Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 138 Dragon King Biological Armor

Chapter 138 Dragon King Biological Armor
When the purple-black biological armor was completely exposed in Fang Yun's eyes, he realized that this kind of thing is so beautiful, it seems that with Fang Yun's breathing, this biological armor is also doing the same thing. There seems to be a slight connection between the two.

As Fang Yun touched the scales of the biological armor with his hands, the entire biological armor suddenly turned into a liquid like streaks of water, and stuck to his fingers, covering his arm in the blink of an eye. However, Fang Yun shouted "don't" and "don't" in horror.

This thing directly covered his entire body unceremoniously. Fang Yun, who was full of darkness in front of his eyes, felt extremely frightened, as if he couldn't breathe, and found that this thing was entering his mouth, and his heart was about to collapse.

The most frightening thing is that this thing seems to be merging with his skin and entering his body.

But Fang Yun couldn't move at all, and could only bear it passively. He always felt that he was suffocated, and seemed to die from lack of oxygen.

I don't know how long it took before Fang Yun woke up. The first thing he did was to look at his hands, but he didn't find anything unusual about him when he took them. Then he looked in the mirror, and there was no change on his face, which made him relax. He took a deep breath, as if he was afraid that his handsome appearance would be ruined by this thing.

The researcher sitting on the side came over and said excitedly: "Don't dawdle, you have integrated the biological armor, start it officially, I want to see how strong it is!"

When he said this, Fang Yun vaguely felt that there seemed to be a layer of something under his skin, and as he called out in his heart, a layer of purple-black biological armor suddenly enveloped Fang Yun completely.

However, Fang Yun didn't seem to feel it. He just looked at his hands and feet. It was covered with this handsome purple-black armor. It seemed that he could determine the appearance of this biological armor according to his own thinking. He looked in the mirror. height.

"It's become two meters high." Fang Yun didn't feel it at all. As for the eyes, there were two golden pupils like dragons, which looked extremely terrifying.

"Reminder: The dragon king's biological armor has begun to awaken, please be careful when using this armor for the first time!"

"Reminder: The dragon king's biological armor has begun to awaken, please be careful when using this armor for the first time!"


Afterwards, Fang Yun felt a huge change in his body, first of all, the overall attributes, which quickly increased like a monkey jumping into the sky!
"Reminder: Start strengthening the user's basic attributes!"

"Hint: increase all attributes to 50 points"

"Hint: increase all attributes to 70 points!"

"Reminder: All attributes have been increased to 100 points, which has not reached the limit! Continue to strengthen for the second time!"

"Reminder: All attributes have been increased to 230 points, which has reached the maximum limit of the Contractor!"

This sudden power made Fang Yun feel extremely uneasy. He always felt that he could blow up the killing space with any punch or kick, but Fang Yun immediately knew that he was thinking too much, because he was directly teleported to In a room full of metal.

But with anger in his heart, he really wanted to try his full strength. He wanted to blow up the metal house, but in the end he used the greatest strength, but he just punched the alloy wall out of the hole.

The voice of the biological armor came out again: "Reminder: In addition to the natural ability, the user's other abilities will start to be upgraded to LvMAX!"

With a more powerful feeling, a god-like existence descended on him. Although it was only an illusion, it also made Fang Yun a little crazy. It seemed that he could not control his various abilities completely. on the metal floor.

Fang Yun, who was no longer under control, with a roar, his eyes instantly turned pure silver, and the surging power of thought suddenly exploded, and the violent storm of thought power swept across the entire metal cabin in an instant.

The metal house that could not be destroyed just now was weakened by a full dozen centimeters, and a pile of metal powder fell on the ground.


The researchers watched Fang Yun leave with longing, and almost wanted to lock him up and study it. As a result, the space directly told him to get out of the way, and the other abilities that had not been tested were terminated directly, and he was asked to go to the planet Go up to experiment, because Fang Yun actually broke his metal cage. Although it is not expensive, it also makes the space a little uncomfortable.

When he came to the passage outside the Killing Space, he was alone, facing an unopened metal gate.

The researcher also told him using communication facilities: "The Dragon King biological armor you are wearing is the latest product in space, basically it is the strongest under the atmosphere, and the biological armor worn by other evolutionaries is not as good as the 'Dragon King', with all attributes It can only be increased to around 150-200, but 200 full attributes is the limit of those armors."

"What's more, your physical fitness is very unusual. You have developed all attributes and reached 230 points. This is a bit different. You must know that the attributes of other evolutionaries, even after the increase, are high and low. The best is nothing but It is 4 attributes reaching 200 points."

Hearing this, Fang Yun was shocked and surprised that his potential had not reached the limit of the 'Dragon King' armor, so he could fully see the technical content of this biological armor.

As for why other biological armor can only be worn by evolutionists with high attributes, it is because after the contractor wears it, not only will he not be able to exert his strength, but he may die directly.

However, there are many contractors in Killing Space who are very capable, not even worse than some evolutionaries, so the Dragon King biological armor was specially developed, such as Fang Yun's X-mind power, and no one in the entire Killing Space except Fang Yun obtained it. It's an excellent ability.

After being strengthened by the dragon king's biological armor, it can reach a very powerful level and can better serve the killing space.

"Reminder: Please use the mind to control the gravity flight, we are about to land on the 'XD513 planet of life.'"

When Fang Yun wobbled and flew up, there was another sound from the Dragon King's armor.

"Reminder: Please take out the equipment or weapons you need, and the biological armor will increase them."

"Hint: Firearms have very little boost effect, and they can't even be boosted."

Fang Yun also had a little understanding. After all, armor can increase the strength of weapons, and it also covers the surface of the equipment. As for the long-range weapon Desert Eagle, even if it is completely covered, it may increase a lot of strength, but after the bullets fly out, there is nothing else to do. He can't do it.

As Fang Yun summoned all the equipment on his body, the Dragon King's biological armor also instantly boosted it, including the elf sword in his hand. Almost instantly, Fang Yun felt that the equipment and even the weapons on his body became extremely powerful.

It's just that there is no digitization, so he can't confirm how exaggerated this kind of power is, but the skills of the equipment can be used, which is very good.

After Fang Yun gradually adapted to this powerful and gravitational flight, the Killing Space also sent a message.

"Hint: Collect all the 'rare materials' that cause the biological armor to react"

"Reminder: This planet plundering plan will replace a plot world, and the rewards will be determined according to the amount of 'rare materials' you turn in. Please cherish this opportunity!"

"Reminder: Please get ready, you are about to enter the living planet XD513."

When the metal gate of the killing space slowly opened, Fang Yun couldn't help but look a little excited, and his body gradually left the killing space and came to this huge planet of life.

There is an endless green ocean under his feet, and his body is at a height of several thousand meters. When he flew for a while, he looked back and saw that the huge killing space, as he thought, was a round sphere, and the whole was silver. White, except for the biomechanical arm below, there is no trace of variegation at all.

It is also impossible to see the scene from the outside. Those transparent glasses can only be seen from the inside.

"Wow!! I can fly." Fang Yun controlled the flight with his thoughts, and his speed exploded instantly, flying straight down, approaching the towering trees, and then he raised his body and clinging to it Canopy flight.

Dragon King biological armor, with super gravity flight, every 24 hours, can last for one hour of super gravity flight.

The speed can reach 1500 kilometers per hour. At this time, Fang Yun instantly started the super-gravity flight. The huge sonic boom resounded through the forest with a radius of tens of thousands of meters. Countless animals ran around in fright. In an instant, many big birds flew out.

At this time, many evolutionists saw a purple-black biological battle armor, and a wave of air burst behind him, and the speed soared directly. The canopy under him was blown by the strong wind.

An evolutionary was wearing black biological armor, suspended in the air, looked at Fang Yun with a bewildered expression, and said to the brother next to him wonderingly: "Is this a newcomer, is there no one to take it?"

"I don't know, anyway, I know that such a prodigal person often won't survive tonight..."

 -. -Experimental paper, let's see how everyone reacts, if you don't like it at all, I will end it early~~
(End of this chapter)

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