Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 409 The Secret of Sunset City and Preparations to Enter!

Chapter 409 The Secret of Sunset City and Preparations to Enter!
After informing everyone that the war was about to start, Fang Yun planned to hold a banquet belonging to the king, and the people who could come here were naturally top figures in various industries, and of course Boss Fang's former acquaintances were also present one by one.

Some of the new legendary plot characters, as well as the leaders of the major family forces, don't know where they got the quota. After all, they really want to meet Boss Fang, a big man who is elusive.

So what was supposed to be a small banquet suddenly turned into a large dinner with hundreds of people.

The ladies of the aristocrats gathered together, their gazes were all fixed on the single king, in short, this man had almost no flaws.

No matter how picky these ladies are, the moment they saw Fang Yun, they couldn't find any reason to reject him at all.

After all, it was incredible that he could fight against the tribe's army in just a few years and build a huge kingdom under such difficult circumstances by himself.

The army is powerful, there is a world tree in the city, and with this big guy, the background in the future will not be worse than Stormwind City, or even better, but this kind of thing will also attract some powerful beings, but it will be up to him when the time comes means.

More importantly, in the eyes of this group of ladies, Boss Fang is really handsome, and it is rumored that he can defeat the legendary top-level Gul'dan by himself. Ten thousand times less!
What's more, he is an elf. Although he belongs to an outsider, he is much more handsome than the local elves, and he has an infinite lifespan.

The king of Stormwind City also said that he is a prince of the elves, with the identity and status of MD, he has become a king now!

The current king of El Yunze is so young and wealthy...and so smart, it would be an insult to say that he is a walking hormone!
There are too many noble ladies who want to have a romantic encounter with them, but unfortunately they have no connections.

Married young women can only look at him with bright eyes, ignoring the partner beside them at all, but facing the powerful King, they can only sigh silently when they look in the mirror. Compared with him, they are nothing but heaven It's too bad.

The banquet went smoothly. Fang Yun didn't act aggressively at the banquet, but he didn't take a second look at these so-called family leaders, and his indifferent behavior calmed down these outsiders.

After all, the newly-born Sunset City is not the long-standing Stormwind City. After all, this city that has been around for an unknown number of years has begun to decay. There are more officials who have embezzled and evaded taxes, and there are more nobles than stray dogs on the street.

If it weren't for the current king's hard work and his brother Lothar in charge of the overall situation, the legion system has been intact, and it will definitely not be so good.

And the founding monarch of Sunset City was really strong and belligerent. He dared to ask for land from King Wrynn, and dared to fight Gul'dan, the great chief of the tribe!

Anyone who dares to fight against him is tantamount to pulling out the beard of a tiger. Oh, by the way, His Excellency the King also has a legendary eighth-rank giant dragon as a pet, so pulling out the dragon's beard is similar, so many family leaders present just I want to say something to it: "MPP..."


After the dinner party, Boss Fang also got acquainted with these guys, and then came to the magic academy opposite the fountain square. There is also a big square here, but the most attractive thing is the one who can teach people magic. white statue.

So even in the middle of the night, many students came here, looking forward to the sudden recovery of the white statue, walked up to them, and told them: "It seems that you are the magic genius, and you will be my apprentice in the future..."

After all, such a thing has not happened before. Two months ago, the white statue suddenly regained consciousness, and then walked up to a little boy and asked him to become his disciple. There are many rumors that the current His Majesty the King also Once worshiped this statue as a teacher!
After Boss Fang came here, of course the white statue revived again. Some young students were stunned and felt that a miracle had happened. They wanted to run over and pray for this legendary statue to teach them magic, but they came right away. Some teachers, taking it all away, didn't bother talking about the two.

And that night, no one knew what the two of them talked about. In the end, Fang Yun walked out of the Magic Academy with a blank expression, and then lived on the World Tree for a few days. Finally, he took some water of life and disappeared into this world.

But the many legends of Sunset City are hidden, and people still want to explore them!

For example, the mysterious woods on both sides of the city, many people have gone there to explore, but because there are guards there, it is not easy for people to go there, but some people have heard the voice of the old man nearby, and some people say they have seen it, A walking treant.

In other words, some people have seen escaped miners before, but for some unknown reason, those miners were captured. Some of them said that there were many orcs among those miners, with shackles on their bodies, digging mines for Sunset City day and night !

Of course, the most curious thing is the dragon's nest. Many people say it is on the top of the mountain, it seems to be next to the magic tower, and some people say it is next to the griffin's lair, but more people still say that it should be on the world tree!
In short, these rumors are all listed as secrets that cannot be further investigated. Sunset City is like a complete story city. Fang Yun always feels that if it officially descends on World of Warcraft again, some contractors may descend here directly.

Then accept some tasks in the hands of some plot characters, such as finding a pile of dragon feces... hand it to a strange magician as a magic material.

Otherwise, go to the lair of the griffin and find a wing of the king of griffins...

Anyway, there are many secrets in Sunset City. As for the mine rumors, it is true. Many captives who did not die were imprisoned. As coolies digging mines, it seems that there are tens of thousands of people... But this kind of thing is even It's okay to leak, after all, the whole world is doing it...


"Come back so soon?" Fang Yun walked for many days, but disappeared in front of other people for a few seconds.

"That's right, I can't celebrate the New Year in World of Warcraft!" Fang Yun made a joke casually, but his mind was heavy, but others didn't see it!

In the next few days, of course, there is a lot of space for shopping, and the things to buy are of course various consumables. As for the needs of equipment, existences like the Satanic Squad can almost be satisfied in the plot world.

Basically, except for the equipment that is particularly wanted, there is no need to buy it at all, and some can be sold instead. It’s just that the keys that have been exposed in the recent murders basically let them sell them into military merit points, or they can be exchanged for common currency...

(End of this chapter)

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