Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 416 The first battle!

Chapter 416 The first battle!
A big team has the advantages of a big team, and a small team has the ability of a small team!
For example, Adam Harrison, the leader of the Beastmaster team, also belongs to the top level of the evolutionary, but in terms of strength, it is basically piled up by equipment. Almost all the evolutionaries are desperate, and it might be Adam who has to die.

And small elite teams don't have so many resources, but they spend too much time shopping, and their fighting awareness is very rich.

There are many times when facing various situations, and they often have a strong fighting style and act more ruthlessly.

For example, the locomotive wolf, even if he was tricked to such a degree, the black knight, as the leader, still has the confidence to send the ring to Doomsday Volcano. It has to be said that he has enough cards and extraordinary ability.

Or the Three Musketeers of the Glory team. Although the team has more than a dozen evolutionaries in addition to their three cores, in a certain situation, as long as the three of them survive, the soul of the entire team will not die. Simply by waving your hand, you can attract a lot of them.

Or Shadow Assassin, he only needs one person and can form a team at any time, but he has no interest in doing so recently.

And he is even more terrifying when he is alone, enough to make any leader-level person tremble, and dare not face this person at all, even Boss Fang does not have enough confidence to face him, provided that Boss Fang does not open hang……

Not to mention the Satan team, the team resources are rich enough, and the equipment was fully upgraded when they were in Azeroth. There are 5 people in the team, and everyone's combat power is also extremely powerful.

So when Fang Yun is not in the team, Hanks and the others can also play an extremely powerful side. He and the two MTs of Ares form a battle field with them as the core.

The MTs of many teams gathered next to the two of them, and a large group of remote evolutionists gathered behind them, making it impossible for the half-orcs to rush through this narrow terrain.


"Shoot arrows, stop these damn orcs!"

The ruins of the West Bank have already started. The four of Hanks chose to go all the way and stopped the oncoming half-orcs. This group of guys are full of stench, wearing messy thick armor, and their attributes may not increase much, but their defense power must be very strong. good.

But in the face of them, this kind of defense is relatively speaking, and it is not worth mentioning for the evolutionary.

So when the half-orcs got off the boat and rushed up with swords and hammers, they immediately received a head-on blow, because this narrow area is very suitable for siege warfare, as long as the enemy is not an evolution of the ark space, they Can play a big advantage.



"24!" Ares once again displayed the fighting style of the God of War at this time, advancing bravely, but he would never be separated from Hanks by more than 5 meters.

The two were surrounded by MTs, a group of guys with super high defensive power and blood volume were in the front, and there were a lot of remote evolutionists behind them. It can be said that these half-orcs, and even strong orcs, were easily killed.

Especially the long sword in the hands of Ares, which releases a majestic sword energy from time to time, and its exaggerated cutting ability will instantly dismember several half-orcs. The black blood flows in the river, and I don’t know how many fish will be poisoned to death. Son.

The poker cards in Poker's hand have never been broken. As long as the MP is enough, he will have enough poker cards to throw out, and the power it carries is also surprising. After all, this ordinary skill with energy explosion, Really very rare.

But only to see a small group of strong orcs rushing out of the encirclement and coming to him, some evolutionists behind him exclaimed, but they didn't wait for others to rush over to help.

Just look at him dodging several attacks one after another with his dexterous body, pulled out and took out a long red and blue stick, and waited calmly for these guys to rush over.

The cudgel method emphasizes the use of the long to strike the short, relying on the length of the stick and his own strength to achieve the strongest lethality, so he cannot rush over, but must always control the enemy within the range of the tip of the stick. Otherwise, it will not be able to exert its strongest strength.

Generally speaking, the stick method is difficult to learn and use, and there are not many space contractors who have learned the stick method.

But poker can easily learn stick skills no matter in the killing space or in the real world, so no one would have thought that this long-range mage would have a melee stick skill specialization level of Lv6.

As a result, everyone only saw a burst of dazzling stick shadows, heard a burst of 'bang bang bang' beating sounds, and explosions, and saw these orcs lying on the ground with their brains smashed.

And poker heaved a sigh of relief, took a gulp of the blue-returning potion, continued to take out the poker cards, and threw them at the orc army.

Everyone had a real experience of the strength of the Satan team. At this moment, no one felt that the Satan team's long-range was weak, and it was not because of the two MTs.

Especially Pete, who was hiding on the second floor of the ruins, every time he fired a shot, several half-orcs must be pierced by the blue beam, and a huge and scorched hole appeared in his body. This kind of lethality is simply terrifying.

What's even more awesome is that this guy is also wearing a powerful power armor. Whenever an enemy's attack comes, the backpack behind him will immediately spray flames and eject it into the distance. This kind of exaggerated mobility is simply incomparable. A melee is worse, and he's still a sniper.

So after this battle, many contractor teams summed up a sentence, the Satan team is full of masters, don't do it lightly, otherwise it will be a big trouble to survive any one, and the priest who rode away on the dragon has not yet return.

It seems that this person is the strongest person!

The contractors in the ark space are faintly divided into two factions, led by Adam and Uriah!

At this time, the two of them stood high on the commanding heights, watching the whole battle situation, and the respective armies behind them were not moved.

It seems that only some long-range mages and even shooters of their team were the ones who shot, and everyone else was still on the sidelines.

After all, the summoned soldiers are all resources, and if the soldiers under their command take the initiative to attack, they will inevitably face hundreds of evolutionaries, and in this narrow terrain, it will undoubtedly cause great losses , can't play the advantage of facing ordinary soldiers at all.

"It's interesting. Seeing how the orcs are being beaten like this, it seems that at least half of the evolutionaries in the Killing Space are here." Adam was dressed in a dark gold suit, and the big sword in his hand was still emitting a dark purple light. There is also a helmet that looks like half a bull's horn, which is also legendary equipment.

All in all, a rich man.

And Uriah sneered next to him: "Send your orc army out, it will definitely break through the defense line easily, and maybe kill more evolutionaries!"

"Why didn't you send your Roman soldiers? What's the matter? Could it be that the army's morale is unstable now that they have joined forces with the orcs and killed the same kind of humans?" Adam retorted directly with disdain!
Uriah didn't bother to talk to him, but this kind of situation did happen. After all, half-orcs were brutal by nature. Although the 1-strong Roman army had strict military discipline and mighty fighting power, it was a little strange to see that the collaborators turned out to be a group of half-orcs. Unwilling.

Fortunately, as a commander of the Roman Empire, Uriah's charm and majesty cannot be resisted. When his comrades die on the battlefield and see blood, they will not be allowed to retreat!
"Did you see that the famous dark mage Karl is secretly gathering his army? A hell knight has returned from the dead body. By the way, this person's ability is really extraordinary!" Adam no longer mocked him, after all The two are going to fight together now. Plane wars are like wars between countries. If there is any civil war, we will wait until the plot is over.

Uriah looked over, and found that Karl specially selected some extremely strong human warriors and orcs to be resurrected. The power of hell was poured into those corpses from his hands. A war horse burning with green flames!
So given him enough time, he can completely create a super army of thousands of people, not weaker than them at all.

"But in the war within a few days, does he have enough time to resurrect the corpse, and no horse died at the scene, but he has to pay the general currency to get the hell horse. I really don't know how much money he can have." Uriah said. Not optimistic about the so-called war handle.

"That's not sure. Maybe the space has strengthened him. After all, the number of people who died in this war is enough for him to form a Hell Knight." Adam smiled, and it was for this reason that he did not let his own The orc army attacked, he didn't want his subordinates to be resurrected after death, and beat him in turn.

In fact, it was not Karl who really didn't want them to do anything, but Fang Yun, who had never appeared!

The Ark Space had already told the two of them that it could summon the army. The powerful Sunset Army could occupy a place in Azeroth. I really didn't dare to attack at will, I just wanted to follow the plot.

But no one knew when Boss Fang would send troops, let alone how many troops he had summoned!

But only the capital of Gondor had a commotion, because there were three legions approaching the city just now, but after careful questioning, they turned out to be reinforcements!
And these three legions really stunned the evolutionists in the city. The shield army headed by them has a total of 3000 people, all of whom are in golden suits, and their breath is so powerful that it is outrageous. The worst are bosses, and most of them belong to silver plot characters , The neat and handsome movements are no worse than the army of elves in the movie.

As for the two archer legions in the back, they are also not bad, all silver suits, the former golden bows and arrows have been replaced with dark gold bows and arrows, a total of six thousand archers, each with a large number of arrows, that momentum and sharpness , It is simply frightening!
And the most awesome ones are the three team leaders, they are all three plot characters in the early stage of the legend, their attributes are no worse than the average evolutionary, it really makes many teams silent, I heard that they are from Sunset City, everyone directly called the Satan team abnormal!
But no one ever thought that this is just a part of the sunset army. Fang Yun’s strongest power has not yet been brought out. Maybe they will not see the real sunset army coming towards the morning sun until the moment of the real decisive battle. !

(End of this chapter)

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