Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 423 Sunset Cavalry... Invincible!

Chapter 423 Sunset Cavalry... Invincible! (3)

The strength of the orcs led by Adam is not weak, if they join the battlefield early, they will definitely cause heavy damage to them.

But now!
They faced the heavy cavalry of the Sunset Legion!
The two sides were suddenly collided by huge torrents of steel!
Blood of different colors instantly stained the earth!
And the orcs, who were usually able to crush the cavalry, suffered an unparalleled blow at this moment, especially when Adam stood at the end and witnessed this scene with his own eyes, he really couldn't believe it!

The orc soldiers were even more frightened, but their opponents were no longer the usual humans, nor were they warriors who couldn't even hold guns and knives tightly!
"Sunset Judgment!!!" An angry shout resounded throughout the battlefield. Fang Yun rode a horse and rushed to the forefront. At the moment when he faced the orc army, he immediately used the strongest group battle skills!
An indescribable energy gushed out from his Sunset Sword, turning into a blood-red sword energy. Wherever it passed, there were countless stumps and broken arms on the ground!
But the orcs are not weak. When they are hurt, their eyes become blood red, and their combat power is stronger!

But the one who rushed to the front was the king of all sunset warriors!
The moment they saw the endless orcs rushing towards Fang Yun!
at that moment!
I don't know how many people shouted loudly at the same time!
"Fight for the king!"


The turbulent momentum cannot be stopped at all, and the running Quel'dorei Heavy Armored Legion is the vanguard, and their duty is...



"Crush everything, charge without stopping!"

As the commander of this legion, Gilhard rushed to Fang Yun's side at the first time, holding a gun and riding a horse, and shouted: "Kill!"

And the arm holding the battle gun was tense, with blue veins leaking out, and with an indescribable sharpness, it pierced an orc's head like lightning.

The orc's reaction was not slow, and he could barely block the battle ax in front of his head, but only heard a 'click', and the sharp tip of the spear pierced through the battle axe, piercing his chest mercilessly.

And the next moment, he swung it vigorously, regardless of whether the orc was dead or not, he drew out his battle gun and continued to move forward bravely!
As the vanguard, they will not stop for a moment!
Because they are the leaders of the entire Sunset Cavalry, if they stop, the speed of the cavalry behind them will inevitably decline, and when they are surrounded by infantry, they will fall into a bitter battle. The entire cavalry force suffered heavy losses.

It can't take advantage of the advantages brought by cavalry!
So they stabbed forward with their battle guns, blood gushed out, and then pulled it out!
They don't lose their guns, but they don't know how to draw knives...

And the moment the setting sun cavalry draws their swords... then they will cause the strongest loss to the orc army!

Of course, the orcs would also fight back, and with the tomahawks and heavy knives they swung, the sunset cavalry could hide if they could, or use their armor to resist if they couldn't.

Because they believe that the armor they wear will definitely save their lives, but they will definitely not turn their horses and turn back to fight again!

Because...that person is bound to die, and also because...behind me, there are countless brothers who have never fired a gun!

Inside and outside the city, countless humans and half-orcs at high points are all opening their mouths wide, looking at the scene in the distance!
Because the charging speed of the entire sunset army, even after entering the camp of the orc army, has not weakened in the slightest. Riding a mount similar to a unicorn, they run through the orc army like madmen. They are like awls. The cavalry followed closely behind, directly and heavily inserting into the army camp of the orcs!

Wherever they went, there was blood.

An orc wanted to resist the impact of the horses, but this legendary creature used the horn on its head to release lightning from time to time, but what was even more terrifying was the impact force they carried. It was simply a group of giant beasts running wild!

Of course, Adam's orcs are not fragile. Although they are far worse than Azeroth's orcs, they have still caused great losses to the cavalry in Sunset Town so far!

One by one the war horses fell, and a cavalryman from Sunset Town fell to the ground, but they did not lose their spirit of cavalry!

Instead, abandon the gun and use the knife!

The blade with a touch of cold light all proves that this sword is also made by those master-level blacksmiths!

Therefore, the cavalry fell off the horse and could still fight!
And this scene was staged in many places. Among them, the cavalry at the captain level threw out his spear the moment he fell off the horse.

At the moment when Gangfeng came across, the orc slashed him sideways with a vicious look in his eyes, but the orc was shocked. Looking at his broken tiger's mouth, he really couldn't imagine how this human being could have such a big mouth. The strength of the spear, and the thrown spear has more strength, fully penetrated into the soil by 7 centimeters!

But this orc is not weak either, even Adam can call his name!

But when the orc grasped the heavy sword again and rushed forward, he saw that the cavalryman who had just landed drew his sword and approached him!

"Drink!!" Gathering all his strength, the orc slashed head-on, as if he was going to split the mountain!
But the dexterous and changeable cavalry was faster, and the sword light came over, only to see him lightly dodge sideways.

And he ground his feet hard, with all the strength in his body, his left fist slammed into the orc's abdomen, and the orc, who felt that the acid water was beaten out, couldn't help being beaten and bent down, spitting out the food he had just eaten in the morning.

In the end, before he raised his head, the cold blade flashed, his neck was cold, and blood gushed wildly.

But knowing the strong and immortal nature of this freak, the captain of the cavalry squad kicked him over with one kick, and slashed at his neck one after another, killing him seven times, and then continued to kill him. Other orc warriors who are alone...

And this is the strongest cavalry regiment in Sunset City!

They can fight an army of [-] on horseback, and they can also fight against ten if they fall off a horse!

If you want to ask Fang Yun, what is the trump card?

Quel'dorei heavy cavalry is the trump card!

The sound of charging was resounding throughout the battlefield, and the shield army in the capital city of Gondor also launched a full-scale attack at this moment!

When a man with a battle shield faced the army of half-orcs, he was like breaking through a bamboo. Like cutting wheat, he rushed to the outside of the city wall crazily. Hair, directly shoot it into a hedgehog!
At this point...

Although the army of Sunset City penetrated through the entire orc army, they still had insufficient momentum and slowed down in the face of many half-orcs.

The half-orc commander, Gothmog, finally breathed a sigh of relief, and looked back. The Rohan cavalry who had stopped charging at this time could kill them as long as he was given a chance.

He looked at the sunset cavalry again, and felt that as long as their charge stopped at this moment, the orcs would not lose!

But Fang Yun once said it!

When the Sunset Legion abandons their guns, it is the most lethal moment!
To ask why?
That's because they're going to throw the gun again, of course!

This gun is a long gun in your hand!

This gun is of golden quality!

This gun should be unparalleled in sharpness!
Fang Yun, who had been fighting bloody battles for a long time, looked around, and said loudly with a hint of chill: "Sunset Cavalry..."

"Throw the gun!"

"Fight again!"

"Fight again!" Everyone shouted in unison!
There were more than 2000 cavalry left. At this moment, they mercilessly threw out the expensive golden plot weapons in their hands!


After the gun rain!

There were more than 1 dead bodies on the plain...

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(End of this chapter)

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