Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 401 Victory

Chapter 401 Victory
After the wave of the small dragon team battle, the economic advantage of the Satan team that wiped out the wild area and the pawn line was more than 2000, and killing the big dragon gave another 1500 gold coins.

And the most important thing is the big dragon buff, which is so powerful that it can be called an all-round enhancement. Even though Boss Fang is a mage template at this time, he still feels that powerful power.

After the 5 people were equipped, the whole army set off again.

With a purple light possessing his body, all the soldiers in the middle line turned into purple soldiers. The dwarf soldiers who were only knee-high at first turned into muscular men, holding shields and long swords, and the armor was covered with purple runes. The light bullets that carried the defense tower were more than rubbed.

The advantage brought by defeating the dragon is not only gold coins and BUFF, but more importantly, momentum!
With the strength of everyone, the tower pushing speed is super fast. As for the enemy's clearing troops, it is also possible, but they will definitely not use powerful skills, but in this way, they will be completely pushed all the way to the high ground tower!

And Hanks led the way directly, relying on the advantage of the small soldiers, easily harvested the second tower on the road, and was about to push it to the high ground!
And Pete was holding a sniper rifle, which gave them huge consumption. Fang Yun thought they would give up the second tower and defend the high ground!
But after hearing Galen's roar, he flashed a Q and slashed heavily on Pete's head. Silence appeared, making it impossible for him to even use a flash!

Fang Yun was also taken aback at that time, and quickly added a magic shield and healing spell to him, restoring hundreds of drops of blood, but Qin Nu also flashed and opened up.

Instantly stunned the three people in the middle, only Boss Fang stood on the other side to escape the blow!
Hanks saw that it was not good, so he was about to charge up and use his power immediately, but when he came over, there were at least three seconds, Fang Yun refused directly in his heart, and asked him to continue pushing the tower!

Jianhao and Delevingne came galloping and launched a series of attacks on Pete. When he was only one second away from killing Pete, a healing technique appeared again.

Pete seized the opportunity when he had only 30 blood points left, flashed and ran into the wild area, and used an attack to suck blood. Ares charged Draven with a charge attack, knocking him into the air.

And at that moment, Draven was grabbed by Fang Yun again, yanked fiercely, and flew in front of Fang Yun again.

Poker stunned Galen with a high-explosive grenade, and directly rushed back with half-blood Pete, quickly killing Draven in seconds.

"It's now, Blizzard Endless Slash!" Jian Hao roared, and a whirlwind tore up from the ground, just in time to knock Fang Yun and the others into the air. He turned into a phantom, and quickly jumped into the air, Everyone just felt the sword's edge across their body.

Pete... just hang up!
"But... it's now!" The moment Fang Yun saw the whirlwind, he had already used his big move. Even if his body was knocked into the air, he was still being attacked by the swordsman, but his big move was a skill that could not be interrupted. !
So even if he was in mid-air, the bursts of invisible telekinetic power spread instantly, and the exaggerated damage directly caused heavy losses to the enemies who rushed up.

The Juggernaut is only half-blooded, but a murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and the plateau blood and Wuji swordsmanship were opened.

The moment the poker hit the ground, he saw the frightening blade, which had already come to his side, but he didn't hesitate, and threw a big move under his feet, when his eyes went dark.

There was a bang, and as soon as the Juggernaut who had cut Pete appeared, he was blown into pieces and died without a whole body.

But at this moment, Hanks has pushed to the road crystal.

Ares is half-blooded, Fang Yun is half-blooded, but Ares, who was covered with a magic shield, forcibly killed the second tower in the middle.

And they will not care about the attack of the defensive tower. The moment Boss Fang hit the ground, he easily solved Galen with a flat A.

After all, he was shot in the head and face by Pete, and it was already very good to survive Fang Yun's thought power shock wave, and now he has turned into a trace of blood.

Although Jianhao escaped in a flash, he was almost powerless!
Fang Yun and Poker resolutely gave up the pawn line in the middle, jumped over the wall in a flash, and helped Hanks push to the front tooth tower. No matter how bad Yasuo was, he was caught by Fang Yun with one hand. Under the beating, the long sword still broke, and he knelt down on the ground again!
When their front teeth explode!
Galen and the group of dead souls couldn't help but finally said: "Let us go, you have seen our strength, Killing Space will definitely take us in intentionally!"

Fang Yun threw energy balls at the crystal, and sneered: "Joke, we can win because you are not familiar with our skills in the early stage. If you really have to wait until later, you will let us go, don't say Your space rewards are not one-third of our attributes.

As if you can really come here, remember, space war, life and death, from the moment you attack, only one of the two spaces can exist! "

Yasuo and the others were silent. They never thought that they and others would die in this mode, but in fact the most important point is that from the moment the battle between the ark space and the killing space started.

Some inheritors of heroes have already died, and many have died. For example, the wandering blind monk died in other planes because he didn't wear glasses, not to mention that Killing Space has already fought them twice!

Those who have participated in the battle can no longer play again.

So their lineup is not the best.

Galen belongs to the apostles.Although his blood recovery ability is abnormal, it needs to be outside the rules of the game to exert its greatest advantage. In that case, ordinary people are really no match for him!

But the Satan team didn't fight him in that situation!

As they were revived one by one, Fang Yun swung an energy ball, easily knocking out the last drop of blood from the red crystal, and the entire battlefield stopped instantly, and no one could move.

"Victory, victory!~"

But with the appearance of a voice, Fang Yun's five people were still relieved, and the following information made everyone even more ecstatic.

But only Boss Fang, looking at his information with a confused face, has been feeling that he should not choose a support, otherwise he would not let himself go further and further on the road of Faye.

"Reminder: You have completed the mandatory task released by Killing Space, and successfully let Space obtain the origin of the League of Legends world!"

"Hint: You will receive attribute rewards corresponding to your status!"

"Reminder: Contractor No. 6250, you will be rewarded with one-third of the full attributes of the naked outfit, the evolution inheritor of the auxiliary hero Qinse Fairy. This attribute will be directly added to your basic attributes according to the classification!"

"Hint: The attribute rewards you will get are: Strength 13, Dexterity 12, Physical Strength 11, Perception 14, Wisdom 24, Intelligence 27, Charm 21 points."

The attributes of Fang Yun's naked outfit are as follows

Strength: 79+13=92
Agility: 74+12=86
Physical strength: 68+11=79
Perception: 71+14=85
Wisdom: 71+24=95
Intelligence: 71+27=98
Charm: 78+21=99
(Friendly reminder: For an evolutionary to become an extraordinary person, one of the naked attributes needs to reach 130 points. Of course, there are other requirements. I don’t know how I designed it, so for the needs of the plot... I need to open a plug-in... ...)
 Cough cough cough, it seems that I am still good at movies, especially magical ones~ After finishing Starship Troopers, I should participate in the final battle of Lord of the Rings. According to my thinking, it should be a war mode, but the orc army is too weak , and the ark space is attacking, anyone of you can give me some advice, tell me something about the war races in the game, and join Sauron's camp, it is best to be a dark creature.

(End of this chapter)

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