Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 414 The Battle Is Coming

Chapter 414 The Battle Is Coming
From Rohan to the capital of Gondor, it only takes 5 hours to gallop on horseback.

As for why Gandalf did this, it was naturally to take Pippin to avoid the tracking of the Nazgold, but the most important thing was to light the beacon fire in the capital of Gondor, thereby attracting the cavalry of Rohan.

In fact, the contractors of the ark space also came early, and some of them also received the main task of intercepting Gandalf and Aragorn!

As for intercepting the Supreme Lord of the Rings?

There is no mission at all, because Sauron does not believe that Gandalf will send two halflings to Mount Doom, and that someone will not be tempted to destroy the One Ring.

This kind of thinking is of course understandable in the eyes of everyone. Even the contractors of Ark Space don't want to destroy this kind of treasure, basically everyone is the same as Fang Yun.

But they don't have enough evidence to prove that this is true, these two halflings are really not tempted by the Supreme Lord of the Rings!
But the contractors who were looking for the Supreme Lord of the Rings did so consciously.

Some contractor teams are exploring some hills, among which the spider lair is a place they often search, but they only have one day to search on a large scale. If the Fellowship of the Ring team cannot be found tomorrow, they can only keep some people. Watch over Mount Doom.

Because when the war started, they had to go to the battlefield if they wanted to gain enough benefits, and if the half-orc army didn't have the support of the space, the contractors facing the killing space would be completely beaten to shit!


"So according to what you said, aren't we being tricked?" The deputy head of the locomotive wolf raised his eyebrows. The other four members of the Guardians of the Rings team have been proven to be a garbage team, and the one who was tricked Thoughts that made them more and more uncomfortable.

At this time, they were hiding in a cave, and the outside was too dangerous. Frodo couldn't resist them, so he could only hide here with them. As for the four waste evolutionists, six of them had already killed them. ...

A light flashed in the black knight's eyes, but he shook his head: "It is certain that we have been tricked, Gandalf seems to want to stand up for his apprentice, but I don't understand how Gandalf dared to use the Lord of the Rings as the price to come Give us a hand!
Unless, this Lord of the Rings is..."

"It's fake!" The others gasped!
"Yes, you have also seen Gandalf's strength. The majesty is irresistible. It is completely a legendary high-level existence. In this plane battlefield, there is no detailed plot data at all, and there is no difficulty in the plot. Although it seems that there is no World of Warcraft The battlefield is more terrifying.

But on these bosses, there shouldn't be much difference in the data.

That is to say, the quality is not good, and the quantity is the best...For example, the garbage half-orcs, there are hundreds of thousands of troops at every turn, hundreds of thousands of troops, if there are so many orcs in Azeroth, human beings will be gone long ago..."

"Then why are we still going there, are we going to die?" The flat-chested girl is called Hei Wuchang, who holds a scalpel all day long, and said coldly at this time, as a woman, she has long been cold and ruthless in the killing space, but she doesn't want to die.

"No, no, this is not sending you to death. After all, this is also a main task. If you really complete it, you must get a lot of things.

And I just want to see, if we really sent the ring there, and it ended up being thrown into the Doomsday Volcano, but it was a fake, will the space be furious, because I think Gandalf can make such a decision, It is very likely that it was done by concealing the space! "

There was a hint of coldness in the black knight's eyes. In terms of cheating, this priest is still young.

All the teams in the entire space know that their locomotive wolf can return to the space from the plot world at any time, but few people know that when they can't go back to the space, they have some moving consumption skills!
Although the cost is high, it is definitely possible to change the situation of a small-scale battle!
But they don't know that it's not easy to guard the evolution of Doomsday Volcano.


The white Minas Tiris, seen from a distance, looks like a huge castle, built on the side of the mountain, with oval walls, and the buildings are getting taller and taller. The palace on the top floor is like the top of the mountain, almost Step into the cloud!
Hanks and others rode horses and followed Gandalf to the capital of Gondor. Some evolutionaries were deeply shocked when they saw this scene. This was not a movie, and it was the first time they saw this kind of city.

But the contractors who have been in Azeroth usually look at the Satan team, as if they are recalling the Sunset City, which is also located on the mountainside, and it seems that it is not worse than this.

Especially the world tree on the edge of the city wall, its towering leaves spread out like a huge umbrella covering Sunset City, which is even more shocking.

The guards of the city wall were stunned when they saw so many people, but when they saw the white-robed wizard Gandalf, they opened the city gate very decisively, and said very respectfully: "Welcome Mithranda... "

The slightly crowded city wall is not suitable for hundreds of horses running wildly. Gandalf turned his head and glanced at the crowd: "Wait here for me. If anyone has a way to increase the strength of the city's defenders, use your abilities quickly!"

Then Gandalf rode his horse and galloped all the way to the top of the city!


"The regent of Gondor is difficult to deal with. The beacon fire was lit too late. Can we light it in advance?" At this time, a group of people led their horses to the stables and talked about it, but Boss He often talked about the most important topic. Pivotal!
Hanks raised his eyebrows, Fang Yun also told him before leaving, if possible, try to find a way to ignite it!

But don't think it's easy. Pippin climbed up the beacon tower to ignite the movie, and why didn't Gandalf throw a fireball?
Because this Beacon Tower has magical defenses, ordinary skills can't shoot it from a distance, otherwise, whoever accidentally gets a rocket to ignite it, wouldn't it cause big trouble!
Therefore, this kind of thing can only be done by assassins. They must avoid many checkpoints and ignite it personally, and they have to take the risk of being caught. After all, ordinary people do not have the luck value of halflings. never died...

"Let me come, this kind of thing is too simple, but when do you think it should be ignited?" A figure came out of the darkness silently. When everyone saw him, they suddenly felt a chill on his neck, as if they felt that they would be stabbed at any time. Like a broken throat.

Especially when he looked at Hanks and the others with gloomy eyes, needless to say, this person must be a top-notch figure of the evolutionary, the Shadow Assassin!
However, under such circumstances, the Shadow Assassin did not dare to act casually. After all, this was a war of planes. He knew that the Satan team might contribute the most. If he dared to make a black hand, it might lead to space punishment.

"The matter of igniting the beacon fire has to start now. We must give Rohan more time to gather soldiers!" The Dark Lord Karl came out at this time and said to the Shadow Assassin.

The Shadow Assassin glanced at him, turned around and disappeared into the crowd. It has to be said that this guy's ability to move instantly will always shock people and make the enemy feel uneasy.

Seeing him leave, Karl knew that the beacon would be lit, and continued: "But we have a side mission now, the river of mist in the ruins on the west bank." They came to the city wall and pointed to the abandoned one in the distance. Not far from the city, on the other side of the bank, is the Doomsday Volcano.

"The 2000 troops led by Faramir, the youngest son of the Prince Regent, will inevitably be attacked by orcs tonight.

It can be said that tonight, the war has already begun.

As for Faramir, he must also be a legendary fighter, but whether we will go to this inevitable war, after all, if these 2000 fighters die less, then they can also play a big role in this war! "

"Go, why don't you go, let's fight with them first, and then talk about the ability of the Ark Space Contractor!"

"I'm afraid he might as well go home to feed. Isn't it easy to fight a sniper battle in the ruins of the city? After all, it's impossible for all these guys to rush up!"

A group of people rushed forward, expressing that they would give them a head-on blow first, and a group of people would also use their summoning ability to increase their own strength. Seeing this scene, no one noticed that Karl's heart was already blooming with joy.

After all, his strength needs to revive the corpse. Without a complete corpse, where can he find hell knights for him to summon? Although there are some hell knights in Azeroth that can be summoned, this is the trump card and it costs a lot.

But the team who knew some of Karl's abilities didn't speak.

After all, they will also participate in this war, but they will definitely not use all means, otherwise they will all make wedding dresses for others.

But it is precisely because they will not use all their means that they need this group of people to summon miscellaneous soldiers to protect the retreat of the regular army of Gondor, so those who should be cheated must continue to cheat!

And after all, not every contractor has the ability to summon soldiers.

Not all the troops summoned by every contractor are the strength of the Sunset City Legion, so don't think that other people will summon any awesome soldiers. Basically, the attributes are very ordinary, but for half-orcs, they should still be able to One against two, after all, the strength of half-orcs is here. Humans in Middle-earth, as long as they have the courage, can knock down an old woman who picks up a rolling pin...

For example, the hobbit stone can kill two...

Any child can kill one with a dagger. In short, the Lord of the Rings can also be said to be 50 ways to die for half-orcs. If you want to say what is the most terrifying thing about half-orcs, it is the number, because even if Sauron sends many half-orcs Orcs, but it seems that there are [-] half-orcs in his fortress.


As for where Boss Fang is now, of course he has already arrived on the big river. At this time, he is riding a giant dragon, looking at the warship below in a swaggering manner, and summons the Black Dragon in front of a group of bewildered pirates!
The navy of Sunset City has two legions, but at this time, one legion is enough, because as huge warships hit the water, these guys are about to start running away...

(End of this chapter)

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