Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 22 Area D...

Chapter 22 Area D.
Seeing the face in the mirror that was not like a mortal, Fang Yun walked out. After a few minutes, the furniture in the room was arranged in an instant. He thought he had to wait for the express delivery, but it turned out that he didn't need it at all.

"What the hell!!!" Fang Yun took the first step out of the door, and he was dumbfounded. It was normal to look outside from the window, but when he went out and looked up, he could see houses hanging upside down in the sky, trees , flowers and plants, the flow of people there is the same, they are also shopping, walking, or trading.

Such an exaggerated and sci-fi scene made Fang Yun salivate a little. This place is like the movie "Elysium" he has seen. All the houses, trees, and cars hang upside down in the sky, or on the left and right sides. Of course, there are some blank spaces. It is transparent glass, and the outside is the endless starry sky, or it is a scattered light source.

And they were inside this huge incomparable sphere, only the gravity under their feet kept them from falling. The house gradually tilted forward, backward, left, and right, but the gravity remained the same. This kind of shock surprised him, a half-elf country bumpkin.

People walking on the street are not interested in seeing newbies in a daze. Basically, the contractors who come to the killing space for the first time are all like this. The beautiful house has some exotic flowers and fruits around the house, or else A beautiful fountain, towering trees, a handsome guy walking his dog on the street, a D-cup beauty with an extremely slender figure, the two looked at each other, and went straight into the 'Killing Hotel', probably to open a room.

"Made, this is the legendary holy place for sex dating. Aren't you afraid that the beautiful woman is a man, and she is also a big guy?" Changing the gender once for free is only available inside the Killing Space, and he held back this kind of awesome welfare.

However, seeing so many beauties on the street made him a little puzzled. With the urine nature of Killing Space, the survival rate of men is definitely several times that of women. However, there are so many women on the street, maybe Killing Space is driving him crazy Men, they psychopathically change gender.

"Hey, Pete, why did you change your appearance? Did it cost some GM to have a major plastic surgery?" A bearded man walked over, I don't know if he did it on purpose. The urge to draw a gun.

"Oh, FUCK, Saddam, why did I see you again?" A black man with a naked appearance looked at the bearded man with disgust.

"Sorry, my name is not Pete, but you can call me handsome." Fang Yun was a little puzzled, why did these two people gather in front of his door.

The bearded man ignored his teasing, his eyes were a little dark: "It seems that Pete has died, poor friend, even his house has been taken by the newcomers."

"But he still owes me 1000 Universal Coins, and he just died like this, Xuete, I will never let him steal 1000 Universal Coins!" frustrated.

He also shook his head, as if feeling sorry for Pete, then turned his head and left. Fighting is not allowed in the Killing Space, and if a vase is broken with a slight move, 1000 common currency points will be deducted. Take a shot, or put a flag on the ring.

Fang Yun didn't want to talk to this group of psychopaths. Through Killing Space, he requested to talk to Contractor No. 5555. After a few seconds, after the call was connected, Fang Yun heard a familiar voice, and his face turned up. It seems that the same is true for men. Like to be ugly.

"Which neighborhood are you in, fake elf?" Fang Yun was speechless for a while, always calling him a fake elf, but he didn't dare to say that he was a real elf...
"How do I know, I'll ask later." Fang Yun patted the depressed Saddam.

"Hey, bearded man, which district and street are we here?"

"Area D, Back Mountain Street." The bearded man said casually.

Fang Yun said thank you, then turned his head and told Hanks: "In the D area, back..." With his super high perception, he could feel the evil gaze of the bearded man, turned and entered the house.

Hanks couldn't stop laughing: "Area D, you're still on Back Mountain Street, your lucky value is really high, tell me your room number, and I'll find you right away."

Just as Fang Yun glanced at the house number and said it, there was a knock on the door. A tall and strong Caucasian man with a masculine face, wearing tight-fitting short-sleeves, showing a burly figure, extremely attracted the attention of women.

"Hello, false elf."

"FCUK, you look so ugly, you shouldn't have raised the price by 20%." Fang Yun invited him into the room, Hanks looked at Fang Yun with a carefree attitude, then skillfully opened the refrigerator, easily found the space for free beer, and gulped Filled up.

"Well, I won't tell you, I spent an extra 500 Universal Coins for plastic surgery, OK, let me introduce you to some basic problems of Killing Floor first."

"First, fighting is not allowed inside Killing Floor, but you can use some simple skills in the room, and you are not allowed to release large-scale destruction skills, otherwise the house will be destroyed, and you will be responsible for all compensation."

"Second, if you want to go anywhere, you can call the space and teleport. There are only 3 free chances per day. After that, you will get 100 Universal Coins once."

"Third, there is a trading area inside Killing Floor, where you can buy equipment and props, some basic ability scrolls, or other things, but any transactions need to pay taxes, but no one dares to cheat there. There are In formal occasions, of course there is a black market, but the quality of the equipment, whether it is good or bad, and whether there are any problems with various terms depends on your own eyesight, anyway, there is no forced buying and selling, and it depends on your own ability."

"Fourth, in District D, not only in Back Mountain Street, but also in the entire District D, there are countless transvestites. This situation has been complained about in other districts, so transvestites and perverts have all come to District D, so here The messiest, of course you can also change districts, a total of five districts S, A, B, C, and D, among which District S is the most expensive, but there are all villas, unless a lucky newcomer can survive the death of the contractor. It is where you were born when you were born, otherwise you can only spend money to buy a house.”

"Fifth, the reason why this place is called killing space is that after each contractor passes through 3 plot worlds, he will arrange a battle with the contractor for you according to the evaluation of your plot world tasks. Every time the killing world opens At that time, there were at least 100 people in a plot world, but the survival rate was only a pitiful 10%.”

"Sixth, Killing Floor encourages teamwork, because no matter how perfect a person is, he will eventually have weaknesses, so there are many teams here. But ordinary teams eat people without spit out their bones, and newcomers are often cannon fodder. But you are different, because your healing skills are too good, but you want to join the team, although they will give you super high treatment, but they will definitely make you sign a series of clauses not to leave the team, in short, it is very troublesome. "

"Thank you, a bottle of red wine." Fang Yun snapped his fingers, and spent 10 common coins in heartache to buy a good bottle of red wine. It is definitely not so cheap to buy from others.

"Hey, that's interesting, I didn't waste my words, the wine brewed by Killing Space is simply addictive!" Hanks took a sip, with a fascinated expression on his face, let Fang Yun also take a sip, and then he took a deep breath In one breath, he quickly put the remaining half bottle of wine into the storage space.

(End of this chapter)

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