Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 307 Go out of the city for one lap?

Chapter 307 Going out of town for a tour? (2 more)
After arriving in Twilight Town, you can gradually discover villages, and you can also see many refugees, who are directly collected by the villages in the northern part of Twilight Forest, because the contractors in a small number of villages in Twilight Forest have not yet gone to Twilight Town.

This group of guys know that they are very close to Twilight Town, so they don’t need to hurry. It is enough to reach Twilight Town by the deadline, so this group of guys still want to take advantage of it. Fang Yun doesn’t know whether these guys are reckless or lack of brain root string.

The later they go, the more they will be squeezed out. Twilight Town is broken, and those homeless guys will definitely not seek refuge in a certain village or small town. They will definitely take soldiers to Stormwind City and pretend to be a military officer. .

After all, these guys have worked hard, and Stormwind City will definitely take them in.

But this small number of teams probably won't be able to form any large alliances in Twilight Town, and they may be forced to go to the front stage, and then beaten into dogs by the orcs, losing not even a single hair left.

As the night fell, the fog became thicker and thicker, and the road ahead could not be seen clearly, but the distance from Twilight Town was getting closer, and Fang Yun didn't want to delay any longer. There was a long line of people holding torches, Looking at it from a high altitude, it looks like a fire dragon is crawling forward.

As the smell of blood became stronger and stronger, the roar resounded through the night sky. Fang Yun raised his head and even saw the line of fire that was about to be dragged in the sky. Although it was blocked by the fog, he could hear it from the sound.

"The orcs still have trebuchets. It's crazy. Is the battlefield going to be so miserable in the early stage?" Fang Yun couldn't help cursing.

Teams with more than a thousand soldiers are advancing side by side with Fang Yun, but there are only 4 teams in total.

Throw away Fang Yun and Thor, that is to say, there are two more.

The rest are a bit uneven, with two to 300 troops at most. This group of people belongs to the guys who can't ask for reinforcements from the plane even if they have a space channel...

When everyone heard what Fang Yun said, they were actually frowning. With a big killer like a trebuchet, if they were really going to be hit on them, unless the soldiers had the strength of a golden plot character, they would all be sent to death. It's just that if you can hide, if you want to resist immortality, you must at least have the strength of dark gold.

Moreover, the trebuchet is also an instant kill for the contractor, directly crushing you into a pulp, not even at the stage of dying.

But luckily, they saw the trebuchet in Twilight Town, and they also faced the same bombardment. Burning boulders flew back and forth in the sky, and the screams even made the recruits who came to support them scream. A sense of fear.

Fortunately, after 10 minutes passed, there were no flames and stones in the sky, but the sound of orcs and human warriors fighting was heard.

"FUCK, the damned tribal contractors, started to attack at night again, so fucking go to support, the north of Twilight Town, do you need your defense?
MD, who is the leader of your team, why don't you send troops to go? "It was a rough voice that Fang Yun could hear clearly at a distance of [-] meters, but the two could not see each other, mainly because the fog was too dense, even if they were a team all holding torches and covered by trees, Didn't let the guys from Twilight see them either.

Fang Yun can only sigh at this, it's not bad that it is Twilight Town, it really deserves to be attacked at night...

With a rough voice, he drove away the guys guarding the North City Gate, and took a team and soldiers to rest here. There are more than 2000 soldiers under his command, and now there are only less than 1300 left.

But everyone's soldiers are decreasing, so his power is still very domineering, and he is a leader who can talk in Twilight Town, so he can have such an aura. .

In Twilight Town, defensive tasks are rotated, otherwise it will definitely cause dissatisfaction, but there will always be some people who overwhelm others with force, which is very painful.

Louis XIX leaned against the city wall less than 10 meters high, sipped his spirits leisurely, and suddenly opened his eyes wide. He saw countless flames approaching, and shouted at the top of his voice: "The enemy! The enemy is attacking, someone is attacking in the north of Sunset Town!"

As a result, I saw a few figures rushing up and directly boarded the city wall. One of them was a handsome man with elf ears. The man frowned: "No eyes? We are humans, reinforcements, the enemy Your uncle, or you will guard Twilight Town yourself, and we will leave."

Louis XIX saw that the soldiers behind him were about to make a move, so he immediately waved them to stop. Seeing this guy who was more arrogant than him, he was a little disdainful: "The reinforcements are amazing? If you have the ability, you go, who will be punished by the space?"

"As for an idiot like you, Twilight Town is broken, and you won't be able to reach Stormwind City. See how our brothers in Elwynn Forest exploit you into beggars." Thor was also extremely dissatisfied with this Louis XIX's attitude, Straight away.

"Oh, yes, if you want military exploits, then go to the front line and die!" Louis XIX snorted coldly.

"Send him to death? You really think we are stupid, why do you talk to the boss of Sunset Town? The pastor is a friend of Lothar, the commander-in-chief of Stormwind City. Just a country bumpkin like you, have you never been to Stormwind City?" one of them The head of the team said without hesitation, very supportive of Captain Fang.

Especially the words like hillbilly, which almost drove this guy to death. At this time, he had a look of resignation. Fortunately, there are regular troops here in Stormwind City, and he directly opened the city gate to welcome their support.

Fang Yun glanced at Louis XIX, turned around and jumped under the city wall, leading the Sunset Legion into Twilight Town first.

Some teams who heard the news had also arrived. Hearing the angry roar of Louis XIX, they felt that with their friendship, they must make this group of recruits look good. Anyway, they came to support because of space force, because of war In this mode, after a recruit has been on the battlefield a few times, he can immediately become a veteran. He can survive the life-and-death test, grow extremely quickly, and soon become an elite soldier with superb killing skills.

But after the city gate was opened, the first thing that caught the eye was the shining armor. They were riding high-grade war horses, holding silver spears, and the whole body was covered with heavy armor, and they were all shining with silver light. Some of them had sharp eyes, even Also saw inlaid gemstones.

And the one who took the lead broke Louis XIX's heart even more. Isn't it the elf called the priest?
A total of [-] sunset legions, all in silver suits, and their neat military posture look no weaker than the regular army of Stormwind City.

Even though this group of people are all recruits, the equipment is so powerful, so this group of people is also an elite-level soldier.

With the influx of more than 1 troops into Twilight Town, it has really increased the morale of the regular army in Stormwind City. When the original Twilight Town started the war, there were 3000 regular troops, but now it is less than 2000. Soldiers brought by the team.

According to Fang Yun's news from the Griffin Scouts, there were originally 15000 people in Twilight Town, but now there are only 11000 people. , The soldiers defending on the city wall did not have the number of people to change defense at all.

It is very possible that if they come a few days later, Twilight Town may be breached.

"How many orcs are attacking at this time?" Fang Yun ignored the contractors and turned to find the head of the infantry regiment in Stormwind City.

"There are almost 3000 orcs. Because the southern city wall can only support such a number of people in battle, it is useless to have more. However, because of the defense against the eastern city wall and the western city wall, we dare not transfer our troops casually. Now there are many soldiers They are all going into battle with injuries, just waiting for you to come!"

The head of the infantry sighed, and seemed very happy. It was quite exciting that Sunset Town could come so early.

As the commander of the infantry, he is no ordinary person, so he naturally knows the strength of Sunset Town, because they have at least two regular legions.

"More than 3000 orcs?" Fang Yun murmured.

"Yes, what's the matter, I just don't know if there are orc reinforcements hidden outside."

But no one expected that Fang Yun suddenly turned his head and said with a sneer: "Thor and the regiment leaders behind him, are you interested in sending the most elite fighters to follow my cavalry on both sides of the city outside the city? A raid?"

After Fang Yun finished speaking, everyone was silent, but the excited expression on his face definitely showed that the group of people were very interested.

Taking the initiative to attack or continuing to defend is nonsense, and the most important thing is to get the military merit value. At the beginning, it was because he didn't want to be controlled by the Glory team, so Fang Yun insisted that the city needs a defensive battle.

But now Captain Fang just wants to say that the defense he once said is the last word, it's all bullshit, just listen to it~
(End of this chapter)

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