Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 403 When a local tyrant meets a local tyrant...

Chapter 403 When a local tyrant meets a local tyrant...

As Fang Yun lay in the middle of his room, he finally got his long-lost rest. He opened the door and looked up. There was a faint soft white light in the space, as if under the sun.

There is no night in the space, and any time is day.

There are a lot fewer pedestrians on the entire street, even the famous Back Mountain Street, there are a lot less homosexuals, and the indecent behavior on the street is much less, it seems that the space has abandoned them as cannon fodder.

Therefore, the atmosphere inside the space is not very good. Everyone knows that the two spaces are at war, even for the contractors.

Of course, except for novices, no one can guarantee that they will not participate in this kind of war in the next world.

"I heard that a plane inside the space has been invaded, and many people died!" A contractor was chatting with people on the street.

That person was obviously a talker, and said directly: "King Arthur: Beast Legend, I heard that nearly [-] contractors and evolutionists died in this battlefield, and even the sword in the stone was snatched away by the evolutionaries opposite." up.

The attribute points of the surviving evolutionaries were reduced by one-third, and many people turned back into contractors. In short, it was a disaster! "

"However, I also heard a piece of news that our space has an additional game world of League of Legends. I really didn't expect it. Such a powerful world has been captured by the space. It must have made a lot of money. A King Arthur should not be able to compare League of legends!"

"Well, that's right. Ever since the war between the killing space and the ark space, the myth space has also fought with the animation space. I really don't know why. It's obviously good, but why the sudden war is really hard for us low-level evolutionaries!"

"Hey, don't mention it, I'm going to buy medicine, I don't know what it will be in the next world, just please don't let me go to the plane battlefield as cannon fodder..."


Hearing the conversation between these two people, Fang Yun sighed in his heart. Fortunately, he was lucky, because the Satanic team did not start the plane war before it grew up, otherwise the Satanic team might become cannon fodder.

And the current Satan team is really good among the evolutionary teams.

After all, it is not only about attributes, but also about other methods. For example, the Sunset City built by Boss Fang is a trump card, and Xiao Hei, who can change the situation of the battle at any time, can also be used as a trump card!

It's just that the Legion of Sunset City needs the war mode to be summoned.

But summoning Xiao Hei or the Black Dragon battleship does not need to be so troublesome, only enough common currency is enough.

Therefore, without knowing what the next world will be like, Fang Yun can only leave a large number of common coins to ensure that he can summon them at any time, otherwise there are not too many opportunities for others to send common coins.


A reminder sounded, and Fang Yun connected the voice, only to hear the noise inside.

"What are you doing, mess?"

"We plan to get together after our return, but poker hasn't met us yet?" Pete said.

Fang Yun raised his eyebrows: "Is poker convenient? If possible, let's get together!"

"It's very convenient, but it's better to go abroad. It's not convenient for me in China. I'll be more casual when I go abroad!" Poker replied. After all, he is a well-known evolutionary in China, and the leaders know him. This psycho is making trouble in the country, so when he is in the country, people usually follow him.

But after leaving the country, even if he went to blow up the Yasukuni Shrine, no one would care about him. Of course, life or death in the end depends on his ability, and it is impossible for anyone to save him.

"Okay then, you can go wherever you want!" Fang Yun said that it doesn't matter. After staying in the plot world for a long time, it's good to go out to relax.

"Haha, of course go to Las Vegas, pick up girls, gamble, drink, fight, a wonderful holy place!" Hanks looked very bored.

But other people think it's good here, and they like this kind of messy city.

Don't be afraid even if there are troubles, after all, there is this fellow Ares, a senior official of the CIA, and gangsters, and generally no one will do anything to them.

After everyone finished talking, Fang Yun returned to the house, directly passed through the door of space, and descended into the real world. He went to the garage to find his JEEP Grand Cherokee, and stepped on the accelerator lightly to drive out of the garage.

As soon as he opened the car window, the cool breeze blew on his face, making him more energetic. Only then did he realize that the weather in the real world is getting colder and colder, and it feels like winter is coming.

"It's getting more and more incompatible with the real world!" Fang Yun shook his head, turned on the wipers to clean the windshield, and then headed to the airport.

Basically, Fang Yun can already confirm that this earth belongs to the killing space, and the contractors of other spaces are naturally the earth of other planes.

As for the superhuman beings who are so awesome, there has never been any news on the news, and this Boss Fang doesn't know. Maybe they are limited by space, and the news will not easily publish this situation.

As Boss Fang stepped on the gas pedal skillfully, he easily overtook the cars, causing a lot of shouting and scolding, and he didn't know how many points were deducted, but he didn't respond.

He just came to the airport quickly and picked up a ticket before the plane took off. As for the visa issue, it was basically a cloud in the face of money and power... And he didn't expect that on the day of his return, he happened to have a trip to the airport. Las Vegas flight, otherwise I can only charter a flight to...

If others want to know his thoughts, they can only scold him for wasting money, but in Fang Yun's heart, the money is used for spending, and he might die in a few days, and he can't spend it if he wants to.

Boss Fang, who was breathing heavily, walked into the first-class cabin from the VIP passage, picked up his mobile phone to check the news boredly, suddenly a pair of long legs appeared in front of him, and his eyes could not help but sweep over.

Continue to aim upwards.

"Well, yes, the legs are very thin and white, yo, the buttocks are also very sticky!" Fang Yun sighed in his heart, and this girl is wearing a skirt, oh, she is also a flight attendant!

The moment he raised his head, he was really stunned. Isn't this the big-eyed cute girl he met in Hong Kong!
"It's really you, what a coincidence!" The cute girl with big eyes winked at him playfully.

Fang Yun slapped a haha, accidentally ran into a girl he had dated, which made him a little embarrassed, but she never forgot about him.

"Yeah, are you the flight attendant on this flight?" Boss Fang asked casually, and then closed his mouth. Isn't this obvious? Could it be that his ability to flirt with girls can only be used with strangers?

"..." Mengmei was speechless for a while.

But there was a young man with gold-rimmed glasses who touched the Patek Philippe on his wrist, and saw the big-eyed cute girl's buttocks, with a faint smile on his lips.

And he didn't know if it was because he was too skillful that he accidentally touched a cup of coffee and spilled it on his pants without scalding himself.

Then deliberately shouted: "Flight attendant, flight attendant, come on, my pants are wet, and the coffee is spilled on it!"

The big-eyed cute girl was taken aback, and hurried over: "Sir, are you okay, we have simple clothes here, I can take you to change."

As a stewardess on an international flight, she can naturally see that this person's clothes and watches are genuine, and she can also sense what this person wants to do. But in this case, she can only take him there to change clothes. As for how to refuse him then? Asking for contact information, or making excessive moves, can only depend on your skillful ability to refuse.

Boss Fang had a clear understanding of this kind of routine, and before the guy stood up and took Mengmei's little hand, he walked over, pulled her behind him, and lowered his head condescendingly and asked, "Are your pants wet? "

"Of course it's wet, it hurts, and I came to ask her for help, it has nothing to do with you, right? Even if you know her, but now as a flight attendant, she is obliged to serve me, so please get out of the way..." The corners of the mouth of this young man with gold spectacles twitched slightly. He likes to convince people with reasoning, and he hopes that this will make people look up to him.

Moreover, his family's business is very large, and he doesn't know how many billions he has made by buying foreign garbage, so when he can't convince others, he will use money to smash people. Most of the time, power is in the service of money. Especially when the money reaches a certain level!
Money will represent power!

So he wasn't afraid to meet a rich man who was as powerful as him in the first class. After all, there were many people who could afford first class, and there were not many people with billions of dollars, but not many people worth nearly tens of billions.

(End of this chapter)

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