Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 410 The Fellowship of the Ring...

Chapter 410 The Fellowship of the Ring...

After many days of preparation, all members of Satan's team came near the light gate, and with a twist of their bodies, they disappeared into bits and pieces!

"Beginning to enter the Killing Floor...."

"Start matching data...."

"Start to assimilate the characters with the world"

"Beginning Into The World"

Like escaping from the darkness into the light, the moment Fang Yun opened his eyes, the familiar smell returned. As for the smell, it was naturally the smell of sweat in the tavern. The dirty wooden bed was covered with yellow and white sheets. Boss Fang stood up quickly.

Who knows what's on this bed, if you think about it carefully, it's nothing more than those disgusting things...

All the members of Satan's team live together. This is a tavern, of course, for accommodation. There is a wooden board on the wall in the shape of a soaring green dragon with two words written beside it, tavern!
"It seems that this was thrown at the beginning of the plot for us. Isn't this the Green Dragon Tavern in Rohan?" Ares glanced at the sign on it and recognized it at a glance. After all, the Lord of the Rings They watched the movie many times over and over again.

"It seems so, but this situation is very dangerous. If the capital of Gondor is killed by half-orcs before we support them, wouldn't we lose?" Pete frowned. He is not suitable for charging on horseback. Need to be quiet in Minas Tirith.

"Don't worry, there is still Gandalf, he will go to Minas Tirith, the capital of Gondor, the white city built against the mountain, and you can go there together!" Fang Yun said lightly, Said there was nothing to worry about.

But when he said this, everyone was stunned: "What about you, is it possible that you don't go over?"

"Go, I will definitely go, but I need help. Others can't let the elves send troops, and they can't let the dwarves send troops, but I should be able to." Fang Yun hesitated a little when he said this, and he didn't know if he could change it. The plot, let it send out troops in an all-round way.

Then he continued: "You have to understand, this is a space war. If we can have the ability to summon legions, the other side will probably have it too. It may not be more perverted than me, and with the super army of half-orcs, it must not be too much. Easy to fight.

So think about it, when attacking the capital of Gondor, the half-orcs sent an army of [-], and the giant elephants of the neighbors of Harad in the south. When I think about the giant elephants tens of meters high, I feel that it is enough Horror.

If you add some mercenaries near the coast, if the protagonist doesn't cheat and bring a bunch of green ghosts over, the capital of Gondor will definitely be defeated! "

After Fang Yun said this, everyone calmed down. It is really time to ask for help at this time, and you can find as many reinforcements as you can. Otherwise, according to the strength of the movie plot, the capital will be completely destroyed before the reinforcements arrive. .

"However, according to what you said, the ghost army will win in this kind of plot killing used by the protagonist. We just need to let Frodo send the Supreme Lord of the Rings there!" Hanks thought for a while before saying.

Fang Yun glanced at him and sighed: "Let's talk about it later."

Everyone didn't know what to say, so they could only follow him out, but as soon as they came out, they saw a black crowd, and they didn't know how many contractors came to this plane.

But after a while, Gandalf came out. He was always so eye-catching in a white robe. Although Fang Yun had a good relationship with him, Gandalf only glanced at him at this time. Then he said loudly: "Warriors fighting for mankind, I am glad to see you join the resistance army against the Dark Lord!

The Doomsday Volcano was already about to move, and billowing black clouds enveloped the sky, and this was the power shown by Sauron, which also meant that he would send out an army.

And we, only by destroying the Supreme Lord of the Rings, can we completely wipe out Sauron!

So get ready for battle, warriors who come to your aid! "

"Hint: You accept the main mission, destroy the Supreme Lord of the Rings!"

"Hint: You have obtained one of the main missions. Through Gandalf's magic, send some people to the Guardian of the Ring team to destroy the Supreme Lord of the Rings together. The maximum number of people (10 people)"

"Hint: You get one of the main missions and become a member of the Rohan Expeditionary Force!"

"Hint: You have obtained one of the main missions, follow Gandalf, and later go to the capital of Gondor to surround the capital of the emperor!"

For these main tasks, basically every contractor has received detailed information.

But the most eye-catching thing is undoubtedly to join the Guardian of the Ring squad, but there is an upper limit on the number of people in this mission, which can fully represent that this main mission is very important and has great benefits, but the number of people is scarce, so it is estimated that it will be difficult to compete for. !
Basically, the contractors don't have to think about it, the top evolutionists are the main force!
"My Cao, this mission has a maximum number of people. Doesn't it mean that the Guardians of the Rings team has an exaggerated luck bonus, and they can't meet large troops at all, or the contractor on the opposite side can't send a large-scale troop even if they know the information?
It is estimated that the ark space can only be blocked by a small number of contractors and even half-orcs, right? "Some people became excited. After all, the upper limit of a mission already represents a lot of information.

Some of these evolutionaries accepted the task without hesitation. Fang Yun didn't know when he suddenly saw the team of the locomotive wolf. It's time to summon the army and destroy him!
"MD, what should I do, this face can meet him, isn't it dead!" The deputy head, nicknamed Daoye, who served as a soldier in real life and has robbed graves, is extremely depressed at this time!
"That's right, that's right! Isn't it rumored that the pastor is Gandalf's own son? When he came to this world, he can't return to the space. Maybe they will kill us by force!" MT Qiao Mu frowned and looked at Fang Yun. It doesn't seem like a good feeling.

A group of people are making noise and don't know what to do!
The locomotive wolf didn't know when, a flat-chested girl came, with a strange weapon in her hand, it turned out to be a large scalpel.

The group of people around knew what the virtue of the locomotive wolf was, but when they saw the girl's scalpel, they immediately understood that it turned out to be an auxiliary healing profession, and she was flat-chested, so the pick-up wolf would probably not treat her like this. start...

Fang Yun just glanced at him, and went to chat with Gandalf. This situation made the black knight very uneasy. After all, their enemy Ares was still watching him, and if he walked out of this hall, he would be summoned by the priest The army is killed!

But after thinking about it, the black knight felt that this plane was basically a dead end.

But he was stunned for a moment, as if thinking of something, he couldn't help laughing in his heart: "The most powerful strength of the Satan team is not the small team battle, but the so-called war mode.

Moreover, this priest can summon the Legion for the sake of war mode, so he will definitely not join the Fellowship of the Ring, and with the strength of a small team, there is definitely a 70% possibility of joining the Fellowship of the Ring. As long as he joins the Fellowship of the Ring, the entire team will be safe Worry free! "

As a result, the Black Knight immediately asked the whole group to sign up, intending to bet on whether they could join the Fellowship of the Ring and become a member here, and finally gave it a try!
Everyone passed in an instant!

But the moment they all passed, Fang Yun seemed to know something, and then smiled easily...

(End of this chapter)

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