Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 434 The hanging of the cheating father.

Chapter 434 The hanging of the cheating father.

"Pirate, how do you want to die, huh?" A British soldier took notes here with a small pen and greeted loudly. Fang Yun had just walked over when he saw a familiar scene... from Pirates of the Caribbean 5 The plot is the scene where Captain Jack chooses the guillotine.

"We have hangings, shootings, and a new invention... the guillotine, which one do you choose?"

"Is it a new invention, OK, OK, it sounds like something from France, um, I like French taste, let's have this..." Jack didn't notice Boss Fang who was locked behind him, he hesitated and chose a A way to die...

And after he walked over, the call sounded...

Nothing else, mainly the reward offered by the captain of the White Wizard, which is much higher than the reward offered by the captain of the Black Pearl, um... it seems to be 1000 times higher...

"Hey, wow, it turned out to be the captain of the Black Dragon worth 1000 gold coins. Well, today there is also a captain of the Black Pearl worth 1 gold coin. I didn't expect you both to be caught. It's really a day worth cheering and celebrating." The official exclaimed, and everyone looked over.

Jack, who was full of weird pendants, turned his head to look at him with wide eyes, and greeted him: "Hey, pastor, what a coincidence today, you choose the guillotine... A new way of dying, why don't you try it first..."

After seeing the guillotine, Captain Jack, who felt a little regretful, immediately flickered.

"NO, I'm 1000 times more expensive than you, so I wouldn't choose the guillotine. I want the oldest punishment to reflect my sails as a pirate, so I choose... Hanging!" With a high luck value, I won't die after wandering on the guillotine for so long...

The recording officer raised his eyebrows: "Okay, since you choose to hang, then let the witches send queens, I believe everyone would like to see two pirate captains die at the same time..."

"Yes, kill the pirates and hang them!"

"After killing them, throw their bodies into the stinky ditch to feed the rats!"

Hearing the booing from this group of people, Captain Fang rolled his eyes helplessly: "MD, if I hadn't become a lot more civilized recently... I would definitely scold you so much that you old ladies can't even recognize you..."

At this time, the plot information finally appeared!

"Time: Late seventeenth century, 12 noon"

"Location: Caribbean Sea, St. Maarten!"

"Difficulty: Unknown"

"Pain reduction: 50%"

"Additional enhancement of personal ability: 0.00%"

"Current scene exploration: 21%"

"Caribbean connection: 89%"

Main mission: Return the sea world of Pirates of the Caribbean to normal!

Side quest: Help Jack kill Captain Salazar from the Bermuda Triangle!
"Explanation: This scene is a peaceful scene, and the contractor will not drop any items when killed!"

"Hint: You will automatically master the relevant language, you can interact smoothly with the characters in the plot, and forget it after leaving this world."


For many people, hanging is basically a certain death!

Because during torture, the rope will block the aorta of the victim's neck and vertebral artery, resulting in cerebral ischemia and death, and at the same time, the vertebrae will be broken during the sudden fall.

As for suffocation caused by tracheal occlusion, in fact, this kind of situation rarely happens. After all, the person died before this.

So the difference between watching domestic movies and foreign movies is... Foreign people who hang themselves usually die very quickly.

And some people in the domestic movie hanged for a long time, and they will live after being rescued...the reason is that he still has breath and can live...

But Boss Fang is not an ordinary person. His neck is strong enough, his body is muscular, and when he takes off his clothes, he is guaranteed to seduce a lot of noble young women...

So he is not afraid of this kind of punishment. The contractor's body is digitized. With his life value, even if his head is broken, he can still live for a few seconds.

As for holding your breath, even after hanging for a few minutes, Boss Fang can still live steadily, and even roll his eyes when he is fine, and maybe he can stick out his tongue, etc...

What's more, when he came to the gallows, the torturer took off the shackles on his body, and finally his neck loosened a lot, and his arms were loosened, so it was no problem.

And when he looked at the witch, Karina, Barbossa's daughter, and was about to say something to her, Fang Yun glanced at his feet in surprise!
"What? Don't you need to take off the two 20kg iron balls on your feet?" Boss Fang swallowed, turned his head and asked.

The British soldier with a full beard rubbed his palms, and touched Karina's buttocks flirtatiously. He was stared at by her, but he was not angry. He turned his head and smiled sinisterly at Fang Yun: "NONONO, my lord knows you You have good strength, even if you are hanged, you may not be able to die, so these two iron balls are specially prepared for you!"


"I drafted it, I can't take it anymore, you bastards, kill it!" Boss Fang made a move at the first word of disagreement, and kicked like lightning, and the extremely heavy iron ball was thrown out.

The British soldier was stunned for a moment, and was hit on the head by an iron ball, and his head exploded in an instant, and the white brains...splashed the face of Karina beside him.

Boss Fang glanced at the stunned Karina, who seemed to be full of You Lemei... and was about to enter the brink of collapse, he couldn't help shrugging: "Sorry, I didn't mean to..."


"Bang bang bang!" The musketeer next to him was not an idiot, and the moment Fang Yun used violence, he fired one after another, and the ancient muskets spouting flames and black smoke burst out at this time with extraordinary lethality .

"My Cao, do it, Jack, where is your crew, fire it!" Fang Yun's body was not convenient to move, and he could only resist a few shots, and blood holes appeared on his body, but no one knew that it was just a skin trauma, No bones were injured, and only lost more than 700 health points at this time.

But what the hell is this attack power?

His defense power is already exaggerated, but this kind of musket can kill so much blood in just a few shots, it's really crazy!

Jack was pressed on the guillotine with a dazed expression on his face, and he yelled, "How do I know where those traitors went to drink?"

With his roar, the sound of gunfire suddenly rang out. I don't know if it was a sudden change in the plot. The shell directly hit the guillotine on top of Jack's head, knocking it into the air with a heavy force. Cutting off several civilians at the waist, the picture is extremely bloody!
As for Will Turner's son, Henry Turner, he still dragged the rope and fell from the sky, but... his head fell to the ground, and he hit Fang Yun's feet with a bang...

It looked like it was hurting, but Henry Turner was fine. He got up and glanced at Fang Yun curiously, as if he knew his identity, then glanced at the gunshot wound on his body, and couldn't help swallowing. Drooling, not daring to meet Fang Yun's gaze.

Cut off the rope that helped Karina with one knife and take her away.

Boss Fang glanced at the chaotic crowd, and hurriedly left here with Jack and the others... After all, it seemed that there were no other contractors here.

(End of this chapter)

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