Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 164 The Exploding Smaug

Chapter 164 The Exploding Smaug
Fang Yun learned from some aspects of Hanks, and found that many people had obtained Smaug's killing key, but he also found out that these killing keys were quite different through some people showing off.

"This Smaug has such a high explosion rate!" Pete couldn't help but say something.

"According to the plot of the movie, we were pitted to death by the contractors of the dark camp. We didn't have the chance to kill Smaug, but Smaug suddenly had an 'angina pectoris' at the end, which allowed us to kill him successfully, so it appeared This kind of explosion rate." Hanks estimated that this is the case.

Fang Yun also understood somewhat, it should be true, after all, Bud was not on a high platform, and because Hanks was afraid of death, he didn't let him shoot randomly with small bows and arrows, but told him directly that besides shooting him in the heart with a black arrow, Other methods are completely useless.

But failing to attract Smaug's attention made it difficult for Bard to have a chance to shoot. If it wasn't for Xiao Hei, even if he was in Smaug's stomach, he would not forget to eat everywhere, and he would never have given Bard the chance to shoot Smaug.

If Smaug can't die, basically even if they escape Smaug's pursuit, they will fail the main mission in the end, and the punishment will be quite heavy. If it fails, the great possibility will be obliterated!

And according to the film branch, killing Smaug should be an important part of a main mission, so everyone is given such a big reward.

So Smaug's explosion is also reasonable. After all, facing Smaug, they only have one chance, and there will be no ups and downs. Bud only has one chance to make a phone call, which also means that they are alive or dead!

Fang Yun shot 1% of Smaug's health with an arrow, and in an instant, he seized the opportunity to eliminate Smaug's last life.

After all, anyone who has watched the movie knows that even if Smaug was shot directly in the heart, it would take a few seconds before he died, so the other contractors were also seizing this opportunity.

Although a group of contractors did not take the final blow, they all gained something. As for what it is, you will know now when you open the key.

Pete couldn't bear his temper at first. His Smaug key was not bad. After all, he exploded one of Smaug's eyeballs. As he gently twisted the faucet, a crystal clear golden pupil fell out, and then there were 5000 more common currency.

Hanks and Pete looked shocked: "Is there a bunker, what to hit and what to explode."

Hit what and explode what?Hearing this news, Fang Yun was a little dazed. He sat down on the ground, leaned his head against the wall, and found that there was a half-dead Hei behind him, so he stood up painfully. After all, he exploded the Smaug chrysanthemum. , is it possible to give him a chrysanthemum?

Eternal Golden Eyes (props)
Origin: Lord of the Rings
Equipment rarity: light green equipment (growable)

Material: legendary ninth-level plot creature, Smaug's right eye (after spatial processing)

Equipment Effect: Perception +10
Equipment Effect: Dexterity +5
Passive ability: Eyes of the Dragon, can see through illusions and barriers no higher than 20 points of your perception.

Passive ability: Dragon's Prestige, when your golden pupils look directly at the enemy's eyes, it has a certain deterrent power and makes the opponent fear. There is a 20% probability that the enemy will be in a state of fear for 2 seconds, which is manifested as panic At a loss, unable to take care of themselves.

Passive ability: Dragon's Vision, allowing you to see beyond ordinary people, allowing you to clearly see things 1000 meters away.

Active Ability: Time of the Dragon, under the eyes of the golden pupil, all actions of the enemy will become slow in your eyes, lasting for 3 seconds. (slow, very slow, extremely slow, super slow)
Skill consumption: 150 MP.

Skill cooldown: 24 hour.

Equipment requirements: Perception of 35 points or more.

Equipment Requirements: Blind in the right eye.

Special effect of equipment: This equipment is "unique", and the person who wears this equipment will definitely drop this equipment after death.

Equipment growth requirements:? ? ?

(Explanation: Smaug's right eye, the eye of the dragon, is the golden pupil that never goes out. If you can equip it, don't let people see your right eye, otherwise everyone will want to snatch your eye.)
After Fang Yun saw this piece of equipment, he just wanted to say: "Waterfake." And he really wanted to hold Pete's hand and tell him, you are the real son of space.

Hanks swallowed enviously, but this thing didn't match him.

This piece of equipment is quite suitable for Fang Yun, but it is impossible for Captain Fang to win people's love.

Even if Pete glanced at him, he quickly shook his head and refused: "I will never button my eyeballs, I'd better leave this to you."

When Fang Yun said this, Pete also felt a little bit pained: "It's better not to button it first, I also feel disgusted when I feel my eyeballs buttoned."

"It's okay, I'll help you." Hanks held the dagger and was about to snap it at his left eye.

"Fuck, fuck, this is Lao Tzu's left eye, why are you pinching him." Pete quickly pushed him aside, and Hanks also smiled, threatening him.

"Oh, the Smaug key hasn't disappeared yet?" Pete was a little surprised.

Hanks took him into his hand and padded it: "I guess it can be used as a collectible, and it will be awesome to show off in the future. After all, it is Smaug's killing key."

Then Hanks took the similar Smaug key and opened it as well!

When he put his hands deep into the dark red space, a bottle of several hundred milliliters appeared in front of his eyes, and it also had 5000 common coins.

"MLGBD, are you all so stupid?" Fang Yun was dumbfounded at this, and this group of people exploded a bottle of dragon's blood.

The golden blood seemed to be still boiling, and Fang Yun could feel that breath even through the bottle.

Hanks eagerly shared the properties of this item.

Boiling Dragon's Blood
Rarity: dark gold plot props
Origin: Lord of the Rings
Material: Blood of Smaug, refined through space.

Function: strengthen

Effect: All attributes: +5-10 points.

Effect: There is a chance to become a dragon blood warrior.

Reverse effect: The physique is not suitable for the props, and there is a certain chance that the attribute points will be reduced.

(Explanation: In mythology, after bathing in dragon blood, there is a high chance of becoming an invulnerable god of war, but the actual effect is indeed the same, provided that you can survive the overbearing dragon blood and prevent him from eroding your flesh and body.)
(Reminder: Even if this item is refined through space, it is extremely overbearing. Please change the contract and be prepared, please choose whether to take it or not.)
Seeing this thing, Fang Yun was convinced. Smaug is really generous, but it's not surprising. Smaug is 141 meters long. Even under many difficulties, they let them work together to kill this thing.

It would be unreasonable if there were no rewards, but Fang Yun vaguely felt that something was wrong. He saw the expressions of other contractors, and several people were more excited, which meant that many people got good things.

But maybe the Battle of the Five Armies is going wrong, something went wrong!

(End of this chapter)

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