Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 431 The mass migration of Middle-earth.

Chapter 431 The mass migration of Middle-earth.

Boss Fang didn't deliberately hide his whereabouts, otherwise he could just ride the griffin or Xiao Hei and leave!

He came to the central fountain square generously. This is a place where the civilians of Sunset City prefer to play, but at this time it has been surrounded by a large number of guards, and no one is allowed to enter it.

Some legendary plot characters living in Sunset City rushed over one after another, feeling that something big was about to happen.

The same is true for the contractor in Sunset City. When he came to the crowd, he looked at Fang Yun, who was also a contractor, like a curious baby, wondering what this person was going to do.

Fang Yun glanced at the central square. There are fountains, seats, magic lamps, etc., and it is so big that it can accommodate ten thousand people. But the next scene cannot be accommodated in a single square.

"Legolas, how is the construction of Sunset Lake on the top of the mountain in the north of the city?" Fang Yun found the Elf Prince and asked.

"Enough houses have been built, and there should be many more vacant houses. It should be enough for the tribe to live here." Legolas Greenleaf pointed to the north direction.

Some plot characters and contractors are thoughtful. They have never understood why there is a lake on the top of the mountain and a waterfall in the place so close to the north of the city. The scenery is so beautiful. Why is Sunset City not developed?
And they are not allowed to live there alone, but recently there has been a lot of construction work, and countless beautiful tree houses have been built there, and the empty houses are not sold, which is really itchy.

It turns out that there are other elves here!
A group of people looked at Boss Fang with wide eyes, wondering how many elves he could bring!

Especially the contractors, swallowed their saliva, and seemed to think that Azeroth would have another powerful elf race!
So...Fang Yun did not disappoint them. Near a portal in the central square, he asked ten legendary mages to cast spells together.

Let it change the space coordinates and open up the plane of Middle-earth world!

After an unknown amount of time, as the extremely tall portal trembled, the dark portal suddenly began to glow with white light. When the light dissipated, everyone saw a wizard in a white robe rushing over!

Many plot characters were surprised!
Isn't this the white statue from the Academy of Magic? It is rumored that the strength of that statue is unfathomable.

I never thought that I would have the opportunity to meet a real person, and only now did I realize that this person is really a legendary high-level mage, and he is about to break through to the top-level legendary mage!

"I've seen the teacher, but I really didn't expect that it was the teacher who came through the portal first!" Fang Yun was overjoyed, and couldn't be more excited. After all, he never thought that Gandalf would really come to Azeroth one day .

"Okay, okay, I'll help these little mages stabilize the space gate first. If it wasn't for this, I would be the last one to come here!" Gandalf patted Fang Yun's shoulder, took a deep breath, and seemed to be Reminiscing about the magical elements of this world, and then gently waving the staff, a thick white light merged into the gate of space.

The powerful magic power made the portal bigger in an instant, and it was full of substance. This kind of exaggerated strength really made the other ten legendary mages admire them deeply. Their eyes were burning, and they seemed to be thinking about how to ask him about magic in the future .

After the gate of light was enlarged, the first ones were not elves, but the army of dwarves led by Thorin!
But I have to mention it!
The moment the dwarf army came over, almost everyone in Sunset City went crazy!
Because they brought a full 1000 carriages full of gold coins, the behavior of such a super local tyrant is simply crazy!
Although everyone thinks that so many gold coins are too many, when Sauron and Boss Fang met, he still sighed and said: "The gold coins that can be brought here are still too few... have you seen the gold coins from Lonely Mountain?" Yes, so much... I can’t bring it at all, I can only bring one-fifth of it, and the other gold coins are distributed to my other dwarves!"

There are almost 9 dwarves in the entire Lonely Mountain. A group of people dragged their families and came to this new world out of curiosity. Naturally, Fang Yun would not treat his brother badly. new residence.

Seeing so many dwarves appear in such a short period of time, the original native dwarves of Azeroth were really surprised, and began to send signals one after another to inform their king...

But the most exciting thing is the appearance of the elf army!
The first one to show up was of course Boss Fang's own uncle... King Elrond!

And the elves behind him are naturally all the elves of Rivendell...

I have to mention that it is extremely difficult for elves who are nearly immortal to breed offspring, and they have been fighting in Middle-earth for years.

Therefore, there are not many elves in Rivendell, only 5 horses, and this also includes most auxiliary elves and child elves who cannot fight.

But leaving Middle-earth almost like moving, the various precious items, equipment, and materials carried are simply innumerable.

Those radiant equipment, I can't wait for some contractors to dig out their eyes and throw them over to take a closer look!
The elves drew long lines and walked on the street, receiving the cheers of everyone.

King Elrond looked at the many civilians on both sides, the huge World Tree, and the huge and prosperous Sunset City, and he had to sigh that his nephew really had a hand, and really let them gain a firm foothold in Azeroth .

The maintenance of the entire portal lasted for [-] hours, and even Gandalf took a rest more than three times. Fortunately, there were many mages teleported over, so they would not feel too tired!
So many contractors also saw that Thranduil King of the Dark Forest also led 10 elves to this place. He led a huge army...and countless treasures...

At the end was the Elf Lord of Lothlorian, Celeborn, and his wife, Galadriel, who also led 8 elves to this place.

As the last elf entered the portal, the entire Sunset City ushered in 23 elves and 9 dwarves!
But the most important thing is!

Galadriel, Gandalf, King Elrond, Thranduil, and Celeborn are all legendary high-level plot characters... This situation finally made Fang Yun heave a sigh of relief, and he will no longer be alone, because In the former Sunset City, only he could become a legendary high-level existence under the condition of the king's template.

And with them living here, the future Sunset City will not be said to be safe and worry-free, but it is guaranteed not to be too passive in the face of the vast majority of enemies!
But... suddenly there appeared some extremely powerful elf kings, elf lords, dwarf kings, etc. who were unwilling to be lonely and had unique leadership qualities.

His position as the King of the Sunset is really embarrassing...that is, who the hell is in charge of this place?
(End of this chapter)

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