Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 427 Chapter Return!

Chapter 427 Return!

From this moment on, the entire space war finally began to come to an end!

Fang Yun didn't know how many plot worlds there were, participated in the plane war, and whether Killing Space finally gained an advantage.

But he knows that all the worlds he has participated in have ended in victory.

"Reminder: There are still 7 days before returning to the space. If you exceed this limit and want to stay in this world, you will pay 300 common coins per day!"

"Reminder: Since you destroyed the Supreme Lord of the Rings, everyone in your team will gain 1 point of fame!!"

"Reminder: Because you led the Sunset Cavalry to participate in the battle and changed the history of Middle-earth, you will get 1 point of fame!"

Hearing this news, Fang Yun was in a good mood. He glanced at the Doomsday Volcano that was about to collapse, and smiled: "It's time for us to clean up the spoils!"

"That's right!"

"Let's go!" Hanks laughed and jumped into the magma, but a giant dragon suddenly flew out of the magma, making it land firmly on its broad back!

Five people jumped onto Xiao Hei's back one after another. Regardless of the envious eyes of others, they rode a giant dragon and flew straight into the air from the top of Doomsday Volcano!
Boss He glanced at the group of guys and sighed slightly: "Let's go, the Doomsday Volcano will erupt later!"

The contractors all nodded, relying on their agility and dexterity to avoid the hot magma, but... they left here in a little embarrassment!

"Legolas... How about it, have you counted how many spears we have thrown back?" Fang Yun was standing at the highest point of the city at this time, next to the white tree in the capital of Gondor, and he watched The prince who came from the griffin asked slightly distressed.

"Probably only half of it!" The handsome prince shrugged, expressing that there was nothing he could do. After all, the battlefield was too big, and many spears were picked up by the soldiers of Gondor... They were too embarrassed to ask for them back. Fortunately, the contractor could not Pick up the long guns thrown by the plot soldiers, otherwise you will lose a lot.

Fang Yun raised his eyebrows: "That's okay, go see your father... Arrange with him the date when the elves will be transferred to Azeroth!"

Legolas handsomely glanced at Fang Yun, nodded slightly, turned and left...

Minas Tirith, the greatest human city in Middle-earth, held a great king's feast today!

And elves, dwarves, and human kings have all come here!

They will all witness the moment when Aragorn becomes king, and witness the days when there is no Sauron in Middle-earth!
Many contractors knew that there was such a day today, so they didn't leave early, and waited here to participate in this grand enthronement ceremony.

And the final scene of the entire movie is really eye-opening. The final banquet gathers almost all the strongest plot characters in Middle-earth.

It's just that there are as many dark golds as dogs, and there are a lot of legends!

But the most surprising thing is that they are all sitting at the side table, and the priest of the Satan team can sit at the main table, next to Gandalf, and can have a good chat with all the legendary plot characters, especially Those pointed ears are particularly brilliant.

If it weren't for someone who knew him, he would have thought that this guy might be an elf king, or even a prince or something.

And when they saw Boss Fang embracing King Elrond, chatting with the most powerful elf queen, Galadriel, smoking a cigarette with Gandalf... and even bragging about it with the elf king, Thranduil. moment.

They seem to get it!
This guy... seems to be a character in a plot!
It seems that he is a plot character summoned by Killing Floor!
But this question, Fang Yun does not say, no one can be sure.

In the end, they can only think that his talent is awesome, because every contractor's talent is different!

At this moment, Fang Yun didn't care what others thought of him!

In particular, Ares and Hanks have obtained epic suits, and their strength has greatly increased, and the most troublesome enemy, the locomotive wolf, has all died. He is not too worried about being missed by others now.

Because if you want to know your own secret, you must first have enough strength!
Next, the contractors also left one after another!
After all, this world has nothing to fish for, and General Fang Yun also left this world after his merits were exhausted!

The main reason is that he needs to go to Azeroth and open the door of space together with the mages of the Lord of the Rings world, and bring them here completely!

The replays of familiar scenes are almost all bloody cavalry battles!

Shocking scenes kept flashing through his mind, and as the Supreme Lord of the Rings was thrown into the Doomsday Volcano reluctantly by him, it seemed that there was no place in this world that he could miss anymore!
Because he has a new home, that home... In Azeroth, that home has a kingdom that belongs to him!

That home has countless acquaintances!

And they're all going there!

Killing Floor Combat Summary:

Time: March 3019, 3!
Location: Minas Tirith, Mordor!

Scene: Lord of the Rings 3
Pain reduction: 50%
Additional enhancement of personal ability: 0.00%
Current scene exploration: 61%
Lord of the Rings world connection: 100%
Mission Discovery: 31%
Mission Completion: 92%
Quest accomplished with: S-
Victory in the Plane War: Due to your high contribution, you will get one of the apostle suits, the guardian leg of the elf!
Teacher Gandalf's Bounty: The Philosopher's Stone

Team experience: +50 points.

For him, the gains from this war were actually not too much, and he even lost nearly 3 legions of soldiers!

But for the two MTs, the strength is simply a leap, but since they want to wear this kind of equipment, they will also get the trial given by the epic suit!

The two will leave together to participate in a road of trials belonging to MT, or in other words, a road of inheritance belonging to MT!
And the plot of Lord of the Rings has finally come to an end at this moment, which also means that Azeroth's Sunset City will experience a blowout growth in strength!
Fang Yun's body was slowly flying upwards, and as a ray of light shone on him, his eyes went dark, and he returned to the space
When he returned to the space, he put on the newly acquired apostle suit!

Even received an unexpected message!

Reminder: Since your crew has caused major plot changes to the Caribbean Sea, you will enter this world alone in the next world, and re-correct the mission line of this world, otherwise you will be severely punished! !
"My Cao? What the hell is this?"

"MD, what did these idiots do!!!" Fang Yun was stunned when he heard the severe punishment.

But this is also his fault. As a legendary battleship, the Black Dragon has a group of extremely arrogant dragon-like crew members. In the Caribbean Sea, oh no~ it is the ocean of the entire world, and they are all very powerful.

In short, they looted, intercepted, destroyed, and broke into several cursed places. It seems... they did a lot of unusual things...

That's why he left a big hole that needs to be filled!
But Boss Fang changed his mind: "Looks like, I can go to the sea again..."

"Well, very good, very good, I really want to go back to the Caribbean and live a life of robbery...

By the way, get rid of that Dark Lord...

It should be able to reveal a lot of good things. I still remember the incident when he used a broken sock as a scroll to fool me! "Fang Yun didn't want to think about the broken sock, the original skill has been useless for a long time...

"So, let's make waves!" Fang Yun's mouth slanted, thinking a lot...

(End of this chapter)

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