Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 21 Chapter Return!

Chapter 21 Return!

"Hint: You have completed the temporary side mission, saving Sorin from the knife."

"Reward: Since you only completed 50% of this task, you will only get half of the reward"

"Hint: You got 5000 common currency points, 2 merit points, and 5 potential points."

Fang Yun lay crookedly on the back of the giant eagle, the blood on the corner of his mouth was still wet, but he couldn't hide the smile on his face.

The plot will not give you the problem of death. This seemingly tempting task will definitely attract many people to accept it. For example, some powerful MTs think they can resist Asog's attack, but no one knows what the giant eagle is. When the time comes, this kind of task must be accepted by one person and done by one person. If it is a team, Asog will definitely increase the manpower.

But after Fang Yuncong fell to the ground, it took a full 3 minutes, and after Sorin and Asog had a stalemate for 3 minutes, the giant eagle came. He really couldn't think of any MT that could resist in a one-on-one situation. Asog's onslaught.

Therefore, when he had already figured out a solution, after the mission came, no matter how tempting the reward was, he only hoped to withstand the blow and bet that his healing skills would allow Sorin to stand up again, betting By the way, so he survived. There may be many people who can think of this, but there are undoubtedly very few who can do it, because the contractor can only treat the characters in the plot with some extremely special and precious medicines. Even if there are medicines, you Also have time to feed him.

Under the circumstances of ordinary people, they can only resist hard.

5000 Universal Coins, I asked Gandalf to give him the 'Dark Dawn', and got a very long-lasting blessing, so I can leapfrog the sword in the future...


"Alive, it's true. Mom. Good." Fang Yun roared excitedly.

"Cough, cough, cough." Fang Yun coughed with his face flushed, paralyzed, lying down and shouting, the blood in his mouth choked his trachea.

"Reminder: You are in a state of hypoxia, drop 1 point of blood every second, and continue until you return to normal!"

The giant eagle took Fang Yun with an extremely abnormal expression, and circled around Shifeng. Suo Lin and others watched Fang Yun leave, and saw that his face was so red that he was about to bleed because of his serious injuries. There are also MTs who are also mentally injured... and they have to leave for treatment, and it happens that the giant eagle takes them away.

Fang Yun endured the pain and wanted to turn over and catch his breath. Seeing the struggling elf, Sorin thought he was going to wave his hand, and shouted excitedly: "My brother, I will wait for you to come back again. Anyway, my The throne will be divided between you in half!"

Just when Fang Yun still lost another 10 drops of blood, he finally used a healing technique reluctantly, and took a deep breath. Just now, Zhen Nima was going to scare him to death.

Don't be scared to death, you have to suffocate! !

The giant eagle flew higher and higher, as if it had flown into outer space. Fang Yun saw scenes one after another. First, he met Gandalf, and then attacked the ogre together with Thorin and others. The scene where he was shot by the half-orc elite For a split second, then the Goblin King...and then Ahsog.....
Killing Floor Combat Summary:

Time: Early morning, September 2941, 9 in the Third Age.

Locations: The Lord of the Rings, Middle-earth, Edge of the Misty Wood.

Scene: The Hobbit, Unexpected Travel.

Pain reduction: 50%
Additional enhancement of personal ability: 50%
Current scene exploration: 8.5%
Main Quest: Unexpected Travel! (completed)
Side task: kill 10 orcs (failure)
Mission Discovery: 63%
Mission Completion: 83%
Mission Completion Rating: B-
Scenario Completion Reward: 3 free attribute points, you can allocate the free points to your basic attribute points at any time, and get 2000 common coins, 2 potential points, and 2 merit points.

Current scene relevance: 100%
You have obtained a total of: skills in this scene:
Lv1 Fireball. (ordinary)
Lv1 Healing (Legendary)

Lv1 Magic Shield (Rare)

Titles: 'Sorcerer's Apprentice' Bronze title, 'Goblin Dominator' Black Iron title, 'King's Friendship' title incomplete (50%)

Equipment: 'Dark Dawn' (blue plot weapon), 'Dark Night Trio' (light blue plot armor).

Props: 'Disgusting Tumor' X1, silver plot props

Total capital income, statistics: 2200 common coins, 13 potential points, 2 merit points.

As the giant eagle flew into outer space, a ray of light seemed to flicker in the dark starry sky, and then it was all darkness. I don't know how long it took, when Fang Yun opened his eyes again in a daze, he was lying on an empty space. In the room, there was a warm feeling in the body, and it was completely healed.

Looking up, the surrounding area is white, but there is no furniture in the room. Looking out of the window, many people on the street are selling items or chatting, but no one is looking into the house. The glass should be one-way.

"Reminder: Contractor No. 6250, this is your exclusive room. Without your permission, no one else can enter. At the same time, the contractor invited to enter the room by you can only watch the room you stored in the room without your consent. The equipment, props, etc. in the room cannot take him away or damage him in any way."

"You need to purchase all the decorative items in the room. Items that you cannot bring back to the real world can be stored in the room. To enter this room, you need to authenticate your soul imprint. When you are inside the killing space, you can change your face 20%, or 20% lower, and make some simple changes, so when communicating with other people, you will avoid revealing your identity in the real world, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble for yourself. If you don’t want to go out to buy furniture, You can also ask Killing Room. (As long as you have the common currency ready, everything is possible.)”

"Increase by 20%." Fang Yun wanted to know if he could be handsome.

This white house is not bad, it should be about 100 square meters, and the height is 5 meters.
"Space, can I buy a set of furniture?" Fang Yun asked.

"May I ask what kind of furniture do you need? Killing Space has a full set of modern, technological, and retro furniture. Please list below and choose your favorite. It is guaranteed to be pollution-free, pollution-free, and odor-free. The top ones can be discounted Yo." The originally mechanized voice suddenly changed, and a little girl's head appeared in front of him, introducing everything quickly, and then opened a long virtual list that was one meter long, covered with various furniture, pure Made by Jin, the sci-fi color is extremely serious, and it can be used for everything anyway.

These furniture can just fill the entire room, so it can be seen that the rooms where other contractors live are probably about the same size.

"Give me a vintage set..." Fang Yun twitched down the last row and chose a set of extremely retro furniture.

"Oh, please pay 100 common currency points, and Killing Space will deliver the whole set of furniture to your room as quickly as possible." The little girl who sold the goods quickly turned off the microphone, and Fang Yun actually heard from her words. Heard contempt! ! !
"Fuck, you are so stupid. The first set of furniture costs 10000 common coins, even if it is a discount... Which idiot can have this spare money to buy such expensive furniture..." Fang Yun was a little annoyed. Wan's local tyrant, although after buying the furniture, there are still 2100 left...

 -. - Asking for recommendations, asking for rewards, asking for favorites, asking for comments, don’t you feel bored after seeing six comments? I heard that there will be rewards for discussing the plot in the comment area.

(End of this chapter)

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