Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 432 It's really hard to get a name. .

Chapter 432 It's really hard to get a name. .

In fact, regarding the thoughts in Fang Yun's mind, these bigwigs have already discussed together!

So the next day, they came to the conference hall to discuss the topic of rights!

Fang Yun didn't dare to hope that he could dominate his family, even if he was related to them, but he could understand that these guys came to Azeroth because they didn't want anyone on their heads, and they didn't go to some eternity. place!
If you want to control them, it is tantamount to poaching your own corner, and you will definitely force them away!

Therefore, there are not many people in the conference hall, a total of 6 people.

The boss of Wang Fang in Sunset City.

Lord Elrond of Rivendell.

Thranduil, king of the Dark Forest elves.

Lord Celeborn of Lothlorien.

Thorin of the Lonely Mountain

White robe wizard Gandalf!
Among them, Galadriel, who is a legendary high-ranking official, did not come here, because she didn't like to discuss with everyone how to share power...or, in other words, she didn't want to face Gandalf and his husband at the same time.

In short, Fang Yun didn't want to understand this love triangle. He just hoped that these guys would not interfere with his right to control Sunset City!

But I have to say that Boss Fang's status as a half-elf gave him a great advantage!

And this group of elf kings almost all knew his mother, or were related...

In general, his mother was as much a noble princess of the Noldor as Galadriel!

He is related to King Elrond and Galadriel...

Thranduil, an old brat, even courted his wife back then!

But even if the pursuit failed, Thranduil didn't care much, because the life of an elf was extremely long, and he was confident that he would kill everyone, including Fang Yun's missing father, so Thranduil also took care of Fang Yun...

Otherwise, during the Battle of Smaug, why did Thranduil always look at Fang Yun strangely...

And Gandalf is his teacher... Then the elf kings who were all fighting for power can only use Fang Yun as a button between everyone, let him continue to control his sunset army, not to mention that they want to seize it. If you don't leave, even the elves in the Griffin Army were once their people.

But Boss Fang's charm has long convinced them, so now that they are here, they don't want to control others.

It is also because Fang Yun has developed the scale of Sunset City so powerfully before they came, and his military strength is extremely powerful, no worse than any elf king's strength, especially because of the king's template, his own strength is not too weak , They are also embarrassed to pick peaches!
What's more, they are in Azeroth. In the face of powerful races and foreign forces in this world, unity is the most important thing!
So after a while of discussions among 6 people, it was decided!

The three elven forces merged into one and lived together in the holy land of the elves, Sunset Lake.

The three elven kings jointly guard the elven race in Middle-earth, let it develop and grow, and become a powerful race in Azeroth!

At the same time, take out an army of 3 elves to protect the territory of Sunset City!

And the supreme commander of these [-] elves is a legendary figure under the three elf kings.

Sorin originally planned to live for the rest of his life, but his life has become longer again, and he is unwilling to be lonely!

He also gave an army of 1 dwarves to guard Sunset City, and this 1 dwarf army will be controlled by his son, and he will let his people build more equipment to supply the army of Sunset City!
In short, these 4 horses belong to Sunset City, but they must press their own signs on the heads of these people.

As for the Elf Kings and even Sorin, they will not easily interfere with the development and planning of Sunset City. Their main purpose is to develop the population and create more villains... Of course, the most important thing is to enhance their own strength!

This high-magic plane is no worse than the Eternal Land. They plan to live on the World Tree and strengthen their strength all the time!
And Azeroth is so big, there is a new world tree beside him, and a bright future is in front of him, as long as he can seize the opportunity!

In Azeroth in the future, there will definitely be a place for the elves of Middle-earth.

Gandalf will also be identified as the guardian of Sunset City.

He will reside in the mage's tower on top of the hill.

Always pay attention to the safety of Sunset City.

At the same time, he will also become the honorary dean of the magic academy, and will come to the magic academy to teach some magic from time to time!
As for the financial reports brought by these Elf Kings or Sorin and others, they still belong to them naturally, but the gold coins need to be reworked and engraved with the symbols of Sunset City and World Tree.


The sudden reception of hundreds of thousands of elves in Sunset City has indeed become a major event in Azeroth, and various rumored versions have been passed on to the mainland.

In particular, those existences like the Elf King were all legendary high-level existences, which really dispelled the evil thoughts of many local elves.

Because they discovered at this time that King El Yunze also had a foundation, so they really never dared to do anything to the World Tree again.

Faced with this situation, many countries in Azeroth have sent envoys to congratulate... well... it can be regarded as congratulations, after all, there are more forces resisting the tribe, at least it can relieve their great pressure .

Even Lothar also took time to come here. At this time, as the supreme commander of the alliance, he was very busy all day long. He came directly from the portal to greet Fang Yun. Of course, the most important thing is that this guy hopes that Sunset City Send more reinforcements!
Boss Fang has a big family and a big business at this time, so he waved his hand and added three more troops to him!

In fact, he didn't want to see Lothar die... because according to history, he would be killed by Orgrim Doomhammer in the Battle of Blackrock Spire, so Fang Yun not only sent three legions, but also let Lai Golas led the army out.

In fact, he didn't intend for the prince to kill as many orcs as he wanted, and he only wanted him to save Lothar's life at a critical moment.

If Lothar can really survive, the relationship between the Alliance and the Horde will undergo tremendous changes, and the future history will also be completely changed...


The strength of Sunset City is getting stronger and stronger, but this situation also makes Fang Yun a little uneasy, because the space has not restricted the growth of his troops, so is it also showing that the future enemies will become stronger and stronger?

Will the tribe become stronger and stronger in the future, the sky will invade in the near future, and the Burning Legion will come, all of which will cause him great headaches!

In the end, Boss Fang sighed, no longer thinking about it, and threw the Philosopher's Stone to Gandalf, asking him to help refine a lot of elixir, and give it to those with a short lifespan. Danger!

Because he asked Taylor and the others, the group of guys hesitated, saying that they were cheated on the island of the devil, and wanted to go back and kill the Dark Lord, but it seemed that some seals were broken, and many brothers died, and then A group of magicians with thin sticks as staffs were attracted.

The strength is overwhelming, and several people are the existences that can blow up a street with just a single spell...

If it weren't for their good strength, while everyone on both sides ran out and boarded the Black Dragon, they might have wiped out the group of mages riding flying brooms, so I haven't dared to say this so far. thing……

And this is the real reason why Boss Fang doesn't want to hold the Philosopher's Stone...

"MD, the era before Harry Potter, it's very good, it's awesome, your uncle, that's the era when black magic was prevalent... It seems that Dumbledore hasn't been born yet..." Back to the space The boss started to collect information while cursing, hoping to have a better life in the next world. He only hoped that he would be able to surf the boat and not go to any land...

(End of this chapter)

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