Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 163 I Can't Stand It If I Don't Pretend For One Day!

Chapter 163 I Can't Stand It If I Don't Pretend For A Day!
When the pirates dragged Smaug's body away, Fang Yun also had to get in through Smaug's mouth, suppressing his nausea, and then struggled to find Xiao Hei who was unconscious.

At this time, the small Charmander, which is the size of a basketball, has a round belly. Fang Yun can vaguely feel that this thing seems to have eaten a lot, and when he touches its belly, it feels hard.

"Fuck, could it be that he choked to death after eating stones?" Fang Yun shook Xiao Hei, but its little paws and wings just drooped like this, without any movement.

Just as Fang Yun was about to roll its eyelids and close its throat, it seemed that the space couldn't stand it anymore, and finally a message came.

"Reminder: Your summoned beast 'Xiao Hei' is evolving, please do not disturb, otherwise the evolution may fail!"

"Ahem, why did I say so early?"

Fang Yun pouted, trying to take it back into the summoning space, but the system also indicated that it was in the process of being promoted and could not experience space fluctuations.

In desperation, he could only take out a black backpack from the storage space, stuffed Xiao Hei back, and then put it behind his back. When there was a big battle, it was estimated that Xiao Hei could help block a few arrow.

Fang Yun didn't know what mood the unconscious Xiao Hei was in, anyway, the unconscious Xiao Hei was much cuter than the awake Xiao Hei.

After he returned to the shore, he found that the faces of a group of contractors were full of joy, even the god of war Ares, and it was because of this that they didn't notice Fang Yun swimming up from the water. .

However, the temperament of the elves is indeed different. Fang Yun, who has a charm of 47 points, is very heroic when he is not wearing a black robe.

And between him and Legolas, also began the first meeting!

Fang Yun felt that someone was looking at him, and turned his head to look at him without hesitation. At this time, Captain Fang also had to admire, he seemed to really see a man who was more handsome than him!

As a result, the two just looked at each other without speaking at all. There seemed to be electric currents flashing between them. The group of contractors suddenly realized that the two elf princes were not dealing with each other.

But it didn't take long for Legolas to develop a 20-point favorability with him due to his strong talent and affinity.

Then the two extremely handsome elves got together and started chatting like elves!
The contractors originally planned to eavesdrop on some information, but they sang the bird language of the elves, and the contractors couldn't understand it at all. Even if they can understand the voice of this world after spatial dataization, it is only a common language. If you want to understand Elvish, you have to practice for a few more years.

Then the group of people watched in surprise, Captain Fang was talking and pointing, Legolas suddenly frowned, his face full of disbelief, the contractor thought the two guys were going to fight.

As a result, Fang Yun patted the elf armor on his chest in a showy manner, and babbled again, and then Legolas suddenly realized, and apologized quickly, as if saying that he had forgotten.

But in the eyes of the contractors, they thought that Legolas was bowing to Fang Yun. The group of guys shouted in their hearts that it was impossible. This is the protagonist of Lord of the Rings. How could there be an elf prince who is more noble than him? This guy is a hidden character, no wonder this 'Elf Prince' is so cold and cold, no one has gained favorability, so this guy is a big boss.

This means that they have to pay a huge price to gain this guy's approval.

Seeing Legolas apologizing, Fang Yun waved his hands quickly. The contractors felt that Fang Yun was awesome enough to pretend to be a thief.

Then Fang Yun patted Legolas on the shoulder like a good buddy, and finally pointed to his beast-biting sword, and took out his elf long sword.

Legolas suddenly realized again, and hurriedly handed him the beast-biting sword, but Fang Yun quickly refused, saying that you should return it to Thorin yourself.

Regarding Fang Yun's actions, Legolas could understand that he was easing his relationship with Thorin, so he expressed his gratitude to Fang Yun again.

The two chatted for half an hour, and Legolas was taken away by the beautiful bodyguard Tariel. Of course, this girl also increased Fang Yun's favorability by more than 30 points. Fang Yun shrugged helplessly, and he has a bonus for beautiful women , there is really no way.

In Middle-earth, this is Fang Yun's hometown. When he farts, Legolas increases his favorability by more than 60 points, because Fang Yun's charm is too high, his talent is 'friendly', his popularity, etc. , have a certain effect.

As for the misunderstandings of other contractors, Fang Yun will not explain.

Legolas is a proud elf prince, Fang Yun wants him to look up to him, if he doesn't have matching strength, then he must have a matching identity.

That's why Fang Yun said the first thing he said when they met: "You are Legolas Greenleaf, the elf prince, and I am also the elf prince by coincidence!"

The result was obvious, Legolas frowned and said, "I don't believe it, I haven't heard your name before."

Fang Yun patted his armor directly: "My name is El Yunze, this is the armor given to me by my uncle, King Elrond, haven't you noticed that it was my uncle's first armor? "

It is clear at a glance that the conversation between them is very simple and straightforward, because Fang Yun discovered it when he entered this world for the first time, it is not good to talk to the elves, don't beat around the bush.

The second apology was because Fang Yun explained for Sorin, and also revealed to him the identity of the magician apprentice, using the name of Gandalf to prove that the beast biting sword was picked up by Sorin, and his Dusky Dawn', which made Legolas even more guilty.

Who made this elf prince proud and vengeful, but he was also a righteous and handsome guy, who had the courage to admit what he had done wrong, and on the contrary, he liked Fang Yun even more (favorability, don't get me wrong.)
It's not like human beings, who have done wrong things and been exposed, and still shamelessly refuse to admit it.

With the destruction of Changhu Town, nearly a thousand human beings had nowhere to live, and at this time it was about to face winter, there was nowhere to go, and there was no place for so many people to live in other small towns, so they could only go to Abandoned Valley City opposite the Lonely Mountain.

What's more, the sharp archer Barton was elected as the mayor of the town, and he was planning to ask Thorin for the property he had promised.


"My brother, your cheating is a bit big, how can you speak Elvish?" Pete expressed his amazement at this matter, and asked with a deadpan face.

Although Hanks has experienced it for a long time, he always feels as if he has come to Middle-earth. Fang Yun is like a different person. He seems to be very confident in everything he does, and he pretends to be an elf. Golas couldn't recognize it either, which reminded him of Fang Yun when he faced King Elrond.

Even the Elf King couldn't recognize Fang Yun's identity. Could it be that this guy has some transformation skills?

Fang Yun also feels helpless about this, but he can't say that he is an elf, but as long as he comes to the world of Lord of the Rings, sooner or later his teammates who are familiar with him will notice the abnormality.

But this is not the time to talk about it. Time is running out and they need to open the key.

Q group number, 347200601, why don't you come here~ Those of you who are not active, the group is too deserted.

 Lord of the Rings, how do you say this world is a world that is open... You can see relevant information by looking at Fang Yun's full attribute data, and I will update it from time to time. .In fact, Fang Yun's naked attribute is only 35
(End of this chapter)

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