Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 419 The Battle of Lord of the Rings

Chapter 419 The Battle of Lord of the Rings (3)

Boss Fang is walking on the wire at this time. After all, in his opinion, passive defense is always the worst way unless it is a foolproof defense method. If it has a long range, it will cause great harm to the orcs With heart pressure!

But after all, it still can't be defeated, and it can't be repulsed, even causing psychological defeat.

Especially Gandalf told himself through magic voice transmission just now, that the Aragorn trio is in a lot of trouble! ! !
Yes, the three protagonists are surrounded by the evolutionists of the ark space!

This group of people did not know where to get the coordinates, and used large teleportation props to go directly to the route of the undead kingdom, trapping the three of them in a cave in one fell swoop!
And now there are many crises, the three protagonists fought desperately and killed more than 30 evolutionaries before sending out the news, but at this time there has been no news, and it seems that there is a possibility of falling at any time.

After all, this is a whole hundred evolutionaries!

Especially the evolutionists who can participate in this kind of task are all high-level space talents, even top-level talents, so this is why the evolutionists of the ark space are slow to move. Maybe some guys at the head level will all run over Yes, after all, everyone can imagine how much legendary equipment the three protagonists can unleash!

After all, even if Aragorn is the protagonist, it is possible to kill him, and it's not like everyone has done this kind of thing before.

As for whether the evolutionists of Killing Floor have anyone following the three of them, that’s really not the case... After all, in the face of the ghost army, the evolutionists don’t have the luck of the protagonist, and they might die, so no one participates in this kind of luck task.

As for whether Boss Fang wanted to save the three of them at this time, of course...impossible!
"Kill, kill as much as you want. As the protagonists of the three movies, the aura of the three of Aragorn is no worse than Gandalf. I don't believe that you can kill him so easily. If the three of them are really dead, presumably These 100 advanced evolutionists are also very few.

The remaining team members, without the command and suppression of the team leader, might have conflicts for the sake of profit.

Although it is possible that some of the remaining living guys will also get some legendary equipment, and their strength will increase greatly, but in the face of this situation, facing my sunset army, is it really worse than the ghost army? ? "

Fang Yun didn't care about the life and death of the three protagonists at this time. In this kind of battle, everyone must have the consciousness of death.

As for the so-called protagonist, the head-to-head boss will definitely be afraid of him.

But if it is a war mode, of course Fang Yun expressed his disdain for it. He said with full confidence that if he refuses to accept it, he will pull out the Gondor army to practice and teach you how to be a human being...



As the roar spread throughout the battlefield, the half-orc army roared excitedly and rushed to the capital of Gondor!

As the supreme commander of the orc army, Gosmog is not very powerful in combat. He is a legendary character at the beginning of the legend. His face is covered with disgusting thick hair, and some stench emanates from his body into the air. Even the contractors of the ark space can't stand it.

But they still had to flatter him. After all, he was the leader of the orc army, and besides Sauron and the Witch King of Angmar, he was the most valuable one.

And the reason why he has such a high value point is naturally some problems. This guy's strength is not good, but he is playing with intelligence.

As long as he is still there, the control of the 10,000+ army in the entire war will be in an orderly manner without any chaos. This kind of war scene is unbelievable for a half-orc army with a simple mind and well-developed limbs, and this also shows the importance of this person. sex.

But it is not easy to kill him. There are 4 legendary 6th-level creatures beside this guy, that is, trolls. They are all wearing heavy armor and holding a huge mace. Look at the stick as thick as a tree stump. It is full of huge steel nails, basically sweeping a piece in one round.

Even if the evolutionary is not dead, he must be disabled!

Moreover, there are 1000 high-level orcs around him. In terms of strength, they can basically be compared to golden plot characters.

But the most important thing is that as long as he is severely attacked and his health is reduced by more than half, he will attract the interference of the ring spirits, and he has also been cast with dark defense magic, all long-range attacks and magic with an attack power below 10000 points Attacks are useless means...

So if you want to kill him, then rush into the army of orcs, break through many obstacles, and finally toughen the ring spirit and kill him!

"This kind of difficulty is not easy to rush up the city wall and kill Gandalf, right?" Boss He twitched, feeling helpless at this moment. Facing this group of perverts, he was really helpless.

"That's all the information I can gather, the reason why I tell you is to let your snipers not waste their efforts.

Of course, if the attack power of any sniper can instantly explode to 10000 points of attack power, it will be treated as if I didn't say anything, but even if it hits, it can only cause additional damage.

Therefore, it is basically impossible to kill him from a distance. Don't fantasize, and prepare to carry on, waiting for the arrival of the ghost army. "Faced with this situation, Karl can no longer hide his information.

Seeing this scene, everyone took out the intelligence information they found and shared it.

And the battle started with the first trebuchet throwing over!
A huge boulder weighing over a thousand catties kept gliding across the sky at this moment. That kind of exaggerated force cannot be stopped by mortals at all!

Hearing a "bang", the city wall under Hanks' feet was hit by all kinds of hits, but his body only swayed.

After being blessed by magic, there is only a spider web-like crack in the tall city wall, but there is still the effect of restoration on it, and it is still recovering at this time!
Seeing this scene, the contractors of the Ark space were really speechless, but fortunately, as long as they don't throw it on the city wall or gate, they can cause some losses.

"Don't waste the number of throwing stones on the city wall. After all, the trebuchet needs half an hour to recover after every 10 minutes of throwing. Otherwise, the equipment will definitely malfunction or even be seriously damaged. So don't think about breaking the city wall. It's better to aim those people.

Strive to get more military merit points, and then exchange them for siege equipment, even equipment, etc.! "Adam frowned, looked at the city wall, and then glanced at the half-orc army that was at a standstill at this time. This group of half-orcs was still trapped by the swamp spell.

Arrows fell from the sky one after another. The most shocking thing was that rows of archers in silver armor suddenly appeared on the walled mountain. The neat archery posture and accuracy made the orcs feel horrified. It was 3000 gold-armored shield fighters standing in front of them, and a sniper hit them, killing a full 1500 health points, but he still hasn't killed him!

It means that this soldier turned out to be a silver plot character!
This situation made Adam and others feel a little headache.

But fortunately, he received the news that Aragorn and others have been surrounded. Even if they can't kill him, it will take at least one day to break through the barrier. chances of victory, and as for the Fellowship of the Ring, he wasn't worried.

Because one of the strongest evolutionist teams in Ark Space is guarding the Doomsday Volcano there. Although there are only five of them, he has to admire the combat power of these few people.

Especially a guy with the ability of burning man, he is like a fish in water at Mount Doom!
"So, let's fight, let's die, when the cavalry of Rohan come, we will send troops!" Adam gave an order, and the many orcs behind him roared in unison, shaking the heavens and the earth!

Fang Yun stood alone on the high hill in the west. No one noticed that there was a person who was still paying attention to the battlefield tens of thousands of meters away.

Not to mention that no one noticed... On the downhill after Gao Gang, there was actually a huge space gate, and groups of heavily armored cavalry riding Quel'dorei horses poured out of it...

 ==Say something, I will update very late. After all, I am busy with work. I can only code at night every day. Recently, on a rainy day, my arm that was broken because of climbing a tree started to hurt again. MD, what a fucking loss of my elves face... so the update will be slow, please calm down.

(End of this chapter)

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