Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 418 The Battle of Lord of the Rings

Chapter 418 The Battle of Lord of the Rings (2)

"Do you want to exchange some Gondor soldiers?" Hanks glanced at Ares and the others and asked. Fang Yun told him before leaving that they should discuss with each other if they have anything to do, and don't need to think about himself.

"Let's go to the quartermaster first to have a look. There must be a lot of good things that can be exchanged for the space war!" Pete said with a frown as he glanced at the Mordor army outside the city.

"Okay, let's go!" The Satan team walked quickly to the quarters hall in the capital of Gondor, and the surrounding buildings were built of white boulders.

And it also depicts a lot of magic runes, so there is no need to doubt that these gleaming magic runes have a strong defensive effect. Even if a dozen stones are thrown at them, it may not cause any effect, at least stronger than other buildings. much.

As for the reason for doing this, of course, it is to prevent the contractors of the ark space from blowing up their military supply department directly, and then the contractors under it will have nowhere to exchange equipment, which would be bad.

As soon as the four of them entered, they found that it had become a shopping market. More than a dozen quartermasters were sitting on chairs, greeting many contractors. There were magic scrolls on the table, showing many exchange lists.

And the people who come here are basically regiment leaders, or some melee contractors. As for those masters, they are desperately casting magic. If this war is lost, it is basically not far from death, so no People dare to reserve means.

The medicine to restore MP is basically used bottle by bottle, so the hard ground around the city wall has long been turned into muddy, even comparable to some swamps. After all, the quality is not enough, so make up for it in quantity, a lot A half-baked sorcerer can be compared to a legendary mage.

Moreover, some specialized evolutionist mages are not as bad as some legendary elementary mages.

But everyone glanced at those half-orcs, and they were speechless for a while. It seemed that these guys could rush over by stepping on the corpses, but this most effective method had to be used. After all, those heavy siege towers, even behind There are a lot of trolls pushing, which also ensures that their progress is extremely difficult.

There are dots of starlight shining on the city wall, all of which are the effects of defensive magic, but these mages are so tired that they vomit blood, especially the city gates, various fortification techniques, magic shields, magic resistance enhancements, physical defense enhancements, long-range defense enhancements, Attack and defense increase, layer by layer.

Coupled with the original defensive spells of this city gate, the current city gate has basically become a defensive shield exuding a halo!

At this moment, it can't even be regarded as a wooden door, it can be said to be a giant steel door!
Seeing this scene, the contractors of the Ark space also had a headache. They secretly scolded these guys for being shameless, and shouted one by one: "Come out of the city gate and fight with grandpa. If you have the ability, don't be cowardly!"

"Grandchildren, the Erha next door to my grandpa is brave, come out!"

It's a pity that in the face of the ridicule of this group of people, the masters turned a blind eye at all. They vigorously picked up the staff, walked in the city wall, and swung down magic spells with sweat. Almost every second is made of common currency.

The Military Quartermaster has all kinds of potions that can be exchanged. It’s like what is available in the space market. The Military Quartermaster can conjure something for you, but the price is quite expensive, but in order to save your life, you have to buy it with your eyes closed!

And this situation can show that space is extremely important to the outcome of this war, so none of the contractors dare to relax their vigilance.

Hanks clicked on the redemption list, and there are 5 categories in total: characters, creatures, equipment, ordnance, and others!
In fact, when many people saw the redemption list, they were a little amazed. Characters are nothing. They can only be exchanged for Gondor shields, cavalry, and archers. They are also divided into ordinary, elite, bosses, and even silver plot characters. !

These prices are relatively cheap, generally divided into 30 points, 100 points, 200 points, 500 points!
As for the creature class, it is much more powerful. Hanks couldn't help laughing after just one glance: "This is a magical weapon for us to deal with the ring spirits!"

giant eagle
Race: Eagle
Grade: Legendary Tier [-]~[-] Tier Organisms!

Age: unknown

Attribute: Unknown
Price: 20000 military merit points = 100000 common coins = 100 merit points!
Explanation: During the first era of Middle-earth, they were sent by the leader of Valar (the main god) to the Middle-earth world. These giant eagles can speak human language and are intelligent and powerful. They are the servants of God and live in the Misty Mountains. An eagle can resist an ordinary Ringwraith!
There are many things in the equipment category, such as catapults, four-horse offensive chariots, giant crossbows, kerosene and so on!

And there are so many kinds of medicines!
Potions that increase team attributes, increase defense, attack power, restore HP and even MP, there are countless, all kinds of potions, and even cost a lot of money, and meritorious potions can also be purchased.

"My Cao, this team glory (potion) really has a bottle, the attributes are too awesome!" Poker exclaimed.

Everyone also nodded at this, it is time to buy a bottle, it should be able to add a lot of attributes to the whole team, but it is expensive, and most people will not buy it easily!
team glory
Origin: Killing Floor

Grade: Legendary Elementary

Function: The whole team's all attributes are increased by 20%, the defense power is increased by 10%, and the attack power is increased by 30%.

Value: 6000 military merit!
Explanation: The effect of this item can only last for 3 days, but the effect produced will simply give people a dramatic increase.

"6000 military merit points, if you change it to common coins, it will be 18000 common coins, or 18 merit points, but we don't even have wool common coins, so the priest took them all away.

And we only got a total of 1200 points of military merit yesterday, although some orc keys were exploded, but there is nothing valuable."

Ares was speechless, but he knew that Fang Yun would definitely be able to do extraordinary things, and he was not worried that he would waste these common coins.

But they are too poor now. Although there are still 9000 Sunset soldiers in the city who can accept their command, all the military merit points they generate belong to Fang Yun alone, and they can't use them at all.

"MD, I don't know when the priest will come back!"

"Hey..." Hanks was depressed for a while, but when he saw the equipment category, his eyes widened and he cursed: "My Cao, look at the equipment!"

Warrior: Glory set, divided into head, armor, legs, shoes, one-handed sword (special epic set!)
Mage: The soul of magic, divided into, head, robe, shoes, magic book, single cane (special epic suit!)
Assassin: Shadow of Darkness, divided into………

As long as it is a profession that can be found in the space, all these equipments are available, and they are limited to the exchange of military merit points, but the cheapest set also needs 5 military merit points!
And how many orcs do you need to kill for 10 points of military merit?

According to the value ranking list of Mordor Legion.

Orc: 10 points of military merit

Pirates: 15 military merit points.

Strong Orc: 50 points of military merit

Troll: 300 military merit points

Colossus of Agonas: 3000 military merit points.

Legendary Elementary Ring Spirit: 20000 military merit points.

Commander Gothmog: 30000 military merit points!
Legendary Middle Ring Spirit: 40000 military merit points!
Angmar Witch King: 50000 military merit points.

Sauron: 100000 military merit points!
Killing Sauron can be exchanged for two sets, but this is enough to think about it, and killing the orcs requires a full 1 people!

A small team can't do this without special strength, but what about the Satanic team?

Hank suddenly changed his mind: "I, Cao, this fellow pastor must know the inside story, maybe it was Gandalf who told him!"

Everyone swallowed their saliva and couldn't help but nod their heads!

And what about Boss Fang?
He does know, but unfortunately he can't just say, it's all a secret, so he has a big plan, and he really wants to make a few sets of epic suits. This kind of equipment can be called legendary equipment. The number of rounds is counted, so he has been studying how to win and get the greatest results!

(End of this chapter)

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