Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 417 The Battle of Lord of the Rings

Chapter 417 The Battle of Lord of the Rings (1)

After all, the Battle of the Ruins was defeated, but it was not a crushing defeat. Not many Gondor soldiers supported by the Contractor died, but the miscellaneous troops they summoned suffered heavy casualties. It's a frown, at least according to military merit.

It can also be exchanged for some archers, which is not without results.

When the first ray of sunlight rewarded them in the morning, they began to retreat in large numbers. After all, half-orcs were afraid of the sun, and even the Ringwraiths were the same, because under the direct sunlight, their combat effectiveness would be greatly weakened.

It's a pity that few people can use the large-scale holy light technique, unless they are some legendary mages!
Unfortunately, there are quite a few legendary mages in Sunset City, a total of 18, including 7 elf mages, and the other 11 belong to local mages who joined Sunset City later, because these guys want to live in the world. If you want to improve your realm on the tree, then of course you must obey Boss Fang's command!
In the Battle of the Ruins, there were only more than 3000 contractors and plot characters left, and they began to evacuate one after another. As for Karl's Hell Knight, he disappeared after his resurrection and never participated in the battle!
However, in the face of the fleeing enemy, the Ringwraiths still chased after them, not to be outdone, and Gandalf, who had long been a white robe, rode the fastest horse in the entire Middle-earth world, the legendary 6th-level plot creature "Shadow Fever", and died alone. Come.

"Underground creatures, go back!" Gandalf roared, and his voice pierced through the sky, followed by a burst of dazzling white light flashing across the sky.

The indescribable holy light technique made the three thousand deserters feel as if they were touched by the goddess of temptation, and their spirits soared!

The three ring spirits retreated one after another with a piercing scream, and some even almost fell off their mounts. At this time, someone with sharp eyes saw white smoke rising from the ring spirits, and immediately shouted: " Gandalf is awesome, it seems stronger in the movie!"

"MD, is this the increase given by the space, then aren't we awesome?"

"Don't mention the increase in space. If Gandalf increases, if Sauron comes to fight on his horse, he will give a fart!"


A group of uninformed people are making noise!

But this kind of problem has actually appeared before, because they have participated in the plot characters of Lord of the Rings 1 and 2, and they discovered that Gandalf became a white robe in Lord of the Rings 1, so they didn't understand what happened. thing.

And the Balrog's death was a miserable one. He was beaten to death by Gandalf with his staff and long sword. At that time, Gandalf in white robe didn't need to fight monsters to upgrade at all, he seemed to be so fierce by nature.

"Come back with me, the army of Mordor is coming, you must be prepared, today's battle will determine life and death, whoever dares to keep their strength, don't blame me for being cruel!!" Gandalf's majesty could not be rejected, and this sentence also It is said for the space.

But even if it wasn't, Gandalf was holding a legendary high-level staff and a legendary high-level long sword on his waist. Who would dare to refuse to accept it, and fell down with a single sword...

As for why the sword is used, maybe this Master is used to it...

As for this situation, many contractors have no opinion, especially seeing this berserk mage, they also said that I am convinced. After all, this guy puts down his staff and is a berserker. Who is so awesome?

"It seems that Gandalf's apprentice is just like him..." Boss He couldn't help but think to himself.

Fang Yun didn't know that someone was talking about him at this time. He stood alone on the snow peak with a look of surprise. Although Gandalf had already been promoted to white robe, he knew something.

But it is so perverted. It seems that the teacher has gained a lot from using the Philosopher's Stone for nearly 100 years.

Boss Fang couldn't help feeling a little resentful, but after the plot ended, he would be able to own the Philosopher's Stone. As for whether he could win, Fang Yun looked up at the sky and murmured: "Then you have to do your best and obey the destiny." ..."


The drums of war have already sounded.


"bang bang"

"Bang bang!"

At this time, the entire Middle-earth Continent was shrouded in black clouds, the sky and the earth trembled with the sound of drums, fiery red black clouds covered the sky, and wars were raging everywhere in the world!
And Mordor's 6 troops, together with the [-] troops summoned by the ark space, have already marched in orderly steps towards the white city of Minas Tirith!

The ring spirits rode fallen monsters hovering over the city of ruins, followed by the imposing and huge army of orcs, forming hundreds of large and small square formations and walking out, dozens of siege towers also appeared, and finally The one next to it is a trebuchet!
Everyone standing on the city wall frowned. They never thought that the Mordor army had 6 more horses than they had imagined!
A sniper looked over with a high-powered lens and saw a group of green-skinned orcs. He was really scared to pee, thinking that the orcs from Azeroth were coming!

As a result, a discerning person told him: "The orcs of the ancient scrolls are powerful, and their physical strength and strength are beyond the reach of ordinary people. It seems that this war will be difficult!"

"FCUK, there are still [-] Roman cavalry?" Someone shouted, this group of guys did not walk in the forefront, but stood directly on the east side, and it seemed that their intention was to guard against the Rohan cavalry!
"Damn it, how many soldiers can we summon?" Someone asked loudly.

"It seems that in addition to Karl's 2000 hell knights, there are 2 horses, but the strength is uneven. I even saw some super ancient warriors holding bronze weapons..."

"Super ancient, MD!" Someone heard this and couldn't help cursing. This kind of guy is definitely not fierce, but heinously weak. After all, bronze equipment is definitely not as powerful as iron, unless it is Enchanted.

"This model is too unfair. Counting the summoned soldiers and the original soldiers of Gondor, there are only 3000 troops in total, and the opponent has so many more people than us. Even if there is a geographical advantage, even Gondor The capital is the strongest city in the entire Middle-earth continent, we probably will die if we don't wait for the ghost army." Someone cursed secretly.

And the town where the Glory team is in Azeroth has not been shattered, so he also has the means of summoning.

At this time, there were more than 2000 troops under his command, but compared to the Hell Knights, they were weaker than others.

But compared with other people, they are also top-notch experts. After all, they are all people who have been in Azeroth. Although the troops are small, the equipment of these guys are all silver equipment, even silver suits!

Among them, there are Thor and some other people in this situation, but their strength is really insufficient. If there are too many summons, the town is likely to be captured by orcs!
So at this time, there were more than 8000 soldiers from Azeroth. As for the other soldiers, they were of course summoned from other planes.

Some people thought of the pastor of the Satan team, and began to ask Hanks and others why only 9000 reinforcements came, and why the others appeared, but they couldn't find out one, two, three, and anxiously they began to curse!
This situation made the Satan team very unhappy, and when Karl saw that they were about to fight, he hurriedly said with a smile: "Everyone, don't worry, I believe that the head priest will definitely not escape, but has other means , or lay an ambush.

So everyone should use more spells to strengthen the city walls, especially mages who know the mud technique and continue to cast spells under the city, don't stop! "

Hearing these words, this group of people didn't bother to doubt this or that, and started to work hard. At this time, the city wall has been reinforced many times, especially the land under the city wall, which was given by the other half of the contractors last night. After performing the silt technique many times, at least they can guarantee that in a short period of time, the Mordor army will not be able to fight at all.

But can the ghost army really come so soon?
 I've been busy recently, and it's estimated that I will be busy for half a month to a month, and the update will be very late. (Changed version.)
(End of this chapter)

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