Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 429 The key to breaking through the Transcendent... field

Chapter 429 The key to breaking through the Transcendent... field

Boss Fang is very busy. For ordinary evolutionists, as a group leader, he needs to take care of all aspects of the group members. At the same time, there is a sunset city that needs to be taken care of all the time. After all, even if he is not in Azeroth , the trend of the plot still has not stopped!

Especially whenever a contractor enters World of Warcraft, the speed of time will change to a certain extent!

The Satan Squad is an elite team, and when everyone truly integrates into the team, they are indispensable!
So he is very supportive of Hanks and Ares going to participate in the MT trial. After all, they successfully control this set of epic equipment, and they will become quite strong existences!
So Boss Fang was generous this time and gave them two 2 GM coins each to buy enough Amplification Potions. He originally had 7 GM coins left, but now he only had 3 points left. up!
But the next time the world is Pirates of the Caribbean, for Fang Yun, this low-magic plane is enough anyway!
Even if the world changes too much, it is impossible for other planes to blend into it...

So summoning a Black Dragon should be able to settle everything...

"Okay then, I'm going to Azeroth first, you two should train hard, anyway, I have collected some information, the road to MT trials is very rare.

There are many MTs that participated, but very few survived. The most important reason is that those MTs are the core of some teams. The equipment is very powerful, the skills are not weak, and the attributes are quite high.

But too conceited, everyone thinks that they should take the lead, which is completely arrogant.

But this time there are two of you on the road of trial, I guess no one would have thought that two MTs in a team can participate in the road of trial at the same time, so if there is any trouble, you should be fine! "The relationship between Fang Yun and Boss He can only be said to be very ordinary, but in the case of paying 3000 universal coins, he still asked King Kong to tell Fang Yun some news. After all, money is not earned, and white is not earned...

In short, the so-called information is that the content of the plot cannot be explained clearly, and there is no mission details, it is a lot of nonsense...

But after Boss Fang concluded, this is already very good, at least it can show that the two MTs of the Satan team, participating in the trial road together, should be much easier than others, because King Kong has never heard of other teams having two MTs. MT, can be so strong...

"Don't worry, although the epic suit on your body has not yet activated all the suit attributes, but its strength is much stronger than before. If you are worried, you might as well worry about those two squishies... They are not going to enter a battle with you this time. The world!" Hanks said carelessly, not afraid of the so-called road of trials.

The same is true for Ares. It is hard for him to imagine that there is any trial that can stump him and Hanks at the same time...

But Fang Yun just looked at the two of Pete, and quickly waved his hands: "Stop being a nanny, my regimental leader, brother, I am also an apostle anyway, can you save me some face?"

Fang Yun thought for a moment when he said this, and he scratched his head, as if he always felt that he was taking care of too much, but... In life, if there are not a few like-minded brothers who accompany him all the time, is this life right? so boring?
So at the moment when he really gained brotherhood, Fang Yun would always give without thinking about anything in return, because each of them... is very important!

"Okay, okay, I won't talk nonsense, I'm going to Azeroth, why do I always feel that I have to fight the Burning Legion in the future..." Fang Yun raised his eyebrows.

Hanks quickly covered his mouth: "My captain, don't just set the flag casually, the Burning Legion will never pass..."

"Really?" Boss Fang recently researched World of Warcraft, but felt that this group of guys are average, and they are always defeated by the natives of Azeroth...

"Yes...but after all, Mr. Sa blows his breath, your Sunset City will be gone..." Pete smoked his cigar, glanced at him and said calmly.

"Okay, you take your MT trial road, I should also study, what method should I use to enter the extraordinary!" Fang Yun shook his head, not thinking about this existence that can destroy the planet with a wave, after all Zong Sa and Azeroth are separated by trillions of light years, otherwise they can't always use the soul clone to descend.


Some of everyone's attributes are now over a hundred, especially the other four members of Satan's team, the single attribute is much more prominent than Fang Yunke, maybe they are the first to enter the extraordinary, and he is slower.

However, Boss Fang was helpless, and finally decided to concentrate on his strength and follow the route of a berserk mage...

So 17 free attribute points, plus the remaining 1, there are 18 in total!
Let him add 6 points to his strength, and then it's gone... After all, it takes 3 free attribute points to add 1 point to the attribute, it's a scam!

So the current strength naked attribute is 98 points... It is still far from the extraordinary 130 points, but with the equipment, it has 123 points of strength, a proper super evolutionary!
It’s just how to become a superhuman, they don’t have any source of information, but there have been rumors that the evolutionary breaks through to the superhuman, it seems that the attribute point is not important, and another factor is the most critical...

According to rumors, that factor is called... Domain!
With the opening of the space-time channel, Boss Fang was dizzy for a while, and came to Azeroth again. As for the teleportation location, of course it was still in the room of the World Tree.

The noisy and bustling Sunset City did not change because the Sunset army died a lot in battle, because the territory of the entire Sunset Kingdom is now very large, and because the Sunset Legion's treatment is very high, it has indeed attracted many young people to join.

But Boss Fang only emphasizes the elite!
There was no conscription on a large scale, so more people had no chance to join the Sunset Legion at all!

"My country..." Boss Fang sighed leisurely after walking out of the tree house.

As a result, a message came from my ear!
"Reminder: There are more than 30 legends and more than 10 legions under the Kingdom of Sunset, and the main city of Sunset has 25 permanent residents! So Sunset City will become one of the major human cities in Azeroth.

Space will also release a series of related tasks in your territory.

At the same time, there are also contractors who will join your forces when they enter Azeroth, or complete some tasks in your territory.

But no matter what task the contractor participates in, you have no right to interfere, otherwise you will be punished! "

"Why, this is Lao Tzu's territory, okay? If they mess around and cheat my soldiers, I have no right to interfere? It's impossible!" Boss Fang got angry immediately and turned back without hesitation.

After all, he is the favorite of Space, and he helps Space to win every time without complaint, and obtains more results for Space. As long as Space belongs to advanced intelligence, or even god-level intelligence, he will definitely consider his own ideas.

Sure enough... Not long after, Space replied to the message again.

"Hint: You can intervene in some missions, including territory missions, territorial security missions, legion missions, World Tree missions, etc..."

In short, there are a lot of tasks, but Boss Fang cannot interfere with some missions issued by legendary plot characters, but even if he disrupts the situation, it is probably a small punishment. After all, who made this his territory...

(End of this chapter)

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