Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 415: King of the Beast Race!

Chapter 415: King of the Beast Race!

On the entire Lord of the Rings battlefield, the two spaces each sent almost 500 contractors and evolutionists. After all, although the scale of this war is large, the time of the battle is too tight, and it will basically end within a few days!
So the number of people is not too many!
Although there are a total of 1000 contractors on both sides, there are quite a few who have the means to summon soldiers in the war mode. Killing Space shows great potential at this moment. Hundreds of ancient warriors!

After all, in this magical world, it is impossible to summon sci-fi soldiers, because the high-tech weapons are too perverted, and it is okay for contractors to have them, because they are a minority after all, but soldiers should not be summoned.

Nearly half of the contractors went to the ruins on the west bank, but the soldiers brought by these people totaled 3000 people. Although these soldiers were not the same in strength, some were weak and some were strong, and there were mixed fish and dragons, but in terms of combat power, they were basically alone. It's no problem to pick and kill one or two half-orcs!

But even with these 3000 people plus the 2000 Gondor soldiers in the ruins, facing the half-orc army is like a mantis, after all, there are more than 10 half-orcs in the enemy, and there is a ring spirit as the leader, and this is not counted. Soldiers summoned by the Contractor.

In fact, these 5000 people were just relying on their geographical advantage to fight a surprise attack. After the orcs attacked, they retreated quickly.

Hanks rode his horse quickly to the ruins of the West Bank. He looked back at the scattered 3000 soldiers behind him. They didn't even have a mount and their equipment was average. It is estimated that after the defeat, they would not be able to run at all. He At this moment, he smiled helplessly: "These guys are really stupid, for the sake of military merit.

Can't stand the bewitching at all, didn't see those who really have the ability to summon, didn't even summon a single person at all? "

Poker squinted his eyes, but shook his head and said, "Of course these guys know that these soldiers are cannon fodder, but there's nothing they can do about it, after all, their summoning soldiers are very poor.

And those who can summon soldiers at this time are basically infantry in close combat. If they are really defending the city, they will be passively beaten. They can't shoot arrows and can only resist catapults and arrows. other effects.

So it's better to fight in the ruins of the West Bank, maybe you can earn some military merit points, and then use the military merit points to exchange for archers..."

"Where did the pastor go, the team channel can't be contacted, it seems that he is not in this battlefield at all!" Pete was wearing a more sci-fi MD-101 super nano-powered armor at this time, but in front of the plot characters, that is, a Very fine full armor.

"Who knows, I guess he has some plans!" Ares also had a little bit of doubt, maybe this guy rode Xiao Hei alone to the Doomsday Volcano to throw away the Supreme Lord of the Rings.

It's a pity that Boss Fang also thought about this situation, but relying on the aura exuded by Xiao Hei, he can easily attract the attention of Sauron and the Ring Spirits. It is estimated that he will be stopped by the Nine Ring Spirits before he flies to the Doomsday Volcano. Come down, at that time, regardless of whether he has the Lord of the Rings or not, there will definitely be a battle to the death, uh, or death in battle...

So at this moment, he has come to the west side of the capital of Gondor. He is standing here alone, in the afterglow of the setting sun, watching the first battle that will start tonight!

As the night fell, the sky was covered with black clouds. Looking up at the sky at this time, there was no star at all, and even the dark clouds in the night turned fiery red. The violent doomsday volcano was erupting, just like Sauron's death. Stop roaring.

However, the misty West Bank ruins have a different tranquility from the past.

But a contractor and 3000 fighters were all lying on the ruins, waiting for the enemy to come.

As for the 2000 Gondor soldiers who were originally here, they didn't doubt it.

Because they don't believe that someone will attack here, but this group of guys swear by it, and they have to guard against it. After all, the other side of the Anduin River is also the ruins of the city, and there is Sauron's lair, Mordor, not far away. .

As for this ruin, it is called Osgiliath, once the capital of Gondor, and the whole city has buildings on both sides of the river.

Now the north side of the ruins has become the military base of the capital of Gondor, and the south side of the river bank has become the territory of the half-orcs. As for this former capital, of course, it was also broken by the half-orcs.

The contractors who came here at this time finally knew why the 2000 people were not afraid of the attack of the orcs, because the river was very wide, but there was no bridge, but as long as they guarded three places, the army of orcs could not move a single step .

However, with 2000 people, in normal times, they might be able to hold out for a day and then seek reinforcements. But at this time, the regent king was in a daze. After the eldest son died, he felt that the younger son should die too, so he would not send soldiers.

At this time, everyone is only waiting for Gandalf to solve him as soon as possible, and then let him lead the overall situation!


The contractors of the ark space will definitely be attacked if the half-orc army passes through the ruins, but there is nothing they can do about it, because there is only one way to go.

So they also plan to have a tough battle, and they can only summon soldiers with all their strength, trying to capture the ruins on the north side with lightning speed!

The abilities of the two spaces are the same. Since the Killing Space has Karl who is in charge of the war mode, there is also the perverted Fang Yun who hides deep.

Then the ark space is naturally not bad. At this time, almost all the contractors in the ark space follow the two people, and the most powerful one is called, Adam Harrison!

The contractors in the Ark Space all call him the king of the beast race, and his team is also huge. Almost his beast king team itself has more than 130 people, which is a super large team.

As for why it is called the Beastmaster team, of course it is because he has a very powerful orc tribe, but many people also say that he is lucky. If the orcs in the ancient scrolls are not so cute, he must not be fooled to this point.

And the moment Adam Harrison led the team to Mordor, he summoned an army of 3 orcs. This group of dark green orcs in armor had black hair growing on their heads.

But this group of orcs is not a problem against the half-orcs, especially the half-orcs are relatively short in stature, so even the half-orcs dare not easily provoke this group of big guys, they are all comparable to the existence of strong orcs .

Although the orcs of the Elder Scrolls are not as abnormal as the orcs of Azeroth, their attack power will increase a lot every time they are injured, and they are also considered a bug race, so they have such a large appeal.

And another guy named Uria is also very fierce. In the game world Rome 2, he becomes a commander of the Roman emperor. In other war modes, he can summon up to ten thousand Roman soldiers!
Of course, Uriah and Adam Harrison did not deal with each other. He notified the brothers in Rome early and put on winter clothes. It was prepared to face the Rohan cavalry, and as for their subordinates' curiosity, why did they attack the human race with this group of freaks, then this question is not known to others...

In short, the ark space has brought powerful combat power, and Fang Yun is still ignorant of this situation!
It's a pity that Boss Fang wanted to tell them that even if I knew about it, I wouldn't be afraid...

Because you scumbags don't understand at all that the training opponents of the Sunset Legion are a group of big green fat men who are more than two meters tall and weigh 250 kilograms at the lightest. They are enemies who will kill you with a single hammer, and the Sunset Legion can become stronger and stronger , and even take back the territory, it is completely conceivable how exaggerated the combat power of these guys is...

(End of this chapter)

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