Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 180 Mutated pirates, decisive battle

Chapter 180 Mutated pirates, decisive battle (2)

The city wall of Hegu Town can be said to be quite small, only 7 or 8 meters high. After being baptized by the trebuchet, basically there is only a broken wall left.

Fortunately, there were not too many trebuchets in the Battle of the Five Armies. Even if they threw wildly at Hegu Town for a while, they just smashed some buildings or smashed the city wall, and then stopped throwing any more, because half The orcs also rushed up.

Fang Yun heaved a sigh of relief. After all, although they had plans for this battle, it was not a super battle like Helm's Deep, and the fortifications in River Valley Town were difficult to form. The orcs planned to make a quick decision and directly attack wildly. Come here, just let the trebuchet wipe out the momentum of the defenders, and then break the city wall.

Seeing that Sorin and his cousin were impatient and planned to rush out of the city to fight the orcs, Fang Yun hurriedly stopped him.

"Send troops to surround the gap in the city wall, and guarantee that as many orcs as he attacks will die, why do you waste the lives of dwarf soldiers?" Fang Yun's words were not polite.

But Thorin also understood this truth, and then they divided up their troops. Four thousand heavily armored dwarf infantry formed four teams, each with 1000 people, and rushed to the places with gaps.

Although the city wall of Hegu Town is short, the distance from east to west is long enough, so the battle line is greatly stretched, but there is one advantage. Whether it is a city gate or some city walls, there is only one entrance and exit, and they need to follow a straight line in an extremely compact manner. Rushing over, and there is no route at all in other places.

When the half-orcs were not using the trebuchets, a row of elf shield warriors stood on the city wall, and behind them were more elf archers. Basically, every time the half-orcs charged, most of them would be killed by the elf archers, and they broke through along the damaged city wall. After that, he was beaten by dwarf warriors, which was unbearable.

If this method is followed, the light camp will undoubtedly win, but I don't know what price the Rangers team paid to let the trebuchet start again, regardless of the orc's appearance, throwing stone rain here desperately.

But in this way, if a huge stone falls into the crowd, it can crush seven or eight elf warriors into a pulp. Even if there are more stones hitting the half-orc crowd, there are more half-orcs that can't stand it. Yun probe looked under the city, it was densely packed with black at all.

A stench rose into the sky, and the smell of these guys could be turned into a biochemical weapon.

Thranduil frowned, and could only let the elf warriors on the city wall retreat to join the battle inside the city, while the elf archers retreated on the roof, looking for opportunities to shoot the orcs.

At the gate of Hegu Town, the elemental mage led people to blast it away, forming a huge gap. This is not only the place with the most half-orc army.

It is also the place with the heaviest casualties, but the most eye-catching thing is not the large number of dwarf warriors, but Hanks standing in the center.

Even if the half-orc like the tide rushed towards him with a blood-stained blade in his hand, he was like a rock beaten by the tide, with only a shield and a sword in his hand, but he never took a step back.

And the dwarf army behind him, also moved by Hanks, formed the strongest line of defense behind him. Wave after wave of half-orcs rushed over, but they could only leave more corpses.

Bloody, fighting, roaring, throwing stones all over the sky!
The plan between Fang Yun and Ares has long been a fantasy, and they can only choose some gaps, stop them, and rush out, which is even more difficult!
And when the catapults on his head gradually disappeared, Fang Yun finally breathed a sigh of relief. A shower of stones not only caused heavy damage to the half-orcs, but also the dwarves and elves. Without the catapult, Fang Yun's ingenious plan would come into play. up.

"Push the damn artillery up to the city and hit me hard!" Fang Yun gave an order.

A group of pirates with vicious faces suddenly rushed out of a room. Many elf warriors felt a sense of killing when they saw these guys. Not only did they have ferocious faces, but they were also strong. Strangely covered with dragon scales, they are simply monsters.

Taylor has a pair of golden pupils, a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, and sharp nails like a scimitar, still biting the shreds of meat in his teeth.

The handsome and unrestrained Robin Hood has a few hard dragon scales growing on his neck, and sticks out his tongue from time to time. He has long lost the aristocratic atmosphere of the past.

At this time, the quasi-legendary battleship had already evolved due to being soaked in dragon blood and covered with dragon scales, and became the legendary battleship Black Dragon!
And the crew members under him, because of drinking dragon blood and eating dragon meat, have undergone changes that Fang Yun can't even imagine. They have become half-human and half-dragon, and many of them are still covered with scales. It's hardly human at all.

Although most of these crew members died because of this, the remaining 60-odd crew members were super powerful, everyone was extremely powerful and bloodthirsty!

"Cannon, cannon, hold the damn cannon up to the city wall!" Fang Yun gave them a cold look, and directly used the hand of thought power to grab a cannon, and put it lightly on the city wall.

Seeing this scene, Taylor and the others also regained their composure, and hurriedly yelled to let the group of damned pirates go to work. The two of them carried a heavy cannon to the city wall. It is conceivable that their How exaggerated the power is.

The half-orcs were surprised to see these guys, and some didn't understand what was going on.

But when the 23 cannons fired in unison, the sound ran through the entire battlefield, and the army of orcs on the ground exploded in an instant. The huge cannons carried an incomparable impact, and almost everywhere they hit, there would be a short gap.

The sky was full of flesh and blood, while Taylor and the others roared excitedly, and couldn't wait to fire for the second time!

"This is the priest's pirate subordinate?" Ares couldn't help but swallowed, it was a bit fierce, the cold and bloodthirsty aura made him feel a little scary, especially these scaly guys, defense The force is definitely not small.

"It's a little perverted, is this the mutation of bathing in Smaug's blood?" One of his subordinates couldn't help but gasped.

Some half-orcs rushed up the city wall, intending to kill them, but these pirates went straight up, relying on the scales of their bodies to bear their attack, stretched out their hands and directly grabbed the neck of the main half-orc, and when they pulled it, blood dripped, and their heads was pulled down directly.

And it can be seen that their nails are glowing with metallic luster, very sharp.

After Pete fired a shot, he killed a half-orc leader, walked in front of Fang Yun, and couldn't help saying: "These guys are all right, why do they feel scarier than half-orcs?"

Captain Fang glanced at the crazy crew, and shook his head faintly: "A group of crazy people must have a head, not to mention that they haven't completely gone crazy. As long as they are rational, they are still my crew."

It's just that no one knows what Fang Yun is thinking in his heart...

(End of this chapter)

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