Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 413 Rage!

Chapter 413 Rage!

"Is this going to war? Do you know how many half-orcs will come this time?" Fang Yun walked into the gate of Gushan and greeted many old friends who have not died yet.

Although some of them have passed away, there are still 13 of the 4 dwarves standing here in armor!

He stood on a high place and saw that the hall was full of dwarf warriors in armor, densely packed, it seemed that there were more than 2 people!
Sorin also hugged him heavily, his eyes full of fighting intent: "There is no war yet, today is mainly to increase morale, and there are still six tribes who have not yet arrived.

But by this time tomorrow, there should be an army of 5 dwarves in Lonely Mountain, and they will jointly resist the 8 orc army! "

"8 half-orcs?" Fang Yun thought for a while, and then continued to ask: "Do you need me to call Philip and the others to help?"

Sorin was very dissatisfied with his attitude: "Brother, you have to know one thing. Although we have been fighting with the orcs for years and consumed a lot of troops and resources, I can still deal with a mere 8 orcs." , after all, they are elites in all battles."

"Okay, okay, if this is the case, then you can accept this!" Fang Yun directly put a crystal bottle in his hand!

A full 100 drops of eau-de-vie!
If one person drinks it, it can add 333 years of life, but Sorin will definitely not enjoy it alone. He will share some with the remaining four brothers. It is only 4 drops of water of life, which is already what Fang Yun can bring. The upper limit is out.

"This thing... is too precious!" Sorin looked at the crystal bottle with burning eyes, but he didn't refuse in the end, because there is no need to shirk each other when they give some gifts!
Fang Yun shook his head: "It's not such a precious thing... I came here mainly to tell you a piece of news. If we really defeat Sauron, will you follow Gandalf to my Sunset City?"

Hearing this sentence, Sorin was stunned for a moment. He turned his head and looked at his people, then at his older brothers, and finally smiled: "If I didn't die in battle, I would definitely bring Lead my people to Sunset City... I heard that the scenery there is beautiful, so I should be able to retire, right?"

"Haha, you can live in endless years and live on the World Tree, just like an elf!" Fang Yun patted him on the shoulder and laughed.

"No, I'm not going to live in a tree. I'm tired of seeing those elves, including you!" Sorin looked at Fang Yun after saying this, and then smiled heartily.


Fang Yun didn't have much time. He mainly wanted to send the water of life. After all, this would greatly enhance Sorin's strength. Sorin's aura was extremely unstable when he was older. There is a feeling of falling down.

Decades ago, he killed Asog and became the first-level legend. Originally, with his aptitude and years of combat experience, he was able to reach the middle-level legend. As a result, he got older and older, and his strength declined instead of increasing.

As the saying goes, if you beat a master to death with random punches, no matter how awesome you are when you are young, when you can't walk, a little guy who has never practiced martial arts can easily knock him down.

But Fang Yun's water of life can definitely restore his physique to the original state, and his energy and spirit are better than before. After all, even if he distributes some water of life to other brothers, he only uses one-fifth, that is, 20 drops of water of life , will also increase life expectancy by 66 years!

But it can completely let him regain his youthful body and vitality!
Then Sorin and others, under his gaze, drank 20 drops of the water of life one by one, just like magical magic, a group of people are rapidly growing black hair, their muscles are no longer slack, and the wrinkles on their faces start to disappear.

The most important thing is that Sorin's rank has broken through the peak and directly became a legendary middle-rank plot character!
At this time, Sorin was extremely young, just like before, and his momentum was astonishing. When he swung his long sword and brought out waves of anger, Fang Yun discovered that a young king with combat power is always the best thing to boost morale best means.

After everything was over, Fang Yun didn't even have a bite to eat, and left directly. He rode Xiao Hei and disappeared into the clouds under everyone's gaze. It's a pity that he didn't go to Rivendell!

Instead, they came to the orc fortress that was about to attack the Lonely Mountain!

There are only vicious half-orcs here!

They are ugly, with thick hairs on their heads and black armor. These guys who shouldn't exist are all dark creatures dug out from the ground!
As a fortress of half-orcs, for many people, whether it is a plot character or an evolutionary, it is a place that cannot be penetrated!
But for a giant dragon, as long as there is no creature that can match it, nothing can stop it!

"Kill!" Fang Yun's voice was icy cold, he wanted to kill a wave of half-orcs before the ring spirits flew over, and try to reduce the pressure on Gushan!

The black gold fire dragon more than twenty meters long flew directly into the rugged fortress, and its heavy body quickly landed on the giant steel gate.

Unfortunately, a troll who was carrying things was crushed under him. This legendary creature wanted to resist, but the huge dragon claws gently pinched it and turned it into a pool of rotten meat.

With a mouthful of dragon's breath, the more than 40-meter-long flame swept away, and a half-orc was turned into charcoal. Even Fang Yun, who was at the top of the dragon's head, could feel the scorching heat wave, which seemed to be stronger than Smaug's. The flame is much higher.

After all, Xiao Hei was originally a fire dragon... Although it has mutated into a black gold fire dragon, you can tell from the name that Smaug's dragon crystal has greatly increased Xiao Hei's defense. The scales that were originally made of armor now exude a metallic luster That's enough to explain the problem.



"It smells like Smaug!"

"Smaug is resurrected!" A group of orcs shouted in surprise. They were not far from the Lonely Mountain, and the famous Smaug was their most feared enemy.

The orcs who are the leaders also have some complexion changes, but as hybrids of half-orcs and goblins, they have high IQ and strength, and their strength is much stronger than that of half-orcs. Cut down a few half-orcs and forcibly quieted the noisy and restless army.

Then yelled: "Hide, the archers strike back!"

In fact, without his order, the arrows kept falling on Xiao Hei's scales like a violent storm, but a painful scene appeared, the half-orc's arrows couldn't penetrate Xiao Hei's scales at all. , only the bows and arrows shot by some strong orcs can cause certain damage to them.

But Xiao Hei has rough skin and thick flesh, and even without transforming, his HP still has more than 23000 points.

The damage of bows and arrows is too low. When it doesn't hit a fatal organ, basically only 1 point of life can be deducted for its physique, which has no effect at all. When it collapsed, hundreds of orcs fell into the flames.

What's more, relying on the huge advantage of his body, Xiao Hei stepped back and forth in the fort twice, and he didn't know how many orcs died.

A full half an hour of raging!
A scream that pierced the eardrums sounded after a while, and the ring spirits had already arrived riding the fallen monsters.

Fang Yun turned around and made a singing gesture to him, then patted Xiao Hei on the head, and left directly.

After all, the strength of the nine ring spirits is above the legendary level. When they ride the fallen monsters, their attributes will increase to a certain extent.

Especially when the Lord of the Ring Spirits, the Witch King of Angmar, rode a fallen monster, he was a proper legendary high-level plot character, and even more powerful.

Even chanting a spell can turn Gandalf's staff into ashes.
It's just that his teacher is carrying the Philosopher's Stone now, and the avatar has been in World of Warcraft for so long. Fang Yun is not sure who is strong and who is weak, and the war is about to start!
(End of this chapter)

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