Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 181 Decisive Battle

Chapter 181 Decisive Battle (3) (addition for monthly pass 188)

As far as the eye could see, there were corpses and blood everywhere. The incomparably beautiful Hegu Town had already changed drastically. At this moment, there were only ruins, ruins more broken than those after Smaug's ravages.

"The half-orc army is going to attack the Lonely Mountain, and I'm going to rescue it!" Thorin roared. There were only 100 dwarf warriors left on the Lonely Mountain, and there were 5 dwarf warriors from the silver plot among them. The half-orcs wanted to go up, but only Siege ladders can be used, and it is extremely difficult to go up.

But the sudden appearance of thousands of orc legions there naturally made Sorin very anxious.

Pete frowned: "Where are the elemental mages, I'm afraid there is some conspiracy!"

"It's not a conspiracy, it's a conspiracy. Our main task is to keep Sorin alive and become the real king of the dwarves. No matter whether they win or lose, as long as Sorin dies, they will win!" Fang Yun blows With a whistle, 250 elf cavalry immediately gathered behind him.

Thranduil didn't stop Thorin, and his cousin wanted to keep up, but let Thorin stay, and rushed over with 500 blue sheep cavalry.

A total of 500 dwarf cavalry who had never participated in the battle were already excited, and rushed towards the orcs at the city gate. With the sound of the charging horn, Thorin, who was in the lead, glowed with a layer of white light.

With him as the vanguard, it can be said that the momentum is like a broken bamboo, even if there are thousands of troops ahead.

They are also moving forward. The blue sheep under Sorin can knock the half-orcs into the sky, and the whole five hundred blue sheep cavalry are like this. It is conceivable how many half-orcs were knocked into the sky and how spectacular they are !
When they rushed into the half-orc army, they formed a magnificent straight line, which was unstoppable. Wherever they passed, only a group of half-dead half-orcs remained.

"Taylor, fire up all the cannons. Don't think that you can replace me by changing your appearance. You have to know who killed that dragon!" Fang Yun's voice was unusually cold.

Taylor glanced at him, he could perceive the strength of the captain, and so did the other crew members, and Fang Yun's strange and powerful methods were still engraved in their hearts at this moment.

What's more, if the captain can kill the dragon, he can also kill them, which made them shiver.

"Don't worry, boss, we're just not used to this kind of appearance, of course you are still our captain!" Taylor licked the corner of his mouth, this former British navy was like a different person.

"That's right, whoever dares to refuse, I'll kill him first." Unlucky Barton should be the one who has changed the most. He was already physically strong and drank a lot of dragon blood. At this time, his whole body was covered with dragon scales. Fortunately, although this guy's body has changed a lot, he is the most loyal one, holding a big axe, and looking like he will chop anyone who is disobedient.

Fang Yun threw them a few cigarettes: "Never forget who led you across the Caribbean Sea, and don't forget who gave you the chance to drink dragon's blood."

Then Captain Fang arrogantly left his back to them, led 250 elf cavalry, and rushed towards the orc army again.

The unstoppable Fang Yun, holding a sword in his hand, jumped high with his horse, and the moment the horse's hooves were about to hit the ground, an invisible force exploded instantly, and there was a loud bang, and all the orcs in front of him were shocked by the force. Dissipated by the force, the half-orcs flew upside down and pressed on the companions behind them.

At this moment, Pete had already sounded the war horn, and a wave of glory shrouded the cavalry, and with the increased ability of the war horn, this team of cavalry directly penetrated the orc army.

Fang Yun at the front held his long sword high, with an indomitable momentum on his face, and shouted: "Crush them!"

Accompanied by magic effects, the sound reverberates throughout the battlefield.

More than 200 elf warriors behind them turned into a golden straight line, fighting among the orc army, shouting in unison: "Crush them!"

The roar was equally earth-shattering!

Ares saw that Fang Yun's team had all left, and knew that it was time to fight the homeless team. He decisively led the whole team, led the elf warriors, and charged away through the side door!


The brutal hand-to-hand combat had already begun. When the cavalry passed through the orc army and came to the bottom of the lonely mountain, the horses under them were already exhausted. After the second charge, they could only dismount and fight.

But there are 2000 of these half-orcs under the lonely mountain. Even if they were pierced many times by the dwarves' rock cavalry, and they were pierced by Fang Yun once, there are still more than 1300 people left.

Pete planned to climb to the top of the lonely mountain, and planned to use the advantage of the terrain to attack, but the elemental mage had expected it. When he charged over on horseback, a flaming arrow directly pierced his chest, causing him to fall heavily to the ground.

And the shield in his left hand jumped up violently, seeing that he was about to kill Pete, a palm made of holy light directly held Pete's body, dragged him to Hanks in an instant, and then recovered 20% of his health life value.

But Hanks' saving hand also fell into a 24-hour cooling state instantly!
In such a situation, Pete didn't dare to hesitate. He took the super potion and drank it in one gulp, and his injuries were completely recovered, and the burning state disappeared, but it also made him feel a little palpitating. The strength of the elemental mage is too strong.

Seeing that Pete was fine, Fang Yun breathed a sigh of relief, put a magic shield on him, and looked at the elemental mage coldly: "With this little damage, who can you kill?"

"You'll know if you try it." The elemental mage laughed ferociously.

As she lit a black ink-colored leaf, a burst of black air rose into the sky, and Fang Yun smelled a stench from a long distance away, and then heard that voice, that ear-piercing and chilling roar !
At this moment, I don't know how many people covered their ears in horror, let alone how many half-orc warriors roared excitedly, and lowered their heads to the figure in the sky.

It's it!

The most terrifying existence on the battlefield of Lord of the Rings, the Ringwraith Knight!
When he appeared on the entire battlefield, both humans and elf warriors became terrified.

Fang Yun never expected that the ring spirit would appear suddenly, but he didn't know how much he had to pay when he saw the ferocious little face of the elemental mage.

But the ring spirit's threat is not the greatest, but the fallen monster under him. Every time it screams, it will make people collapse. That kind of huge magic effect has a terrifying effect on the battlefield.

Ares who rushed over was also dumbfounded. Seeing the ring spirit rushing towards Sorin, Fang Yun was more than a hundred meters away from him at this time, and he couldn't gallop past him at all. He didn't expect the elemental mage to have such strength at all! !
When everyone's hopes fell into darkness, something that the elemental mage never expected happened.

A ray of light piercing through the sky suddenly appeared, like the sun, it shattered the dark clouds, allowing the sun's light to shine directly on the earth, and at the same time, a loud voice spread over the entire battlefield!
"Get back!!!"

"Get back!!!"

"Get back!!!"

Gandalf stood far above the city wall of Hegu Town, wearing a white robe, and the white staff in his hand was shining brightly. A film of light visible to the naked eye spread instantly, and a shocking scene appeared in front of everyone's naked eyes. middle.

The light film overturned the half-orcs one by one, and the half-orcs on the battlefield were thrown to the ground like dominoes. When the light film came to the ring spirit, it still hit him hard, and the fallen monster seemed to be burning. A flame burst out, bringing a burst of burning smell, and then flew madly into the distance with the ring spirit on its back.

The elemental mage was stunned, with despair in her eyes, she didn't understand why Gandalf would make a move, she didn't know at all!

But Fang Yun understood! !

Even if Gandalf has the strength to turn into a white robe, he will not easily attack others. Even if the battle in River Valley Town is in danger, he will just honestly kill the enemy slowly with his sword, but you suddenly put The ring spirits are here, isn't this bullshit.

As one of the strongest bosses in the light camp, Gandalf, how could he allow him to be so arrogant!
Moreover, Fang Yun's change in the plot is not as great as that of the elemental mage. If such a terrifying thing as the ring spirit appears on this difficult battlefield, someone will naturally resist him.

To sum up, if the elemental mage wants to spoil the world, Gandalf must not be happy!

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(End of this chapter)

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