Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 137 Planet Plundering Plan!

Chapter 137 Planet Plundering Plan!

The somewhat sluggish Fang Yun leaned against the door silently, looking at the transparent scene in the distance, his head was in chaos. The Killing Space gave him a strong feeling, but at this moment he felt that the Killing Space was more than that simple.

Why did they summon the contractors, to make them stronger, and then kill each other, just to watch the fun?

Impossible, Killing Space is obviously not a god, and he will definitely not play that kind of trick, not to mention that Killing Space also needs to plunder energy, Fang Yun is sure that Killing Space must not be idle.

Instead, it is believed that the contractor is necessary to exist and can be used for his own sake.

But the killing space is so powerful, but Fang Yun is confused again. How can the killing space that can travel through time and space, and even suspend time to a certain extent, need the help of the contractor?
The stunned Fang Yun didn't know how many brain cells died, but within half an hour, he smoked a pack of cigarettes, and the whole room was filled with smoke.

In the end, it was the information from space that woke him up.

"Reminder: Contractor 6250, as the apostle appointed by the space, has reached the authority. Are you/no, you want to participate in the planet plundering plan?"

"Watfak?" Fang Yun, who was in a daze, jumped up from the sofa.

"Participate, I will participate, but with my strength, can you be sure that even if I am wearing a mecha, I will not be eaten by the big birds outside?"

"Hint: You can't predict whether you will die or not, but what you see is not a mecha."

"Reminder: You will be sent, and someone will answer it for you!"

Immediately afterwards, Fang Yun was dizzy for a while, the surroundings were pitch black, and there was only a light spot in front of him. He took a step forward, and suddenly came to a room full of fantasy technology, and behind him was a small light door , as he walked out, the light door also closed.

Fang Yun is like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, looking at everything curiously, such as a small three-dimensional planetary map. When his eyes look carefully, the map will suddenly zoom in.

Let him look more carefully, as if the map was moving with his eyes, but Fang Yun blinked, the map didn't seem to be enlarged, it was more like it was directly placed in his mind.

And this map is obviously the unknown life planet under their feet. He can clearly see some 'mech' fighters fighting some strange creatures and so on.

Some researchers were not distracted by his arrival, and they were all focused on their own research. These people would have this translucent screen floating in front of their eyes. Basically, wherever they went, these screens would follow.

Everything seemed to be in a dream. In the end, he saw some equipment and weapons being adjusted. Looking at them from a distance, Fang Yun could feel that those things seemed to be full of huge energy.

"Contractor No. 6250?" A voice appeared behind him.

Fang Yun immediately turned his head and found a middle-aged scientific researcher scanning him over and over again with his scrutinizing eyes.

The clothes worn by these researchers are compact yet loose. In short, the materials are very good, and Fang Yun is very envious...

"Come on, haven't you received the space message, and you want to participate in the planet plundering plan?" The man turned his head and left, and Fang Yun hurriedly followed him, just listening to him.

"Although I don't know why you, a contractor, participated in the plundering planet plan, but this also caused us a problem in space, that is, there is no biological armor suitable for you at all."

"Fortunately, our newly developed armor has reached the final stage, which is the experimental stage. We need a contractor to wear it and put it into actual combat. Originally, we planned to apply and let the space find one for us, but we haven't waited for our application yet. Space sent you here."

The researcher was obviously talkative, and Fang Yun had a headache when he heard it, but he didn't dare to refute. Fang Yun was not in a good mood when he heard that he was an experimental subject, but in the killing space, it is best not to resist , bear it silently, maybe it will be more comfortable...

But Fang Yun also didn't understand. These people just called the name of "space". Could it be that the two are in a cooperative relationship, or what is space? Couldn't these researchers be summoned by space?
"Hey, you people don't know what is good or bad. Every time a planet is plundered, a lot of biological armor will be scrapped. Don't you know that this thing is expensive? I don't know how many pieces will be scrapped this time."

This sentence finally aroused Fang Yun's interest, and he asked curiously: "The biological armor is scrapped, where is the contractor inside?"


"Hey, I heard outside that these guys who can wear biological armor to go out are all contractors above the evolutionary level."

"Well, you are still the first to participate in the plundering plan as a contractor."

"Didn't it mean that the strength and talent of these guys are very precious, and if they died like this, wouldn't Space be distressed and not revive them?"

The researcher stopped suddenly, looked at Fang Yun in surprise, and said as he walked, "It can be resurrected, but the price is too high, it's not worth it."

Fang Yun almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. There are many resurrection props in the plot world. Although they are very precious, some people have obtained them and successfully revived them. As a result, you are now saying that the price is very high. This is a killing space. How can it be so big? price?

The researchers who didn't look back at all knew what he meant, and said without turning their heads: "Soldiers who participated in the planet plundering plan will not be digitized, that is to say, when you walk out of the killing space, you have The digitized body will be restored to the state of a normal human being. Although your physical fitness is many times stronger than before, but without a digitized body, when your head and heart suffer fatal injuries, if you Without other special abilities, damn it will still die."

"Fuck, no wonder they all wear mechas." Fang Yun couldn't help but uttered a national curse, isn't this a scam? , Killing Floor probably doesn't care about him anymore.

"I've said it all, this is biological armor, not mech. Mecha works in outer space, and biological armor works under the atmosphere. This is common sense. Do you understand?" The researchers were a little angry. They had already arrived at a In the laboratory, he pointed to a glass cabinet.

There is a purple-black biological armor inside. Looking carefully, there seems to be a layer of tiny scales on the skin, like small black dragon scales, but it has been reduced by N times, but the top is densely packed, and it does not feel too hard. But since it is biological armor, the defense will not be too bad.

"Here, this is your biological armor, code-named Dragon King, which we developed based on the scales of the western dragons and some biological technology."

Fang Yun took a closer look and found that this thing has no wings and no flamethrower, so he wondered: "Can this thing fly? I think other people's armor can fly."

The researcher couldn't bear the ground turtle, and said in a bad tone: "Haven't you heard of gravity flight? In your impression, these things can't fly without fire and wings?"

The slightly embarrassed Fang Yun really wanted to hate him, but he could only say silently in his heart: "The most awesome mech I've ever seen is Iron Man's mecha. What do you want me to do?"

"Okay, you lie here first, import your information into the Dragon King armor, match it, and finally adjust it before you can wear it."

Under the arrangement of the researcher, Fang Yun was not allowed to take off his clothes, but lay down in another glass cabinet. As the glass slowly closed, blue light waves began to sweep from head to toe non-stop , At first I thought I still need to prick the bloodletting or something, but it turns out that I don't have this kind of treatment at all.

After a full half an hour, Fang Yun, who was so bored that he was about to fall asleep, realized that the glass cover had been opened again. Then he saw the researcher, and he glanced at Fang Yun excitedly, telling him to put it on quickly. Put on the biological armor, so that we can experiment with the results.

 I feel that this kind of world, this kind of equipment, and this kind of planet are very suitable for the classification of science fiction. There is only one volume, and it is used as a test. I don’t know if you like it or not. You can vote for it.

  You can guess what the energy extracted from Killing Space can be used for. This is very simple.
(End of this chapter)

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