Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 422 Sunset Army... Invincible

Chapter 422 Sunset Army... Invincible (2)

How many legions did Fang Yun summon?
There are three legions in the capital of Gondor.

An army of griffins!
Behind him is a Quel'dorei Heavy Cavalry Legion, two Golden Heavy Cavalry Legions, and two Silver Heavy Cavalry Legions!And at the end, there are two shield battle legions!
At this time, there is a naval battleship army near the river, and it is led by three hundred dragon-shaped crew members, all of whom are golden plot characters. After the dragon-formation, they are simply terrifying B, even more brutal than half-orcs!

So, for this war, Fang Yun summoned a total of 12 legions!
According to his remaining 16 Universal Coins, 2 Universal Coins are not enough to summon an army!

But it is a coincidence that Middle-earth has already connected with Azeroth through the gate of space, and there is also a portal in Sunset City!

It is also because of this that his summoning fee has been greatly reduced to 1 universal coins. Summoning a legion may be the care of space for him!
In this war, Fang Yun did not intend to ride on Xiao Hei's body, because he carried the title of king.

Although the king template can't be used here, he feels that the more soldiers behind him, his attributes seem to be increasing slowly. It's a proper reduced version of the king template!
Then, following the roar of the giant dragon, a Quel'dorei war horse appeared behind him, a legendary sixth-level super mount, and a dark gold-level armor on the horse!


Fang Yun raised his battle sword and roared, and the horse under his feet moved accordingly, rushing towards the army of orcs like a gust of wind!
And the five heavy cavalry regiments behind him, a total of [-] heavy cavalry, also tightened the reins, clamped the horse's belly, and moved neatly. Looking at the city wall, they looked like silver blades. , pressing on the orc army.

As for the last two shield warrior legions, they rode ordinary war horses and followed in an orderly manner. It seemed that nothing happened, because they... came to harvest heads.


"Get out of the way, MD, let the cavalry speed up, and wait for the entire army to be wiped out!" Adam was yelling at this time, and rushed to the west with the orc army, but what kind of army is the sunset army?
They are in the high-level magical plane of Azeroth, and the magic elements on the mainland of Azeroth are N times that of Middle-earth!
Whether it is a human being or a creature, it is born to be more than one level higher than the middle-earth world, coupled with Fang Yun's training, and the most critical super trump card of the world tree.

It is so that even a commoner in his Sunset City may be an elite rank!
Of the 2000 cavalry, at least [-] belong to the golden plot characters, and there are many silver plot characters, and the last ones are all at the boss level, so the coercion they exerted at this moment can be called terrifying!
The momentum brought by it is like Mount Tai pressing down on the top!

In addition to soldiers and equipment, heavy cavalry also has horses as the most important.

And Boss Fang has always been concentrating on building elites, so the most expensive cavalry horses are high-end horses, not to mention expensive, and it takes money and time to raise them!
Of course, Fang Yun's own son's legion, the Queldorei Heavy Cavalry Legion, is even more awesome. At this time, some people have begun to wear dark gold armor, but you must know that there are silver suits of other legions that have not been replaced yet. .

And this group of guys have already started to wear dark gold equipment, so it is completely conceivable how much Fang Yun loves this heavy cavalry regiment, and it can also show how terrifying these guys are, so that Fang Yun can be so assisted!
So when Fang Yun rushed to the battlefield with the vanguard, the orc's eyes were filled with fear!

"Throw the gun!" Fang Yun shouted loudly!
At this moment, the griffin army in the sky has come to the top of the orc army, especially Adam's orc army!
And when they looked up, they saw the griffin army playing rogue tactics. They picked up the ten short guns they brought and dropped them one by one. The short guns that landed from a height of hundreds of meters were simply The acceleration of gravity is amazing!
The ear-piercing sound of 'whoosh whoosh' was like a rain of guns falling from the sky.

Looking up, the light flickering at the tip of the gun is simply dazzling!
I don't know how many people have skin bumps all over their bodies, especially some archers on the city wall. Looking at the bows and arrows in their hands, they are completely weak...

But at this time... a group of orcs, even half-orcs, shouted: "Raise the shield to meet the enemy!"

"Raise your shield to meet the enemy!"

Many people threw away their spears and raised their shields with difficulty, but the phrase "holding up the shield to meet the enemy" sounds nice, facing the same army of sons...

The group of guys only felt their arms sinking, and with a muffled sound, the shield above their heads was pierced, and the short spear pierced their chests instantly.

Almost in just a few seconds, the orc army did not know how many people died!
And the famous contractor also poured out the blood of eight lifetimes, and was stabbed by eight short spears in a row...

Before he died, he glanced at the tip of the spear that pierced his body, and there was a little silver light shining... He said with a dazed look on his face: "Consumables, even adding mithril and enchanting... I am not reconciled!!! "


Of course, Boss Fang is rich, especially when it comes to military expenditures, the proportion of investment almost reaches 60% of Sunset City's annual income...

Therefore, there is no need to doubt why the name of Sunset City is so resounding, and why it can completely gain a foothold in Azeroth!
"Throw it again!" Fang Yun roared when he saw that the distance was getting closer, drew a short spear from the horse, held it high, and followed his order.

Fifteen thousand silver and white short spears shot out from the hands of the heavy cavalry army at the same time, and the sky seemed to turn black at that moment. The short spears streaked across the sky and landed on the top of the orc army...

"Damn it!" Adam looked as if he had eaten shit!
Faced with an army of thousands of griffins, the half-orcs are already miserable. Although the Ringwraiths are strong enough, the griffins are not bad, and there are so many of them. Just by looking at them, one of them can kill them with anti-aircraft guns. their thoughts!
In particular, some of the guys on the Griffon Beasts are actually legendary magicians. These guys have used the Holy Light Art one after another, and these ring spirits are also restrained and difficult to attack.

And that giant dragon was even more amazing, with a huge body more than 20 meters long, it rampaged among the half-orc army, and a dragon's breath sprayed over, causing at least a hundred casualties!

As the second wave of gunfire fell, the so-called defensive formation composed of half-orcs was completely plugged. Seeing this scene, Adam glanced at the 5000 orc army behind him, gritted his teeth, and made up his mind. Head on top!

So at this moment!
The orcs of the ancient scroll world and the human warriors of Azeroth finally meet together!
But no matter how Adam thought about it, he felt that he could fight off half of the heavy cavalry army!
But! ! !

See the sunset army of this group of green orcs!
It was completely burning with anger, and his eyes were blood red, just like seeing an enemy who swore to the death!
They raised their spears one after another, and rushed towards the orcs!

Adam took a closer look!
It seems that this group of heavy cavalry wearing golden suits and armor full of enchanted gems seems a little perverted!

At this moment, he has the desire to retreat, but it's too late!

Because then he saw... the scene of the beast clan being slaughtered!
As for why this is so!
Adam needs to go to Azeroth and ask those orcs who often fight against the sunset cavalry. After all, they are both orcs, but they are not of the same level at all!
(End of this chapter)

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