Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 308 The Silver Cavalry

Chapter 308 That Silver Cavalry
Fang Yun's plan was not a whim, but because the orcs outside didn't know that their reinforcements from Twilight Town would arrive at night, let alone that there were 1000 heavy cavalry in Twilight Town.

How much does the orc itself weigh?Probably within 250 catties to 400 catties.

However, all the high-level war horses and heavy cavalry together weigh more than 400 kilograms. As long as they can charge up and run, they can definitely deal a fierce blow to the orcs the moment they open the city gate.

You know, during siege battles, orcs can't ride a wolf!
Moreover, these more than 3000 orcs belong to different contractors. After being raided, they will definitely not form an effective counterattack ability for a while.

The head of the infantry regiment frowned when he heard that the city gate was about to be opened, but he took a look at the new force of more than 1 people and was not afraid that the orcs would come in.

"Give you 10 minutes to get ready, otherwise the orcs will retreat. They are mainly harassing and attacking now. I don't know why, these guys suddenly don't have the kind of fighting spirit to die. They have to use some fatigue tactics." Infantry Regiment I pressed and pressed my temple for a long time, feeling a little confused.

Fang Yun nodded and said that he would arrange it. Of course he knew that he was a contractor of the tribe, and he didn't want his subordinates to die too quickly. Do you have the courage to go all out, which is why this situation has formed.

"It's probably impossible to eat 3000 orcs, but it's okay to cripple them as much as possible, so we commanders, it's best to rush to the front, otherwise I really dare not take out the cavalry.

But the most important point is that no matter what happens, the outing of the city is only 15 minutes away, and they will withdraw after the fight. The orcs cannot be given a chance to counterattack! "Fang Yun took out 1000 heavy armored cavalry. It is impossible for others to get the military exploits and send Fang Yun's cavalry to death.

So they could only nod in agreement, forming a team of 30 melee evolutionists, rushing ahead of the cavalry.

So in just 10 minutes, an elite army of more than 4000 people was organized and came directly behind the city gate. The southern wall of Twilight Town was getting taller every day. At this time, it was already 15 meters high. Siege ladders are required.

But the role of the trebuchet is to create a gap in the city wall, creating an opportunity for the orcs to attack.

Fang Yun was riding a Quel'Dorei horse, ready to go. Gilhard led the shield warriors to the city wall to clean up the attacking orc warriors. All the silver warriors raised their shields to support the defense troops. .

He led the Sunset Legion to Twilight Town, not in a daze. The number of people is not too important to Fang Yun. The elite is the most important thing. He needs this group of recruits to have experienced the experience of the battlefield, otherwise they will die sooner or later. .

A group of fresh troops surged up the city wall, and the orcs were caught off guard. Moreover, this group of silver warriors deeply understood the truth that the orcs were powerful and needed to cooperate to kill the enemy. Often, several people raised their shields to defend and carry out a joint attack.

I have to say that this tactic is not bad, and quickly cleared an open space on the city wall to give the archers a place to shoot arrows, but the strength of the orcs still surprised Fang Yun. His silver warrior attribute is not weak, but Meet those orcs with hammers.

Basically, there are two hammers and one. Warriors who can block in front of them with shields will also be smashed away by the huge force.

If you are lucky, you can still survive. If you don't use a shield to block it, it is a miserable situation. Even if you don't get smashed into a pulp, you won't be able to fight again in a short time.

Enemies with heavy weapons, crushed with strength, how could this Fang Yun not know, Fang Yun has suffered such a loss when facing the pale orc Asog, but there are too many orcs with heavy hammers Guys, no wonder Stormwind City can be breached.

Seeing that his troops suffered heavy casualties, Fang Yun gave the head of the infantry regiment a look. He was decisive enough to cut the rope with an axe, and the steel gate crashed down, directly killing many orcs.

Some contractors hiding behind the orc army hadn't calmed down and gave the order to attack when they saw a group of evolutionaries riding horses rushing out!

"I, Cao, dare to go out of the city to fight? Fuck them!" Some tribe's evolutionists shouted, but the sudden silver light really stunned a group of orcs!

A whole thousand heavy armored cavalry bowed their heads one after another, hugging the necks of their horses tightly, and holding the silver-white spears with one hand, the veins of each hand clenched tightly to the barrels of the guns were exposed.

I am afraid that when I pierce the orc, I am afraid that some kind of huge force will take away the spear, so it is necessary to hold the spear tightly, and everyone can wear a knife, but the most lethal one is brought by the spear accompanied by the horse. impact, so try not to give up the long gun and not use it.

Moreover, there is another way of fighting in cavalry, that is, after piercing through the enemy, immediately pull out the spear with skill, otherwise the speed will be delayed, and it will be fatal, but this is a skill that can only be mastered after many battles .

Everyone in the heavy cavalry has received hell-style training, but when it comes to the battlefield, the situation is often not that simple, so Fang Yun will desperately let the recruits feel the real iron and blood.

It is precisely because Fang Yun knew this truth that the evolutionists took the lead. They became the vanguard and put the least pressure on this group of cavalry, but the cavalry of the Sunset Legion did not embarrass him.

At the moment when the silver cavalry rushed out of the city gate, it really broke through the black sea of ​​clouds like thunder.

At that moment, the silver heavy cavalry, accompanied by the muffled sound of horseshoes, forcibly emerged among the many orcs, smashing a road formed of flesh and blood, silver spears, relying on the huge impact force and the length of the weapon , easily pierced blood holes in those orcs.

Then at the moment of leaving, he quickly pulled out his spear and continued to fight. As for whether the orc is dead or not, it depends on the brothers behind him!
A heavy cavalry soldier who was only about 20 years old had reached the leader level at this time, and he was considered a small captain in the entire cavalry team. He pierced two orcs with a spear in succession, but the moment he stabbed the spear again, he was caught by an orc. The barrel of the gun was thrown off the horse directly.

The young man felt the incomparable force, and when he rolled down from the horse, he was not seriously injured by virtue of his equipment.

He abandoned his long spear, drew out his saber and quickly jumped up from the ground, stabbing the tip of the saber into the orc's chest fiercely, but the orc with strong physical strength, even though green blood bubbles appeared from his mouth, still widened his eyes Wielding a heavy hammer, he knocked the young man down in a pool of blood.

Such a berserk blow really made him out of breath, no matter how good the equipment was, he couldn't bear this huge force, and a large piece of his chest was dented, even if the equipment was mixed with the branches and leaves of the world tree, it couldn't make him Get back right away.

What's more, the orc was still alive, stubbornly clutching his chest, and walked slowly towards the powerless young man.

But there are more cavalry behind this young man. They are recruits, but they are the recruits with the best equipment and the hardest training.

They saw that their squad leader was severely injured. Although they didn't shout out or roar angrily, the silver spears directly pierced the orc into a hole.

As for the squad leader lying in a pool of blood, they could only gallop past him with tears in their eyes. They could only hope that their brother would survive and go home alive with them...

 The third update~
(End of this chapter)

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