Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 428 Magical Mage Clothes, No Return in Melee Combat!

Chapter 428 Magical Mage Clothes, No Return in Melee Combat!

Guardian Legs
Origin: Killing Floor

Equipment rarity: Dark gold exclusive leggings (Apostle, can grow)

Weight: 5.5 kg
Base Defense: +6
Stamina +5
Conditions of use: Contractor No. 6520.

Conditions of use: Killing Floor Apostle.

Special Ability (Passive): Elf rune, this armor is engraved with the defensive rune of the ancient elves, it can buff the holder by 1000 points of health, and reduce all damage by 100 points, including real damage.

(This ability has domain priority and has been integrated!)

Special ability (active): Life mark, when the holder kills an enemy, the life mark can be absorbed for the armor, every time an elite plot character (creature) or contractor is killed, the Can absorb 1 points of life marks, up to 300 points of life marks.

When the holder's life value decreases, he can take out the life mark at any time to increase his life value.

This ability has no consumption and no cooldown!
(This ability has been integrated)

Special Ability (Active): Elven Rhythm. When this ability is activated, the holder can gain the effect of increasing the critical strike rate by 40%, increasing the hit rate by 40%, increasing the dodge rate by 40%, and increasing the moving speed by 40%.

Penetration value +10.

Duration: 8 minutes.

Skill cooldown: 2 hour.

Skill consumption: 120MP.

(This ability has been integrated)

(Note: You have collected the third apostle suit, and some suit attributes have been activated. The three abilities have begun to superimpose and merge, and they are unique!)

"Dark gold, what the hell is dark gold..." Fang Yun expressed his dissatisfaction with the level of the apostle suit!

But the equipment ability is still very strong. The imprint of life can restore the value of life, plus his own healing technique, which makes him invincible on the battlefield. He doesn't need to stay at all, and he can recover immediately after receiving any damage!
It's a genius!

Especially the elf rune, which has domain priority and can resist 100 points of damage, including real damage, that's amazing...

But the apostle suit is not what he is most looking forward to now!
The equipment that ignites his heart the most is of course the incomparably magical Sorcerer's Stone, the Sorcerer's Stone that greatly increased Gandalf's strength!

And the moment he saw this thing, his head seemed to froze!
Magic stone

Origin: World of Harry Potter

Material: ? ? ?
Weight: 3.12 kg
Grade: legendary middle grade (unique)
Introduction: The magical creation of ancient alchemy!

Item characteristics: There is a 50% chance of dropping after death. If it does not drop, the original world will produce magic stone again!

Item characteristics: The equipment only needs to be placed in the backpack to activate the effect.

Conditions of Use: Gandalf's Approval!
"Pfft, I really regard this thing as my own..." Fang Yun couldn't help but twitched when he saw the conditions of use. This is obviously something from the world of Harry Potter.

This old guy is enough, not to mention lifting Dumbledore's curse, he even attached a condition of use, but he likes this condition...

And what follows is the shocking scene!

Magic skill effect additionally increased: 30%.

Wisdom +15 points

Intelligence +15 points

MP+1500 points

Active ability: touch stone into gold, every 7 days, can turn a piece of metal no more than 1000 jin into pure gold!
Active Ability: Elixir of Life, every month, you can consume 1 Universal Coins to turn a bowl of water into a potion of immortality, which can increase your lifespan by 30000 years!
Or gather a series of life materials and pay a certain amount of MP to make the elixir of life!

(Hint: This material requires a detailed interpretation of the Philosopher's Stone and many trials before making a real potion of immortality.)
Passive ability: MP recovery speed increases by 20 points per second!
Passive Ability: Magic skill cooldown reduced by 50%.

Passive Ability: Prayer Specialization + Lv5 (Intelligence)
Passive Ability: Meditation Album + Lv5 (Wisdom)
Passive ability: Through it, you can understand the principles of magic elements in the world!
(Explanation: A person who owns the Philosopher's Stone will be like a firefly in the dark night to any magician, full of endless temptations. With it, you not only have great strength, but also attract some disasters.)
"This is the legendary mid-level Sorcerer's Stone..." Fang Yun held it in his hand, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, it's really too powerful!

"Well, it's very powerful for a magician, but for me..." Boss Fang couldn't bear to complain now, after all, his magic skills are really scum...

In addition to healing and magic shield plus shock wave... there seems to be a fireball, oh, and a devil's touch.

"Very good, very powerful, specialization in prayer and meditation, increase Lv5 again, if I take out Medivh's magic book, both directly reach Lv9..."

"This seems to be a realm that many legendary magicians can't reach!

Especially the 50% reduction in the cooldown of magic skills, which is simply amazing..." Boss Fang was dumbfounded by this ability.

But... But I am really a magic scum, I don't understand the magic principles of the world, I don't understand at all...

Except that the healing technique is sharp enough, all other magics are disabled!

It's just an eight or nine-year-old child, but holding the dragon-slaying sword, he can't exert the power that this treasure should have...

As for handing it over to poker?

It's not very useful. Although this guy consumes MP, the skills it emits are not magic, but abilities. This guy is taking the path of abilities!
Just like his own X-knowledge power, the Sorcerer's Stone has no boost to it!
But Boss Fang wouldn't give it to others even if he didn't need it, let alone selling it!

It's completely an enemy!
For example, Lei Fa of the Glory Three Bitches, if he can get the Sorcerer's Stone, he will be a super god-like existence, and he will give you a little thunder with a thunderbolt, without taking a breath...

"Hmph, I'm just a magician in melee combat, but it's useless, and I don't give it to others, la la la, what can a so-called scum mage do to me!" The stone is placed in the space backpack.

But if someone knows his thoughts, it will definitely make countless magicians beat their chests and heads, and they may spit out hundreds of milliliters of blood...

But I have to say that Boss Fang was very upset that he didn't get good melee equipment, so he could only do it on purpose...

What's more, he is Gandalf's apprentice!

Isn't it normal to wear a legendary mage's equipment and go to melee combat?
After all, strength is just a little bit lower than intelligence... Yes, the current strength is not as high as intelligence and wisdom... But this can't hinder the mage's melee heart.

The big deal is to throw two healing techniques at random to brush up the sense of existence.

Hmm... A healing technique restores more than 1000 health points, nothing wrong...

Besides this skill, Boss Fang really doesn't want to lose anything else, after all he is a melee... Even if he has a mage costume...

(End of this chapter)

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