Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 433 St. Martin Island

Chapter 433 St. Martin Island
The scenery in the space is beautiful and pleasant, and various high-tech auxiliary products emerge in an endless stream, only you can't think of, you can't see it all.

So this place is very suitable for the elderly to support their lives, but it is definitely not suitable for them, the contractors, to eat and die here every day, because it will kill their fighting spirit and make them bloodless!
So at the stage of evolution, basically the time of returning will be filled with the multi-functional gym, sweating, maintaining one's own tension, or returning to the real world to calm down, and face the next plot world with a flat mind.

Boss Fang also planned this way, so he was either collecting information about the Caribbean Sea every day, or wasting his energy in the gym!
As for the real world, it doesn't matter if you can't go back, at least for him, it's better to go and see the starry sky scenery outside the space.

The colorful stars are shining, galaxies gather together in the distance, like fireflies, beautiful and fascinating, and this is the main universe!
Space is like a big ball, floating around aimlessly. He has never seen space use the ability to travel at the speed of light or jump space for anything.

Even when there is a space war, it has never been so urgent, it seems that everything will not make it appear urgent.

If space is such a small ball, even smaller than a planet, how did it dominate the universe and dominate multiple planes?

Boss Fang didn't know about this issue, but he learned from multiple levels that extraordinary people are not in this space.

Well, in other words, within the sphere of Killing Space, there are two levels, one level belongs to the contractor and the evolutionary, and the other level belongs to the extraordinary, just like humans and ghosts are on the earth at the same time, but you can’t see it You, I can't see you, and I can't interfere with each other.

In short, the power of the space is unimaginable. Two days later, I had a face-to-face meeting with my friends from the Satan team, drank some wine, smoked a small cigarette, and went to the vicinity of the light gate to teleport!
But in the past two days, Fang Yun finally let Fang Yun know one thing!

The ark space was completely defeated!

They also delivered about 20 game world sources to Killing Space as a condition for a truce.

It is rumored that there are a series of sci-fi and fantasy game worlds such as Call of Duty 13, The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt, Ark, Dynasty Warriors, Assassin's Creed, and Crysis.

If Fang Yun and the others have a chance, they may also go to the game world to have fun.

If you want to say why the Ark Space is so miserable, you can only say that the Killing Space is too dark, or very awesome!
It didn't know what method it used to find the earth plane of the ark space summoning contractors, and put a large number of super T viruses in it...

It directly caused heavy losses to humans on the earth plane, and this modified version of the killing space T virus.

Even if Ark Space wants to easily develop an antidote, it will take a lot of time, but Killing Space can quickly develop an antidote in order to avoid Ark Space.

I don't know how it happened, but the super T virus can be transmitted through the air. In just one week, as many as billions of human beings have become zombies. I don't know how many contractors, the moment they return, they see their own bodies. The family members have all turned into emotionless cannibals, which caused many contractors to collapse directly!
In this case, Ark Space had to withdraw a large number of contractors and go to the real world to solve the zombie problem, but the time it took was probably not too short.

As for the more powerful rumors, the Ark space will abandon that earth plane and search for another earth plane with many human talents.

But in a short period of time, the ark space, which has been greatly injured, has lost the source of summoning contractors, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to toss anymore!
Boss Fang can only say one thing about Killing Space's technique, you are awesome!
"But doing so will undoubtedly cause the Ark Space to fight back. I guess when the Ark Space recovers, there will be a big fight?" Ares frowned, secretly thinking that the two big girls are going to fight. Fastest!

"What can we do? Improve your strength as soon as possible. I really want to see what kind of existence you will become after passing through the MT road!" Fang Yun shrugged, facing this irreversible situation, then accept it silently Bar……

"gogogo, let the storm come more violently!" Hanks clenched his fists and moved his back a few times lustfully. This style of painting made many contractors look over and point. .

And the rest of Satan's team also fell silent.

One after another, they walked into the gate of light like a normal person, pretending not to know him...

Boss Fang, who teleported alone, didn't know if there would be other contractors in this plot world, but he was fearless!

So... his body turned into bits and pieces and scattered away.

"Beginning to enter the world of drama"

"Start matching data"

"Start to assimilate the characters with the world"

"Start entering the world!"


Fang Yun opened his eyes. At this moment, he was standing on the side of the street, looking at the coastline on the right. The extremely clear waves rushed up slowly, and then slowly slid down.

"This smell of the sea is really memorable. It seems that this is in the Caribbean?" Fang Yun raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and raised the pirate hat on his head with his arms... Then he was severely beaten Pushed his back.

"What are you looking at? If you look at the beach again, I'll throw you into the sea and drown you. Damn... stinky... stinky pirate!" A British soldier in red and white and holding a musket shoved him timidly. .

And the companion around him directly gave him a thumbs up for his behavior, and whispered: "FUCK, you are amazing, even the captain of the Black Dragon dares to push, and he is not afraid that he will turn into a dragon and ask you for a bite." !"

"Xue Te, old man, I'm not afraid, and you don't want to see if he can bite me!" The fat British soldier swallowed, anyway, he was pointing a musket at him at this time, so he didn't make any more moves. That's enough, it's enough to pretend to be aggressive. Didn't you see all the girls on the side of the road blowing kisses to him?

Or this is also an illusion... That girl is kissing Yunfei...

As for Boss Fang...

At this time, his head was tied up with iron plates, his arms were also tied up with iron chains, and a large iron ball weighing more than 20 kilograms was tied to each ankle.

No problem!
At the beginning, that's the fucking situation. At this time, he is being dragged to sentence, followed by 30 British soldiers, all nervously pointing their muskets at him, ready to fire at any time!
And the further you go, the more mobs...well, definitely his mobs!
Because these bastards were holding rotten eggs, and rotten vegetable leaves were thrown at him...

"Smash him, smash him, smash this stinky pirate!"

"Look at my rotten eggs!!" a fat woman yelled, as if she hated the pirates.

"FUCK, look at Lao Tzu's stone!!" A guy who has finished throwing it smoothly, even picked up a fist-sized stone and was about to throw it...

Faced with this situation, Fang Yun had no choice but to yell: "I hate your wife, if you dare to throw stones, I will kill you!"

Fang Yun's aura changed, and the shackles on his body were also creaking, which really made this troublemaker swallow unconsciously, and he didn't know when he dropped the stone!

"MD, what a coward!" Captain Fang turned around cursingly, if it wasn't for blending into the plot, he would have broken free of the shackles a long time ago.

And the dozens of British soldiers whose bodies were covered with vegetable leaves also breathed a sigh of relief. This guy's dodging ability is still very strong even if he is they all fell for the trick.

(End of this chapter)

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