did.

But fortunately, this movement did not last long.

Ye Feng was a little swollen by the surging prayer force that entered his body, and he felt his body start to swell after a while.

Ye Feng was afraid that he would explode and die in the next moment, and he was also afraid that the breakthrough would fail if he stopped suddenly now.

So Ye Feng could only hold on to the swelling pain.

Finally, Ye Feng felt a crisp clicking sound in his body, the lower abdomen where Qili was stored.

In the next second, the storm formed by Qili in the sky suddenly became larger.

There were gusts of wind whistling, and Ye Feng could not help but open his eyes to observe what happened.

The huge tornado pulled a trace of prayer force, blew over the branches on the side, and cut them off in an instant.

And the prayer power in Ye Feng's body finally broke through the limit.

The pool, which was already full of water, has now grown by half out of thin air.

As a result, the prayer power that was originally full to the point of overflowing is now barely halfway to the level.


Feeling the praying power in his body, Ye Feng's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but let out a breath of foul air.

Although the system's prompt came a step late, it was more like a majestic announcement.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully breaking through to B-level!"

The whirlwind in the sky is like a subject who has heard the emperor's order. It originally had the momentum to destroy everything, but now it suddenly softened.

The rolled up prayer force penetrated into Ye Feng's body bit by bit, adding a point to the half of the pool.

Ye Feng took a deep breath, slowly opened his eyes and looked at the world in front of him.

In the eyes of Li Gui beside him, Ye Feng at this moment is Yan Luo in front of the lonely ghost and the devil king in the world.

All the ghosts lowered their heads in unison, showing fear, surrender and faith.

Although Ye Feng had the strength of B-level when he was D-level, but now that he has really broken through to B-level, the meaning of it has long been different from what he used to say.

At the D level, Ye Feng was just a genius with terrifying strength.

But now, as soon as he stepped into B-level, he already had a very peculiar temperament on his body.

It's like the temperament that everything can be controlled by it.

No, to be more precise, this should not be temperament.

But a kind of coercion!
The coercion from the depths of the soul!
Although the former ghosts obeyed Ye Feng's orders, they only obeyed orders. They didn't know why they obeyed orders.

But now, let alone disobeying Ye Feng's orders, even the courage to look up at Ye Feng has long since disappeared without a trace!

Just as Ye Feng was getting familiar with his current power, the system's light prompt sounded again.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully breaking through to level B, the number of ghosts you can currently summon has doubled!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully breaking through, the strength of the ghosts you control will be greatly enhanced!"

"Your contract ghost will appear twice as long."

"You have initially mastered the soul of life, and the book of life and death and the judge's pen will be initially awakened!"

A series of reminders sounded in Ye Feng's mind.

These are all additional benefits after breaking through to B level, but the most important thing is the enhancement of one's own strength.

Feeling that he does not have any blessing power, Ye Feng's heart swelled slightly for the first time.

It's not that Ye Feng is drifting away.

But now his physical fitness has been greatly improved.

If you don't rely on any secret method, Ye Feng is now confident that he can beat the mid-level B with physical strength alone.

And if you add the blessing of the glyph, you only need to trigger the crit buff again, Ye Feng feels that he can be invincible at the same level as the B level!
It is truly invincible!
Below A-level, he, Ye Feng, must be the undisputed No.1!
Not to mention that the number and strength of ghosts that can be summoned have increased.

Thinking of directly summoning two hundred ghosts in the future, and the enemy's depressed appearance, Ye Feng was a little looking forward to it.

Both the judge's pen and the book of life and death are initially awakened, and Ye Feng doesn't know what this awakening is.

So I turned out a judge's pen, intending to see the effect of this so-called initial awakening.

But looking left and right, he couldn't see any changes in the judge's pen.

Even writing down the font, although the effect is much better than before, Ye Feng thinks this is only the effect after his breakthrough.

The book of life and death is the same, there is no change at all.

After looking at it for a long time, Ye Feng finally decided to wait until later to explore slowly. After all, since he said he was awakened, there must be some changes compared to before.

Putting away the judge's pen and the book of life and death, Ye Feng stretched comfortably and stood up from the ground.

After letting the ghosts let go of the drone, Ye Feng planned to take the ghosts to find members of the Broken Soul Society.

And with Li Gui's release, the drone lifted off again.

Ye Feng's live broadcast room finally became lively again.

"Fuck, so there are contestants in this live broadcast room? I thought it was the live broadcast room of retired players."

"It seems to have broken through, it looks a little different."

"You can see this? Humanoid self-propelled realm measuring instrument?"

"One thing to say, this B16 really feels a little different to me than before, but I can't tell what's different."

"Fuck, I heard that this product was only D-rank before! Could it be that this wave has broken through to B-rank?"

"Fuck? I always thought he was a B-rank, are you kidding me?"


A barrage detonated the live broadcast room, and the number of barrages almost covered the entire screen for a while.

Ye Feng didn't know that tens of thousands of people were shocked by him at this moment, and he didn't know that in the eyes of many people, he had become the favorite player to win the championship.

Of course, not far from Ye Feng, the group of people who watched Ye Feng's breakthrough thought so too.

This group of people had already started to observe when Ye Feng absorbed the two soul stones, but fortunately they were behind Ye Feng, so they didn't see the scene of Ye Feng practicing with the two soul stones in his arms.

But after Ye Feng broke through, the coercion all over his body could be clearly felt even if they were nearly a hundred meters apart.

Among this group of people, a player who looked quite seasoned frowned and said hesitantly: "It seems that the intelligence has failed, this person should have broken through to B-level!"

"And it seems that the combat power may not be weak, and there are so many summons."

"Do you have the confidence to take him down?!"

(End of this chapter)

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