Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 412 Lonely Mountain

Chapter 412 Lonely Mountain
"What!!!" Fang Yun almost shouted loudly!
Gandalf glanced at him helplessly, and continued: "The war in the north is about to begin, and the elves of the Mirkwood, led by Thranduil, have already attacked with their entire army, preparing to fight against Sauron's most elite army.

Galadriel and her...husband also led the elven army to the Mirkwood to provide support. After all, our battlefield is the smallest, and they resist the most half-orcs!

And Sorin on the lonely mountain, relying on the power of the terrain, united with six dwarf tribes, and was also restraining Sorin's main force.

So in this final decisive battle, if you want to ask for help, there is basically no hope, because everyone is resisting Sauron's orc army! "

Fang Yun didn't know these secrets, mainly because he only watched movies and hadn't read novels. At this time, his egg hurt, so he swallowed and said, "What about my uncle, King Elrond, where is he? What's the matter?"

Gandalf, who had already become a white robe, glanced at him: "Your uncle even sent the personal guards for you to grow up in World of Warcraft. What do you think it is for? He really has no troops... "

Hearing this sentence, Fang Yun thought about it carefully, and suddenly couldn't help being moved. After all, King Elrond is just an elf lord of Rivendell, not a king. There is only one elf king in Middle-earth, and the elves under his command Not the most, of course it is Thranduil, the father of Legolas.

So he nodded: "Okay, teacher, what do you think I should do, call my Sunset City army now?"

Gandalf separated a small part of his soul and lived in Sunset City for a long time. He naturally knew the current strength of Sunset City. From a certain situation, the apprentice in front of him was the most powerful candidate!
He frowned slightly: "Don't worry, since your legion is a rare soldier, and it is the kind of legion that can change the situation of the battle, you can't easily come to the battlefield, and you can't let the opponent find out.

I have seen many mercenaries with the means to summon troops,
So you just wait, if it really comes to a situation where we will lose, you are summoning your legion, it must be able to play a powerful role!

And your legion can't die too much, you have to contain Sauron's army, otherwise you can't send the ring to Doomsday! "

"By the way, is there really no way to kill Sauron?" Fang Yun asked unwillingly. He didn't want to destroy the Supreme Lord of the Rings. This is a legendary high-level special accessory...

Gandalf glanced at him with deep eyes: "Everyone thought that Sauron was most afraid of the holy sword of Nasir, and that he was afraid of the blood flowing through Aragorn.

But in reality, he has nothing to fear...

The Supreme Lord of the Rings is his source of power. In fact, even if the Supreme Lord of the Rings is destroyed, we as Maiya will not die, but our souls will become powerless.
If you have the means to completely seal the Supreme Lord of the Rings, or cut off the connection between the two, you can also make Sauron's ability disappear, but you... can you? "

Fang Yun swallowed: "What about you, teacher, haven't you sealed it now?"

Gandalf shook his head: "With the power of the Sorcerer's Stone, I temporarily sealed it to the Lord, and Sauron would not be aware of its location, but it was not completely sealed, and I have no ability to break the link between them." , so we need to destroy it to destroy Sauron!"

"Oh... such a good thing, it's a waste!" Boss Fang sighed a little depressed...

"Remember, don't open this cloth bag, or all our plans will be wiped out!" Gandalf warned him seriously.

Boss Fang nodded affirmatively: "Well, since there is nothing to do now, I'll go to Sorin first!"

Of course Gandalf believed in his disciple, but he asked curiously, "Why are you looking for him, he doesn't have any troops to support you now!"

"Give some gifts, water of life, this guy must be old, I don't want to see him die, if possible, let him come to Sunset City...!" Fang Yun had memories in his eyes, very Obviously, the brotherhood is not so easy to erase. From the beginning to the end, there is a trace of goodwill in his heart that has not been erased.

It's just hidden very deep, Fang Yun's feelings will not be easily used, but whoever can be liked by him will definitely work hard to help him!

Gandalf nodded in relief, and waved him away!

As for how Fang Yun left, of course he summoned the dragon!

The Satanic team sent Boss Fang away. They were about to go to the capital of Gondor with Gandalf. The same was true for other evolutionaries, but when they saw Boss Fang suddenly summon something, they all looked over curiously!
So... a huge door of space opened, and the incomparably deep golden eyes popped out. The huge dragon head, the sharp and hard dragon scales, and the 21-meter-long black gold fire dragon once again roared. Back to Middle Earth!
When it came here last time, it swallowed Smaug's dragon crystal, but at that time, it was still a guy the size of a basketball, but now it has become a huge monster. If it transforms again, it can almost become an 80-meter-long monster Super dragon!
Seeing this scene, Aragorn's body trembled, and only at this moment did he realize that this guy's strength is really not small.

And the three scumbags from the Glory team also appeared. Carl from the Dark King team, Thor's battle group, etc. appeared one after another. They seemed to think that Boss Fang was going to summon the army now, so they all looked over curiously.

But Fang Yun jumped up, stepped on the head of the giant dragon, flew straight into the sky, and disappeared without looking back!
Boss He and the others were very curious about this, so they surrounded the Satan team. As a result, until Gandalf left with the halfling, everyone followed them on horseback without asking a fart.


Fang Yun rode the giant dragon away, and headed for the Lonely Mountain at high speed. There was almost no other giant dragon in the entire Middle-earth world, so Xiao Hei at this time can be called one of the most powerful legendary creatures in this world!

But there will still be more powerful ones, such as the big octopus in Lord of the Rings 1.

There are also ring spirit mounts and fallen monsters. Some people even call them dragons. It's an insult to the title of dragon...

In fact, Fang Yun really wanted to kill that octopus, but unfortunately, although Xiao Hei's transformation was fierce enough, he could only transform once a month. In just 3 hours, I have come to Gushan!

At this time, here, full of tension before the battle, especially the sudden appearance of a giant dragon, really frightened many dwarves, but after a while, these guys with their heads full of muscles roared and took out Weapons, to start slaying dragons...

As a result, when their king walked out, everyone fell silent!
"My brother... have you come to see me?" The gray-haired Thorin was wearing armor and his steps were steady. Even if he became a king, he was still a fearless warrior. In front, and this is also Fang Yun's brother...

"Yeah, I'm here to see you!" Fang Yun looked at Sorin who had aged a lot in front of him, feeling that life was too insignificant in front of time...

(End of this chapter)

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