Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 420 The Battle of Lord of the Rings

Chapter 420 The Battle of Lord of the Rings (4)


The steel bridge of the siege tower slammed heavily on the city wall, and from that moment on, hundreds of orcs and even strong orcs came out screaming and holding swords and swords, their ugly faces were full of cruelty and anger. bloodthirsty.

And the Gondor soldiers guarding against the city wall were unable to stop this group of orcs leading the battle.

This group of people carried heavy hammers and huge axes, and often swung them once, and they would turn their backs on their backs. After all, the weakest orc was also comparable to the leader!
"Kill!" Boss He saw that the nearby city wall was breached, and immediately rushed forward with Azeroth's soldiers. He took the lead, carrying the black light virus, and blood-red silk threads appeared on his right arm, directly turning into a With a black sharp blade, the entire arm is completely transformed into a weapon comparable to legendary quality!

His left arm turned into a huge black armor shield, which can be called a super close combat. Just look at him jumping high, the speed suddenly dropped, and there was a loud bang on the ground instantly, and the feet were full of cracks. A half-orc was directly stunned past.

As his left arm flashed black light, he directly cut off the heads of several half-orcs. The moment the black blood splashed across his face, he moved again, waving the black armor shield and continuously piercing through the entire half-orc vanguard. in the army.

It can be called unstoppable!

A strong orc roared, "Kill him!"

And the moment the voice fell, their swords also slashed on Boss He's back, and the moment blood and bones leaked out, he turned his head and swept, and drew a huge wound on the chests of these strong orcs like lightning .

"A group of bastard bloodlines, dare to hurt me, watch me swallow you!" Boss He's arms turned into blood-red silk threads, and wrapped around the strong orc in front of him.

The mouth became bigger, and regardless of the orc's panicked eyes, he bit it in one bite, and everyone's eyes widened, watching the half-orc being swallowed by him abruptly, Boss He even licked his lips, I don't know if it's a pervert... such disgusting meat can be eaten.

As for the wound on his back, it also recovered like lightning!

Apart from him, King Kong must be the most domineering of the Glory three scumbags. This guy is also a player who does not use weapons. It is rumored that he can absorb the abilities of equipment and condense them on his body, making his body like steel. His own hands turned into heavy hammers!

Just look at him alone, walking forward slowly, but wherever he passes, there are cracks under his feet, and he will not take a step back!
And he punched it out, no matter what half-orc or strong orc you are, you will be hammered into two halves, even to pieces of meat, it can be said that the punch is fierce and domineering!

When ordinary swords cut on his body, only a white blade can appear, which can hardly break through the defense!

Ares and Hanks glanced at King Kong and at each other, and really understood why this person had such a title!
Is this him the real King Kong is not bad!
It's a proper humanoid bulldozer, no wonder the glory team's three scumbags have such a famous name, and they have never been provoked by anyone.

And Lei Fa is really not weak, always in the center of the team, with thunder flashing in his eyes, with the help of the black clouds in the sky, he summoned thunder after thunder, which fell on the trolls under the city out of thin air.

Everyone only heard a loud bang, and a blue lightning fell. Even the legendary creature ogre couldn't hold it back. His body was scorched, and the ground under his feet was extremely black, because these lightnings wanted to spread in all directions. go.

Even some half-orcs around them convulsed, smoked from their bodies, and bled to death from their seven orifices...

And he summoned 7 thunders in a row, he just killed a troll, and easily got a killing key!
Everyone on the entire battlefield, especially the contractors, are all desperate. They want to rely on their strong strength to save the lives of the characters in the plot as much as possible. Otherwise, facing the army of orcs under the city, they will definitely not be able to procrastinate to the end.


But their behavior also caused headaches for the contractors of the ark space. Apart from using trebuchets and letting snipers shoot people on the city wall, no one else can do anything at all.

In particular, their number is much smaller, because many top powerhouses are besieging and killing Aragorn and others. After all, in their hearts, as long as there is no ghost army, no matter how much room there is for killing, there is no doubt that they will lose.

"Damn just 3 hours, you told me that 2 orcs died, and they lost only 2?" Adam slapped the table and roared.

The deputy head was speechless, organized his language and said slowly: "Siege warfare, especially the most difficult city in Middle-earth, will inevitably lead to this kind of result, but they only have more than 3 people. The city wall needs 2 people, and many people have to take turns to rest. This is a major flaw.

And the most important thing is that most of the dead half-orcs were killed by plot characters and those silver-armored archers, but according to reliable news, these silver-armored archers are the sunset army of the Satan team in Azeroth, but I didn’t Seeing them summon a horde of soldiers to help defend the city, it's clear someone wants to swallow the epic suit.

What's more, it is also because of the swamp technique that the speed of the half-orcs' attack has been delayed. When some half-orcs die and fill the ground, I don't believe they have other means, and there is an artifact to attack the city gate 'Gronde' has moved out! "

Adam stretched his brows when he heard the news, and said kindly, "I'm sorry, I didn't get angry with you just now, the main reason is that I didn't expect these half-orcs to be so unbearable. From now to tomorrow dawn, the Rohan cavalry will arrive , so... there are 7 hours left, let's get ready!"

He walked out of the barracks and looked at the flaming battering ram, Grund, this thing is amazing, Sauron named it after his boss!
And this guy itself is also a legendary special item, with super high defense and defense breaking attributes!
It is also engraved with dark magic, it is an existence that is indestructible!

Seeing this scene, many contractors on the city wall gasped.

The dark mage Karl yelled with a cold expression: "Mages quickly superimpose magic on me, MD, I think his artifact is awesome, or hundreds of defensive magic!"

This huge battering ram was pulled by 6 legendary one-horned rhinos and pushed by 4 trolls. The ruthless arrows shot past, but were blocked by the magic defense, which almost overwhelmed the archer's defense. The power is weakened beyond measure.

And with the bang of "bang bang bang"!

The entire city wall began to tremble!

Every time the siege ram hits the city wall, black flames will be ejected from the top of the hammer head, which means that this thing will shatter layers of magical defenses. Everyone's face changes drastically when they really see this situation.

Fortunately, the masters used up all their strength to break a layer, and I stacked one layer. Under such circumstances, I had to endure with them for 3 hours before the city gate was broken.

And by this time.

Four hours to go before dawn and reinforcements arrive...

But this period of time can be called the worst battle ever fought by the Contractors of the Killing Space, one by one bathed in black blood, one after another, there was no end to the battle, which made everyone's muscles start to ache...

Batches of soldiers who had just been summoned were killed, and when they were called again, everyone was finally beaten into the last wall.

The casualties are countless...

And the moment the dawn rises, the horn... blows!

(End of this chapter)

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