Chapter 402 The Return
"It's unimaginable that so many attributes can be added!" Hanks looked excited. Galen's attributes are quite strong, especially strength and stamina, which increased him by 30 points respectively.

Instantly let his two naked attributes break through 100 points, which is simply terrifying, but this will also confirm Hanks' top MT position.

Of course the others were also very excited, but Poker and Fang Yun were stunned.

Although Boss Fang always likes to fool people with his staff, he wants to take the melee route, and the mage is just pretending.

But adding so many attributes to his wisdom and intelligence is also a bit helpless, but Boss Fang has reached this point, and he has not yet chosen a suitable route, which is acceptable.

And poker is a mage route. Although he has some melee means, Yasuo's most prominent attributes are undoubtedly agility and strength, so this guy is the most depressing. Fortunately, poker is also good at agility. After all, he can sometimes Pretend to be a melee mage.

"Hey, don't be depressed, what should I say, these are all attributes for nothing, at least it can increase some strength, so don't complain." Pete was flattered.

As they talked, a burst of space fluctuations came, and they all turned into white light and disappeared into the whole world, returning to the dormitory of Starship Troopers again.

Fang Yun glanced at the time, his face darkened: "MD, it's been 10 minutes in the game world, and 13 days have passed for Starship Troopers?"

"Go and see the setting sun army, it will be a disaster if they are defeated!" Ares said hastily.

Everyone nodded, and hurried to the vicinity of the wall. As for why they came here, it was naturally because they heard the sirens of the Zerg attack.

But as they came to the wall, the Zerg, who were still aggressively attacking, started to retreat for some reason!

Boss Fang, who came to the fence, glanced at the Zerg, and naturally knew why they retreated. Maybe it was the evolutionists in the ark space who retreated in large numbers, which made the Zerg lose confidence, and when he saw the sunset army on the fence, he felt relieved: "It's okay, it's okay, I didn't lose too much!"

"Taylor, what about the battle damage?" When Fang Yun came over, Taylor, the first mate of the Black Dragon, had already trotted over.

He had been fighting bloody battles for a long time now, the armor was covered with traces and green blood, and the place outside the armor was covered with dragon scales full of metallic luster, slender and sharp nails, and a big bloody mouth. This situation really terrified some defensive contractors.

After all, this is not one or two people, but a whole 300 people who are transforming like this. The defense and attack power of the dragon crew has greatly increased. It really didn't give the claw insects a chance to attack the wall, and it was also because they and the shield army Cooperation has kept the wall unbroken.

After a painful transformation, Taylor's dragon scale retreated under the skin, and his body was covered with blood. Fang Yun performed a healing technique on him to relieve the pain. Then he said, "There are only more than 700 people injured in the battle. 500 people died in shield battles, and another 200 shooters died because of flying insects.

The main reason is that the attacks during this period are too frequent, and the Zerg has too many troops. If it weren't for this, with the quality of our army, it is impossible for the bugs to cause damage to us now! "

Fang Yun glanced at the piled corpses and said with emotion, "Thanks for your hard work."

"It's not hard, it's not hard, presumably the retreat of the Zerg must have won a battle elsewhere."

Boss Fang, who glanced at the battlefield, nodded: "The war should be over soon, when the time comes, you should bring the corpses and equipment back to Sunset City, after all, my brothers can die in foreign countries or even other places.

But if you die in another plane, your soul can't float back, so it's better to return to the root of the fallen leaves. "

"Yeah!" Taylor nodded heavily. The first mate of the pirates is now an excellent general.

Then Fang Yun summoned Brand again. Only three or four people in the mobile unit died. Fang Yun lamented that these guys are still alive. Just die.

After communicating with them, he received a lot of information.

"Reminder: The Zergs killed by your legion will provide you with a total of 155050 military merit points!"

"Reminder: The dark king team led many teams and successfully killed the super brain worm. This war plane has won the victory. The military merit points you get will open other exchange functions, so there will be no plot tasks in this plane war. settlement."

"Reminder: You still have 10 hours to stay. If you still want to stay in this world, you need to pay 300 common currency for every extra day you stay."

When everyone received the mission information, they were also a little surprised. Although they lured away a few guys in the world of the Canyon of Kings, they did not expect that the dark mage Karl was really powerful enough to kill him forcibly under many obstacles. Super brain worm, it seems that the receipt should be very large.

It's a pity... Karl is not in front of them now, otherwise it would be really hard to say.

He spent a lot of financial and material resources, and finally got legendary props, and even a large amount of military merit, but in general, he still didn't earn much, especially some evolutionaries who were tricked by him became his. The bait has suffered a lot in battle, and he is trying to trouble him right now!

Boss Fang, who didn't know these things, casually shared the general's merits.

"My Cao, so many military merit points? MD, we are going to send them!" Hanks still couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It feels quite a lot, now let's go to the quartermaster." At the end of the mission, the Satan team opened a space channel to send away the soldiers of the Sunset Legion, and then found the beautiful quartermaster. When they saw the exchange list Suddenly he was stunned.

Everyone really didn't expect that the military merit value could be exchanged for common currency, and the ratio was still 1:1.

What's even more abnormal is that it can be exchanged for free attribute points, and the ratio is a bit exaggerated, because it is 1000:1.

However, the Satan team is not interested in exchanging any free attribute points now, but immediately exchanged two MD-2 super nano-powered armors. After all, Boss Fang suddenly discovered that the number of permanent armors is limited, and there are only three sets in total.

Before the others came back, he quickly exchanged for 2 sets. As for the rest, they can divide it among themselves...

And this kind of dark gold-level power armor is mainly for exchange for Pete.

After all, this thing can greatly increase his mobility and defense, and it can also allow him to better display his sniper strength.

As for the other armor, whoever needs it can use it, but the biggest situation is to use it with poker. After all, although his melee strength is somewhat, it still cannot be compared with Fang Yun and others.

Although this guy doesn't like to wear armor, saying that it affects the feel of throwing cards, but this set of MD-101 is still placed in the public storage warehouse.

And two dark gold-level MD-101s are worth 72000 military merit points!
The remaining 83050 military merit points were converted into general currency, plus the 82000 points he still has now, a total of 163000 general currency!
And these universal coins seem to be a lot. If you really want to buy something, you can also buy a few legendary equipment.

But Boss Fang doesn't want to use too much, because since the space war has already started, it will definitely continue. After all, the war between the ark space and the killing space will not stop in a short time.

Therefore, the Satan team must not be able to leave, so he must prepare for the next world!
"So, return to space and prepare for the next world battle!"

(End of this chapter)

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